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"Dumb bitch couldn't even see the truth you were saying." Chungmin pushed Yoongi back so hard his back hit a dumpster, he winced in pain, falling to his knees. "She couldn't even tell the lies from truth." Chungmin grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, slightly picking him up before punching Yoongi in the face so hard he fell backwards out of Chungmin's grip, landing onto his already injured back.

"She's foolish, surely you would've learned what being foolish does to you by now." Chungmin sneered, kicking the smaller boy in the ribs. "There is nobody in your life besides her, you see how sad that is?" Chungmin kneeled down next to the struggling boy, examining his bloody face, "it's depressing how reliant for love you are on her. Just because your mommy and daddy left you when you were a child, and you have no family, and you are truly alone in this world, doesn't mean find a pretty girl like her and leech on her lips like you're dependent on her. Because she will never love a murderer." He grabbed Yoongi's throat, pinning down Yoongi's chest with his knee, the boy struggled to get away from Chungmin as it became harder and harder to breathe.

Yoongi slowly gave in the fight. Chungmin was right, after all, he had nobody. He was lonely. Truly lonely, for he had no family and no friends. He'd spend movie nights staring out at the stars, instead of the movie, eating a bag of popcorn alone, he'd go to bed feeling lonely, wake up feeling lonelier. He'd had nobody to vent his feelings to, other than a little stuffed animal cat, which he had found abandoned by a child on the street for being to ugly. The stuffed cat was indeed, not the most charming thing. It's Tiger-like fur tattered and it's back paw was shredded, he had to stitch in one of the eyes since it was dangling out. It wasn't a pretty creature, but it was his only friend.

As Yoongi desperately tried to use the little bit of strength he could endure, thinking about the little toy cat, he hit Chungmin's arm, his face turning purple.

"Alright enough." A voice called out, Chungmin's grip loosening on Yoongi's throat, he gasped for air, inhaling heavy breaths as he rolled to his side facing away from Chungmin. "Don't abuse him, we still have to get rid of her." The unfamiliar voice spoke to Chungmin, who stood up, Yoongi too weak to peek at who it might be, he listened to footsteps walk away from him, leaving him there, struggling to breathe, his cuts bleeding out.

Saeyoon no longer wanted him, and he nearly died. Why didn't Chungmin just finish him off? There was no point in continuing.

Rubbing his sore neck as he managed to lean against the dumpster to get to his feet, Yoongi limped heavily to the back of one of the restaurants, using the wall as his support.

Lonely. He had nobody. And to walk alone, when once before he had the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen holding his hand, now gone, because they played with her head to easily, he wanted to go. To disappear. What point was there to continue?

Collapsing back to his knees after getting light headed, he felt the world close in around him, slowly slipping away.

He closed his eyes, letting his body shut down.

Maybe then it'd be more peaceful.

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