walking home

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Sitting at her desk, pencil twirling in her fingers, Saeyoon blocked out the teachers lecture, staring out the window at the slightly cloudy sky.

A tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. Turning around, Rin smiled at her. "Who was that boy you were hanging out with? I heard he left town after hanging out with you, wanted to escape the wrath that is your existence."

Saeyoon rolled her eyes turning back around and focusing on the front. Yet her mind immediately turned away. Don't walk anywhere alone? What is he talking about? Was Yoongi really crazy? Or did that man say something...it confused Saeyoon. Was it protection? Or being controlling? Who was Youngju? And how did Yoongi know him? Why did he say Yoongi wasn't a nice person?

Rubbing her temples, the bell rang, which Saeyoon grabbed her bag and shot up out of the seat, ignoring her friends as she pulled out her phone, running down the corridor to the front of the school and calling Yoongi.

"Hey." Shit. His voice sounded huskier on the phone. "You wanna walk me home?" Saeyoon asked. "Yeah, be there in a few." Yoongi's voice seemed to get higher, like he was excited. Smiling, she hung up, leaning against a wall while waiting. "Hey Sae."

Looking behind her, Daeho scooted up next to her. "Whatcha doin here?" He looked out at the sidewalk leading down from the school. "Waiting." She huffed. "For who?"


"So Yoongi is his name." Daeho looked at her, Saeyoon straightened her posture, looking up at him. "Daeho he's not bad," is he though? "He treats me nicely, he just wanted to walk me home."

"If you aren't home by five, you're not walking home with him." Daeho walked towards the door. "Hey! That's not fair! You don't even know him!" Saeyoon shouted at him. "Exactly!" Daeho yelled back, opening the door and walking out.

Saeyoon groaned, leaning back against the wall. "Oh hey!" Rin shrieked, Saeyoon looked at her before quickly hiding her face behind her hand. "It's good to see you, I was wondering why you ran, I didn't scare you, did I? Did Mr. Stranger hurt your feelings? Boohoo." Rin giggled. Saeyoon kept her eyes glued to the floor, praying Yoongi would get here faster.

"We should go talk by the lockers, shouldn't we." Rin put her hand on Saeyoon's shoulder, which she pushed away. "Don't touch me." Saeyoon muttered. "What? Mute I didn't hear you, speak up." Rin mocked, getting close to Saeyoon's face.

Suddenly, a slightly larger figure stood up next to Saeyoon, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. "She said don't touch her." Yoongi's low octave voice made Saeyoon freeze, Rin backing up from Saeyoon. "You...uh..."

"I have ears, I can hear, I know, how shocking." Yoongi grabbed Saeyoon's hand. "Well, since you ladies are done talking, let's go." Yoongi pulled Saeyoon along behind him.

Walking out of the school, Yoongi put his arm around Saeyoon. "Why do you want me to be under you constantly." Saeyoon muttered.

"Don't make it sound sexual." Yoongi chuckled, Saeyoon slapped his chest, trying to hold back a small smile. "I just wanna know you better." He fibbed. She knew he was. "Ya know, boyfriend girlfriend things." He sighed. Saeyoon stopped walking, earning a confused look from the boy. "Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Uhh...I thought..."

"Yeah yeah but you didn't technically ask." Saeyoon crossed her arms. Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging, he seethed through his teeth in an uncomfortable inhale. "Well...I mean...I'm shy-"

"Then no." Saeyoon smirked, walking passed him down the hill. "Wait wait!" He yelled, running down to her. "I don't want to ask you here, it's to close to school...which nobody likes, come on." Yoongi gripped her hand, pulling her along as they crossed over pathways onto a field and towards the cafe.

"I figured...ya know...if I was to ask you it'd be here." Yoongi slowed down, Saeyoon catching her breath from the short runs they'd do in between walks, going inside the cafe, Yoongi looked at where they had first sat together, the seats open. He quickly snagged the seat, sitting down in the same positions as last time.

"Dear god." Saeyoon mumbled, wondering why she even said anything in the first place. Looking around the cafe, she realized nobody else was in the cafe, since everybody had moved outside (for it was quite hot inside the cafe to begin with).

"So, Saeyoon." Yoongi leaned onto the table, enclosing her hands into his, Saeyoon leaning forward to match him. Butterflies shot around her stomach. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea...

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Yoongi smiled, Saeyoon felt her throat clog. No. Say no. You can't date. Her hands became clammy, his features were soft. His hooded eyes lit up, his smile wide. Almost like a gummy smile.

Had he never asked somebody out before? She was sure by the way he dressed so hot that he'd easily slept with every female in his apartment complex, yet here he was, shaking like a nervous puppy while looking like a toddler asking for candy.

Yes. Yes. Absolutely, yes. Shout it if you want to, hug him, kiss his face. Maybe even his lips...yes and kiss him. It's love, everything in your heart says yes.


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