bar fight

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"You kissed him?" Jungmin shrieked.

"Your lips actually touched?" Suyin stared wide eyed.

"Wait, you actually kissed?" Daeho stood with his arms crossed.

"Yes yes! It was so sudden, I wasn't trying to, it just happened, but I don't regret it." Saeyoon smiled proudly, remembering the way their lips fit like a puzzle. Perfect.

"Can you even handle a man?" Jungmin snickered, Suyin slapping his arm, he rubbed his arm wincing, glaring at the girl as she walked over to Saeyoon sitting on her bed. "I'm glad you got him, but did you not listen to when I said he's a literal hit man?"

"But it was his job, past tense, he doesn't do it anymore." Saeyoon defended, Suyin sighed, Daeho's eyes widened. "He's a hitman? What? Saeyoon who are you hanging out with?!"

"He gave me his umbrella! An evil man wouldn't give me his umbrella!" Saeyoon shouted. "Just because he gave you an umbrella doesn't mean he won't murder you!" Jungmin sided with Daeho. "Seriously? He's done nice things for me! Sookjae even trusted him with me alone in the kitten rescue!"

"You were alone with him in the kitten rescue?" Daeho looked more in disbelief with every word coming out of Saeyoon's mouth.

"Yeah! And I went to his apartment alone with him! And I still seem to be here, aren't I? Or am I some ghost?" Saeyoon crossed her arms. "You went in his APARTMENT?" Daeho yelled, Suyin put her hands up to pause the fight. "Okay calm down, before we attract anybody, let's look at the pros and cons, the cons are that he was a hit man and did bad things to people, the pros are that he knows how to fight so he can protect Sae, he's kind, he hasn't done anything stupid to Sae, he's reasonable, and by the sounds of him, he's a bit loyal. See? More pros than cons." Suyin reasoned, but Daeho still had fury in his eyes.

"Daeho, don't murder your sister please." Jungmin squeaked, Daeho looked at him, a harsh glare making Jungmin shy down for once. "You guys, he doesn't seem all that bad, let's all meet him! Then make your judgements, only Saeyoon really knows him." Suyin offered up, Jungmin and Saeyoon nodding eagerly, Daeho slowly moving his head into a nod.

"Fine then, come on." Saeyoon got up off her bed, her phone ringing, she pardoned herself and answered it.


"Club now!" A familiar voice yelled through the phone, hanging up, Saeyoon stared at her phone confused. "What is it?" Jungmin tilted his head looking at her. "I don't know...something at the club."

Daeho softened, Suyin puffing her cheeks and putting her hand on the back of his neck. "You two can go, Daeho can go play games and I'll be there shortly." She pulled Daeho out of the room, Saeyoon and Jungmin shrugging at each other before running out of the room.


Perhaps it was the fear locked inside her that she didn't know what to do, or the pure shock at what lay before her. A brawl gone wrong.

Yoongi sat on the floor with his back pressed against the side of the bar counter, hair ruffled, cuts on his slightly exposed collarbone and a bleeding cut on his cheek, the corner of his bottom lip bleeding, his nose smothered in more blood. His hands were cut up as well, his shirt ripped at the torso, exposing pale untouched skin.

"Yoongi!" Saeyoon gasped, hurrying over to him and kneeling down, looking him up and down in shock. He weakly chuckled, glancing at her. "Hey bubba." He muttered, Saeyoon felt butterflies flap around her stomach, heart soaring, she quickly pushed it down, lightly touching his collarbone cuts. "What happened to you?!"

"Ah...just some fighting...what's new with me." He examined her panicked face, like he was enjoying the sight of her concern as she scanned his body for extra cuts. "Who did you fight? You didn't pour beer on some drunk person again, did you?" Saeyoon asked as she grabbed a bartender rag and gently pressed it against his cheek. "No no...just some business."

"You aren't still a hit man are you?"

"No, not that type of business...well kinda...but not my job...ex job..." Yoongi mumbled, Saeyoon sighing as she patted his face with the cloth, wiping away blood around the wound. Thankful that it wasn't in any need of stitching. "You really are a trouble maker." Jungmin kneeled down next to them, Yoongi looking at the boy and chuckling. "Assuming he's a friend." Yoongi glanced back at Saeyoon nodding.

"Is anything broken?" She asked, Yoongi shaking his head, his voice had grown tired. He was lucky to not have gotten bigger injuries, and that they were only cuts.

They stayed in silence for awhile as Namjoon cleared out the rest of the bar while getting bandages, Yoongi staring at Saeyoon like he'd never get to see her again as she wiped up bloody wounds.

Suddenly, Yoongi's eyes widened, grabbing Saeyoon's arm and pulling her into him, he practically rolled her over him, Saeyoon didn't know why until when it settled she heard the loud crack of something heavy fall where she had been sitting.

Chungmin standing over it.

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