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"There was a bug." Chungmin's deep voice trying to sound innocent, Yoongi had pushed himself to his feet, although he was tiny compared to the massive man of full muscle.

"Don't call my girl a bug you fucker." Yoongi growled. "A roach then?" Chungmin shrugged, Yoongi tried to throw hands at him but Jungmin grabbed his arms holding him back. Namjoon walking over from behind the bar counter. "Hey hey, don't get into more fights, I just cleaned up the bloody mess!"

"Ah yes, sorry, my bad." Chungmin fake apologized, focusing his attention on Saeyoon.

"Your boy here is a killer, you know?" He nodded at Yoongi, Saeyoon could feel the anger radiating off him. She nodded nervously.

"Did you know he was sent to kill you?" He smirked, Yoongi immediately turning around to look at her, Saeyoon meeting his eyes with disgust in hers. "You what?" She gasped. "Don't listen to him, he's blabbering." Yoongi tried to excuse it. "I'm not, he was on his mission, to go get rid of you, when he decided not to." Chungmin pressed on, Saeyoon backed up from Yoongi, disbelief all over her. He was going to kill her? Even if he wasn't doing the job anymore, she was still his mission. A mission. "Sae, don't listen to him..." Yoongi tried to take her hand in his but she pulled away.

"You were going to kill me?" Her voice broke, Yoongi softening, "it's not what he's making it to be, I can explain."

"Get away from me!" She hit him in the chest, pushing past him, Chungmin putting his arm out to stop her from passing. "He also killed your little friend." Chungmin muttered. ", no, no I didn't! Saeyoon I wasn't in that! I wasn't in it! Sae don't listen to him, he's messing with your head!" Yoongi yelled, Saeyoon slowly turning around to look at him, hurt in her eyes. Who was she to believe anymore?

"Sae bubbas I didn't do it! I didn't hurt her! I wasn't in the bar! I was down in Gwangju!" Yoongi pleaded, but Saeyoon still didn't know what to do. Feel bad? Side with him? Or Chungmin? The man she know drugged her friend? But he also tried to kill her...

"Don't contact me." Saeyoon managed out, sliding under Chungmin's arm, she grabbed Jungmin's arm and pulled him along after her out of the club.

If he was telling the truth, then Chungmin got what he wanted. Separating the two. If Yoongi wasn't, then she wanted nothing to do with him. He's a murderer! He killed people! Why are you so blind to love? She scolded herself, Jungmin desperately trying to get her to stop yanking on him so hard. "How could he? How could he! I trusted him!" She yelled. "He didn't...kill you! He's not even working...anymore...aiish! Stop pulling so hard Sae!" Jungmin cried out, Saeyoon eventually letting him go and plopping down under a tree.

Jungmin rubbed his shoulder, joining her in her seat under the leaves, the two calming down for a bit. "He tried to kill me..." Saeyoon whispered, Jungmin looked at her, picking at the grass. "He didn't really though...he was sent after you...but he never actually attempted to, I guess that's a bonus?"

"But who sent him after me? Who could want me dead?" She pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knee. "And he was there when Junsu was mur-"

"No, he wasn't." Jungmin cut her off, his seriousness making her go quiet, even her thoughts quieted, looking at him puzzled. "He said he wasn't, he was in Gwangju, I know because I saw him there, in the clothing store."

"You...what? When were you in Gwangju?" Saeyoon stared at him wide-eyed. "The night Junsu got into the crash, I met Yoongi in the men's department. I asked him if he worked there, and he said no. I was going to get a hoodie for Daeho, but I noticed something off about him. He had blood on his cheek, I asked him if he was okay, he said yes, I mentioned the blood and he looked like he was about to cry. Something happened to him on that day, Sae, he wasn't in Seoul, don't let that drug bitch fuck Chungmin trick you into thinking that!" Jungmin raised his voice, Saeyoon staring at him shocked.

" did know him then..."

"I didnt know his name, I didn't realize it was him until I saw him up close, his features weren't the same staring through a goddamn cafe window." He swore, Saeyoon leaning back against the tree.

He was innocent. But something else happened? She felt a wave of guilt overflow her. She let Chungmin get into her easily too...

Because he's a manipulator...maybe Jimin was right. "I have to go." Saeyoon got up, running back towards the club.

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