main street

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Saeyoon and Yoongi walked side by side down the main street. Pinkies intertwined, the bad boy side of the boy replaced by a shy bubbly person as he showed her places he loved hanging out at. Which wasn't at all what Saeyoon imagined him hanging out at.

Some locations were on busy streets, in a cafe chair that over looked people from the balcony window, others were middle of parks where he would star gaze to forget the world. Some inside museums with long tapestry of ancient art and music, it seemed as though he showed her the world. His world.

Driving up to a hill top, they got out and Saeyoon stood next to the car, her breath taken away from the view of the city. She could see for miles...and even pointed out her school in the distance. Yoongi hopped up onto the hood of his car, leaning against his windshield.

"You have a lot of free time on your hands, don't you." Saeyoon smiled a little, Yoongi shrugged, relaxing. "I don't go to school, ain't nobody has time for that, I don't have a job, don't have anybody, so I have time to explore."

"You don't have anybody? Surely you've brought a girl up here before." Saeyoon looked at him, he shook his head, keeping his eyes on the city. "Nope, not one. I don't like people. To loud, noisy, never shut up, same old thing." He grouched, Saeyoon tilted her head, frowning. "Not even family?"

Yoongi's face softened, shaking his head slightly.

"Ah, I see, well...should we head back?" Saeyoon looked out at the city, "why now? There's still a lot to see." Yoongi leaned up, scooting over to her. "I can't miss to much schoo-"

"I can't miss to much school," Yoongi mocked, "you're skipping for a reason, come on, there's really good street food here." Yoongi slid off the hood of his car, hurrying back to the drivers seat, Saeyoon chuckled watching him eagerly get in, getting back into the passenger seat.

Yoongi pulled up beside a park, the two of them getting out, pinkies intertwining again as he led her up to a vendor, taking a seat as he ordered for them. Saeyoon looked around at her surroundings, the tall park trees were much bigger than the park trees she were used to. They towered over the sidewalks, shading every inch from the heating sun, beautiful women walking next to handsomely dressed men, the smell of different vendors food all filling into her nose, making her stomach rumble more.

A dish was settled in front of her, attracting her attention to it. "Kimchi-jjigae," Yoongi said, like he was answering her questions in her head for her, "it's very popular on this side of town." He said as he began eating quickly.

"Are we on the rich side or something? Everybody here is dressed so nicely." Saeyoon looked around, Yoongi making a laughing sound (which also sounded like he was choking). "Not really, it's just appeal on this side of town." He weakly spoke, before digging back in. Saeyoon's eyes scanned the area, not really sure what she was looking for, before joining Yoongi in his eating.

"Aye bro!" A voice spoke from behind them, Saeyoon and Yoongi turning at the same time to look behind them, a guy who didn't look much older than Yoongi slapped him on the back. "Good seeing you! Where have you been?" The guy leaned towards him, his voice lowering. "Digging through the trash for food again, are you?"

Yoongi slowly turned back facing forward, setting down his utensils, Saeyoon glared at the guy. Who did he think he was?

The guy looked at her, nodding at her. "Is this a date? Oooh baby boy got a date!" The guy hollered, grabbing Yoongi's shoulders and shaking him. "Can you even afford this food? Or is she paying?" He laughed, Yoongi still said nothing, Saeyoon about to break her third nerve.

"Aye! Did you go deaf? Do I gotta do this or something?" The guy nudged Saeyoon's arm, which Yoongi stood up, he was smaller than the guy, but still seemed to size up to him. "Leave her out of this." His voice was low and threatening, which Saeyoon knew was a bad sign, she grabbed his hand forcing him to sit back down. The guy bursting out laughing, Saeyoon looked behind him at a few other men also snickering.

The guy leaned back into Yoongi. "Why don't we excuse you from this date and go teach you about what happens when you mess with the wrong people?"

"Leave him alone." Saeyoon now butted in, the guy looked at her and chuckled, she noticed Yoongi's stare at her, shaking his head. "Hey! You're the mute kid! I know girlfriend tells me all about you!" The guy yelled, Saeyoon raised an eyebrow, before slowly turning back around. "Hey mute! Can I steal your boyfriend for a bit?" The guy grabbed Yoongi's arm, but before Yoongi could react, Saeyoon slammed down her utensils on the table, standing up, and with one swift movement, sucker-punched the guy in the face, which he let go of Yoongi and flopped backwards into his buddies, holding his nose.

Yoongi stood up, giving the woman money before grabbing Saeyoon's hand, he pulled her along as the other men chased after them.

He pulled her into an alleyway, running to the middle before cutting down another line of backstreet, heading back out the main street, the two bursting through the club doors and pushing people out of the way, both of them diving behind the counter, snickering to each other as they hid under the bar counter. Namjoon's feet walking over to them and staring at them. "What are you weirdos doin-"

"Where are they?" A familiar voice yelled, Yoongi and Saeyoon immediately putting their hands over the others mouth. Namjoon quickly caught on and stood over them, his black apron hiding their feet as the men glanced over the counter. "Sir, you cannot be looking back here." Namjoon's stern voice was something that shocked Saeyoon. She had never heard such a tone come from him.

"Bitch fucking punched me! I swear to god I don't care if she's a girl, when I get my hands on her I'm going to-"

"Leave." Namjoon snapped, Yoongi and Saeyoon holding in their laughter as the club winded back up.

"You're good now." Namjoon stepped back, letting the two get up from their spots. "What did you even do?"

"Saeyoon punched a guy." Yoongi shrugged, Namjoon looked at Saeyoon shocked. "Who?"

"Akela." Yoongi smirked, Namjoon bit his lip, hiding a smile. Saeyoon looked between them. Akela?

"Quickly, go out the back, and don't get into trouble." Namjoon hurried them out from behind the bar counter into the back.

Closing the door, leaving Saeyoon and Yoongi in the back room, they broke out laughing, Yoongi hugging Saeyoon as she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. "You're one hell of a bad bitch."

"Men aren't the only strong ones." Saeyoon smiled, leaning into him as they walked out the back door.

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