mistaken kidnapping

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Yoongi flopped to his bed.

"You look cold, but you're really just a snuggly one." Why did that one sentence make him go crazy? It made him swarm with butterflies. His face had gone red in front of her, which was embarrassing for him, but he had only hoped she hadn't seen it. He had a date tomorrow, and he had the perfect idea for it.


Saeyoon watched as Jungmin flung her clothing across the room. "You're going out with a hot dude, you have to look hot."

"Or she doesn't look hot and looks like her." Suyin mumbled from the corner of Saeyoon's room.

"You guys lower your voices, Daeho doesn't know." Saeyoon whisper-yelled.

A loud, long, overly dramatic gasp came from Jungmin as he slowly pulled out of Saeyoon's closet and looked at her. "Daeho doesn't know?"

"No now shut up!" Saeyoon threw a pillow at Jungmin who dodged it. "Here." Suyin stood up, grabbing a green oversized hoodie and jean shorts. "Are you going to a fancy restaurant?" She looked at Saeyoon, who shook her head. "Not really."

"Perfect, then this will do." Suyin handed Saeyoon the outfit, a disgusted snarl coming from Jungmin's side of the room, which both girls ignored. "Alright, go get dressed." Suyin pushed Saeyoon out to the bathroom.

An hour passed, and Suyin finished the last little swipe of a light pink/ nude lipstick. "Perfect."

Saeyoon looked at herself the mirror, her curly brown hair tied into two slightly messy braids. Soft eyeshadow and mascara with a bit of blush and light lip tint, her hoodie covering her shorts, which was pushed up at the back so Yoongi wouldn't think something else. She smiled at herself, Suyin hugging her. "You look great, now you have a date." She pushed Saeyoon out of the bathroom towards the stairs.

"Saeyoon?" Daeho looked at her from the bottom of the stairs, she froze, not knowing how to explain such a thing to her brother.

"Daeho! Great to see you, you look good, you get a new cleanser? No...a new moisturizer? Cause you look fabulous." Suyin scooted past Saeyoon, pulling her down the stairs and distracting Daeho as Saeyoon backed up towards the door. "Uhh thanks?" She heard her brother respond, Saeyoon didn't stick around to hear though, quickly running out of the house.

Seeing Yoongi's car, she hesitated, remembering Junsu, but she shook off the thought, hurrying over to the car and getting inside. The first thing she noticed was the brighter colors he wore. A blue fuzzy sweatshirt that bagged around his wrists, black jeans and black boots, but he had brushed hair and no chain. "Good to see you." Yoongi mumbled. "To the restaurant." He started the car, taking off. Saeyoon gripping the handle of the door tightly, pressing herself deeply into the seat, her heart racing, she couldn't breathe, it felt as though the world spiraled in front of her.

"Hey, you okay? You look terrified, it's just a car ride." Yoongi slowed down, looking at her, Saeyoon nodded quickly. "I'm fine, d-don't worry..."

"Well I'm worrying, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I'm fine, go." She demanded, Yoongi's jaw clenched, but sped up. Saeyoon closed her eyes. She didn't want to see anything happening in front of her.

"You look pale, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Yoongi didn't say anything extra.

Saeyoon tried to calm herself down, yet all she could see was her best friend, clueless and happy.

Before everything went wrong.

Opening her eyes, she noticed Yoongi missing a turn. Ignoring it thinking he was going to turn around, yet he didn't.

"Yoongi...you missed the turn..."

He didn't say anything.

Her heart pounded so hard it rang in her ears. "Yoongi where are we going..."

She realized she shouldn't have trusted him. Then again, he was just a stranger. Tears sprung up from her eyes but she blinked them away, watching the scenery change. She had never been around this part of town, nor did it look like a very good place to be in.

"Please don't kill me..." she whispered, Yoongi chuckled, pulling to a stop in front of a large building and getting out. "Come on." He grumbled, Saeyoon gulped, terrified. He could have a gun and shoot her...so she got out. Following him into the building, passed a fancy lobby and into an elevator. Panic filled her, this was surely her death. Saeyoon silently planned out all her escape routes, examining the large walls and long depths of the hallways.

Arriving to a door, Yoongi unlocked the door, opening it, Saeyoon closed her eyes, terrified, ready to feel bullets rip through her.

"Do you not like it?"

Saeyoon opened her eyes, looking at him, then into the apartment, a gasp escaping her lips.

The room was dark, lit entirely by candles that were placed so carefully around the room, a fort with fairy lights around it in the middle of the room. Her heart slowed down, her breath escaping her.

Walking into the apartment, she looked around at all the lit candles and the fairy lights lighting the small fort. "Maybe it's too cheesy...I just thought it might be cute, ya know? Restaurants are annoying, and these candles...the amount of times I burned myself on these damn things-"

"I like it." Saeyoon smiled, kneeling down to the entrance of the fort and climbing inside, which was full of soft blankets and pillows. She scooted to the corner with a loss of words, watching Yoongi crawl in. "Sorry if I scared you, I'm not very good with secrets." He laughed nervously, Saeyoon shook her head, smiling. "It's okay."

The two scooted closer to each other, enjoying the calmness of the fort.

Suddenly, a warm hand snaked over Saeyoon's.

Looking down at her hand, Yoongi's fingers sneakily intertwining with hers. She felt a million butterflies explode inside her, she felt faint, their eyes locking, her heart fanning. She held his hand back, Saeyoon slumping down a bit and resting her head on Yoongi's shoulder who smiled, resting his cheek on top of her head.

It was peaceful.

But one thing still remained on the boys mind.

Why was she so afraid in the car before she realized I took her off course?

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