one more kiss

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Yoongi stared at the dark road, his headlights igniting the road, his hand still held the sleeping beauty next to him, occasionally he would look at her and smile.

Coming to a red light, he slowed to a stop, eyes scanning the road, the green light flashing in his sight, and took off again. It was quiet, and it was peaceful. Yet, the night drives no longer felt lonely. It felt like this one girl...who he met one day out of nowhere...had become every person in the world...she was his fight for life. Without her, he couldn't imagine any life. Any happiness. Without her, he may have just quit completely.

Glancing back at her, her head against the window, eyelids closed, he smiled a little, focusing back on the road.

Tilting his head a bit, he let out a held in sigh, when suddenly bright lights flashed in front of him as a car flew into his lane at him, turning the wheel hard and swerving off the road, Yoongi grabbed Saeyoon and broke the seatbelt as he threw himself over her to protect her, the car slamming into a ditch so hard it flipped over.

Yoongi groaned, rubbing his head, the front of the car so broken one of the front parts was through the windshield where he had been sitting. He tried to move, but felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking at his bleeding ribcage, glass shards had stabbed into his skin and a small metal part was in his side. He looked at the face of his lover, who looked at him wide awake, yet confusion was in her eyes.

Hearing a dripping, he looked at the car gas leaking, and smoke rising up.

Panicked, he forgot about the metal and glass in his side as he pulled Saeyoon's seatbelt so hard it eventually snapped out, he kept Saeyoon from getting hurt as he slid out from the car, weakly getting up and turning back to the car, grabbing her and pulling her out, the car began to make a ticking noise.

Saeyoon, confused and still shocked at what was going on, grabbed onto his arms as he pulled her out.

Getting onto ground, Yoongi pushed her away from the car, she fell scratching her arms and knees on the pavement, Yoongi wincing as he weakly hopped to her. "Are you okay bubba? Are you hurt?" He asked panicked, Saeyoon shook her head, feeling fine besides bruises on her skin and small cuts from glass.

The car suddenly ticked and Yoongi grabbed Saeyoon, pulling her to her feet and wrapping his arms around her, hugging her from behind as the car exploded, Yoongi let out a painful yell as his body protected her from flying car parts and fire.

When the fire chilled to the small engine fire, the car burnt and melted and pieces flown all over the road, Saeyoon put her hand on Yoongi's arm but pulled away, feeling how hot his skin was, he looked at her and smiled weakly, before collapsing to the ground.

Saeyoon screamed, kneeling down next to him, tears falling from her face as her heart stopped.

And so, as Saeyoon follows the Doctor down the hospital halls, her breathing held, tears flooding her face, hand in front of her mouth and heart breaking with each pass of a patients curtain, she feared the worst, while hoping the best.

"Here." The doctor stopped in front of a room, opening it, Saeyoon slowly walked in, feeling every part of her die.

A nurse slowly pulled back the bag, tucking it down to his chest, Saeyoon screamed in horror as her heart died.

Daeho hugged her tightly from behind as she broke down crying. Crying so hard she could barely breathe, Yoongi's skin was burnt, purple marks lined his skin exposed skin, his eyes darkened with blood circles, his once soft, brown hair was fried and most of it had fallen out, his peacefully resting body the only comforting thing about it. Because he wasn't in pain.

"He didn't make it, his back side was torn apart in the explosion, Miss." the doctor hesitantly informed her, Saeyoon stared at his body, which became a blurred mess from her tears. Beginning to hyperventilate, Daeho tightened his grip. "I'm so sorry." He whispered into her ear, she could feel him softly crying as well.

Another car crash, another important person in her life gone. Slowly advancing to Yoongi, slipping from Daeho's grip, she gently rubbed Yoongi's temples, remembering when he told her it soothed him when she did it in his apartment one time after they had a pillow fight.

"Goodnight, Yoonie, I love you bubba." She whispered, which was barely understandable, gently leaning down and placing one, last kiss to his forehead.

A couple every little boy and girl dreamed of being, but this isn't a fairy tale.

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