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Saeyoon threw one more shirt into her suitcase before zipping it up.

"Do you not remember the entire chat I had with you?" Suyin belittled her. Saeyoon set her suitcase onto the ground. "I'm going with him, Sy, you aren't going to stop me." Saeyoon glared at her, Suyin put her hands up like she was surrendering, "I'm not here to stop you, I'm here to talk sense into you before you do go. You've been dating for what...a month? And you're already running away with him for the weekend?" Suyin hissed.

"Nobody will miss me, does it matter?" Saeyoon grabbed a few extra essentials off her desk, Suyin making a disgusted gruff. "Excuse me? Do you even know who you're talking to? And you say nobody will miss you." Suyin crossed her arms, watching Saeyoon pace back and forth, "if you're going to look at your brother and I and say nobody will miss you, then I might as well throw us into another universe and let zombies eat us or something." The raven-haired girl huffed.

Saeyoon stared Suyin down. "I'm going with him, you aren't going to stop me, said it once, I'll say it a thousand more times." Saeyoon pulled the handle bar up on the suitcase, Suyin got up off Saeyoon's bed and got in front of her. "I don't dislike Yoongi, you understand that right? I'm not talking to you like this because I don't like him. I think he's a guy who knows how to treat you with respect, which is what I want for you, but don't you have a brain? One that's smart enough to know that running off with a guy you met barely over a month ago to a city you've never been to before is probably not the smartest idea?" Suyin reasoned, Saeyoon examined her friends face, tightening her grip on her suitcase, " least...turn on your location, okay? So in case something does happen, we can find you." Suyin pleaded, Saeyoon sighed, pulling out her phone and, against her will, turning on her location.

"There, now may I go?" Saeyoon pressed, Suyin hesitantly moved out of the way as Saeyoon snuck down the stairs and past her mother in the living room, going out the door.

Yoongi's car pulled up on time, Suyin grabbed Saeyoon's shoulder turning her around. "What now-"

Suyin pulled Saeyoon into a hug cutting her off. Saeyoon stood there shocked, slowly wrapping her arms around her friend, they stayed there for a moment, before eventually they let go. Saeyoon stared into her best friends eyes, with everything inside her screaming to stay, she walked away, down to Yoongi's car, and got into the passenger side.

"It's only two days, you're acting like it'll be five years." Yoongi teased, Saeyoon sighed, focusing her attention to the road.

"Do you want to get anything before we start the ride? It's not long, but it's gonna be night soon." Yoongi asked as he pulled into a gas station, Saeyoon shook her head watching other cars and people in the lines which Yoongi pulled into. "Alright, there's a blanket in the back, here," he reached over behind him into the backseat and pulled out a long fluffy gray blanket, "this should keep you comfortable while we drive." He put the blanket on her, which she curled up into the seat, wrapping the blanket around her the best she could.

Yoongi got extra gas, getting back into the car and driving off onto the highway, the setting sun lighting up a golden cast across their smiling faces as they blasted music and sang along, eating snacks and laughing together until the stars came out and the moon replaced the sun.

Saeyoon took Yoongi's hand in hers, the silence coming back in the car as she curled up, her eyes shutting, she had never felt so safe in her life. Her hand holding the love of her life's as they drove off to a beautiful city.

Like a story every little boy and girl dreamed of.

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