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Saeyoon sat down next to Jungmin, tray in her hands, her body slumping over the table. "Why are you so dramatic?" Jungmin snickered, Saeyoon scoffed. "Me? Have you even looked at yourself in a mirror? And you say I'm dramatic." She sat up, picking at the food on the lunch tray. She wanted to do nothing but get out of school, to go home and relax, she puffed out her cheeks in an exhale, looking around the room of school mates. Suddenly, a tray plopped down in front of her, a person coming with it. "Hello." The girl smiled. Saeyoon glared at her.

Rin gave her usual fake smile, her minions watching from the other table. "You gonna eat that? Cause I wouldn't." Rin smirked, Saeyoon didn't say anything. "Go away, Rin, nobody wants you here." Jungmin grumbled, only she ignored him. "I have an idea, why don't you go over to that trash can and jump into it and let the plastic bag suffocate you, let there be some more oxygen to go around." Rin shrugged, Saeyoon's fist clenched under the table, which Jungmin noticed and put his hand on her shoulder. "Also I wouldn't eat that food, it'll fatten you up more." She gave an innocent smile (which looked horribly ugly to Saeyoon).

"Says you, you can't even eat." A girl plopped next to Saeyoon, Rin looked at her and scoffed. The black haired girl leaned her elbow on the table. "At least I have fashion." Rin looked the girl up and down. "Ha, you mean wearing skirts that show your ass and shirts that expose your breast's? That's not fashion sweetie that's stripping." She shrugged, Rin looked agape at the girl, her fist clenched, making an angry humph and getting up, leaving the table to the trio. "You're so mean, Suyin." Saeyoon looked at the black haired girl who shrugged after taking a mouthful of bibimbap. "You're mean too."

Saeyoon broke a small smile. "Now, eat." Suyin grabbed Saeyoon's chopsticks, getting some food and feeding it to Saeyoon like a baby. "You're gonna get her bullied more." Jungmin remarked. "She can't fight on an empty stomach so better fill up." Suyin smiled, Saeyoon eventually snatched her chopsticks back, feeding herself. The trio sat in silence for awhile while eating.

"Uhh...Sae..." Jungmin nudged Saeyoon's elbow, who looked at him, seeing his gaze fixed on something, she followed it to the other side of the cafeteria, a girl sliding up next to Daeho, Saeyoon gagged on her rice, choking so much Suyin had to pat her back. "You have an attractive brother, what do you think is gonna happen?" Suyin laughed, Saeyoon finally clearing her airways. "But it's so...weird...that's my brother." Saeyoon set down her utensils. Jungmin smirked, looking at Daeho, "I mean, he's got nice eyes, and a cute smile, if he weren't straight I'd put a ring-"

"Jungmin!" Suyin and Saeyoon yelled in unison shutting the boy up. "He doesn't do night hook ups, does he?" Suyin asked, Saeyoon shook her head quickly. "No, he's not like that, hell, he doesn't even like to say 'frick' you think he's having hook ups?" Saeyoon gave Suyin a disgusted look who shrugged. Saeyoon went to get another bite of rice when Jungmin pointed across the other side of the cafeteria. "Yo look at him! He got a glow up!"

Saeyoon looked at where Jungmin's finger went, a boy with silver hair and light brown eyeshadow and eyeliner, his lips tinted, Saeyoon had to admit he was attractive, with his sharp jaw and killer eyes, only he wasn't her type, so whatever Jungmin may had been getting at, she wasn't interested whatsoever. Suyin, on the other hand, was practically drooling. "Well, I'm gonna go then." Saeyoon finished her bite, getting up and throwing away her food.


She folded her arms against her chest, walking home in the pouring rain. "Why did it rain now?" She grumbled, the rain soaking her clothes to her skin, her uniform being ruined. It only got worse as a car drove by a huge puddle, splashing a huge amount of water all over her. She stopped walking, jaw dropped and anger searing through her veins. "Fuck!" She shouted, continuing her walk slowly. Shivering to the bone, she saw her house in the distance, forcing her legs to continue the walk in the rain. She'd rather be anywhere else, anywhere but here, she was freezing, it was like the rain was taken from the mountains snow and dumped it all on her. It was already hell being with Rin at school, it was worse like this.

Another car drove through a puddle, she watched the water spray up, she covered her face for the impact, only it hit something else and a little bit got her ankles. Looking up, an umbrella shielding her, she turned around to a boy, who didn't look much older than her, brown hair becoming wet in the rain, his bangs slightly in his eyes, he put the umbrella back over his head, but held her under it. "Why are you out in the rain?" His low octane voice made her stomach do weird flips. "Walking home from school, what else?" She snarked. "Well get an umbrella, you're sopping wet." He looked her up and down, Saeyoon scoffed. "Nooo...really?! I didn't know!" She shouted sarcastically, the boy smirked a little, taking her hand in his. Her breathing hitched suddenly, feeling his warm hand take hers and wrap her fingers around the handle of the umbrella. "Go home." He nodded at her. "Wait but...this is your umbrella, I shouldn't take it." She tried to give it back but he shook his head, pulling a hood over his head. "I'm fine, now get out of the rain, you'll get a cold, okay?" He stepped out of the umbrella, the water immediately drenching him as he walked backwards, Saeyoon watched him in disbelief, he turned around, walking back up the hill, Saeyoon stood there for a minute, listening to the sound of the rain pattering on the umbrella. She slowly turned around, nodding very slowly trying to take in what just happened. She looked at the black umbrella that shielded her from the dark gray clouds.

Shaking off the strange feeling in her stomach, she continued her walk home; making a mental note to return the umbrella. But I didn't get a name...

Sighing, began running, not wanting to be in the chilly air any longer.

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