abusive relationship

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Saeyoon ignored her mother as she jumped out of the car and closed the door, running towards the lobby of the school, she pulled out her phone, waiting for Yoongi's text. He hadn't texted all morning, nor responded to any of hers. She was growing impatient by every minute that passed.

"Hey Sae, what are you doing out here?" Suyin asked coming up behind Saeyoon who flinched. "Jesus...nothing...I'm just...uh..."

"Waiting for your boyfriend?" Suyin teased, but the look on Saeyoon's face made her eyes widened. "You're skipping? You're gonna get in so much trouble!"

"But why should I even be in school? There's a whole city to go explore and I can explore it with him! He's really not that bad, Sy, you can't be so quick to judge."

"Yeah, I said the same thing about Akela, one abusive relationship later and I'm still healing." Suyin grouched. "Yoongi is not Akela, he is completely different, he treats me with respect, and understands boundaries."

"He handed you an umbrella and you fell head over heels for him." Suyin said monotonously. "I did not fall for him because he handed me an umbrella, I fell for him because he's just...different..." Saeyoon defended. "Yes, he's different, he's not like every other ordinary guy, I get that, that's what everybody says, 'he's not like the others', maybe you don't see him as the rest because you're so blinded by the love that you don't realize he really is just like everybody else. You only pick out the things you want to see in a person and completely forget who they really are and they go and break your heart and you're up awake at night thinking about all the things that went wrong because it was your fault and it wasn't, because they're all the same, ordinary guy, with the same ordinary intentions. Pain, Sae, that's what these people cause. Pain."

Saeyoon looked down at her phone, still no text from Yoongi. "Everybody's constantly complaining that they didn't see the horrible things their significant other caused them before they were together, and you know why? Because they were so blinded by their stupid love that they forget who their significant other really is. You don't know him, Sae, you know him as the guy who gave you his umbrella while you blew off into the wind like a goddamn dandelion." Suyin finished, leaving Saeyoon speechless and the black haired girl angry. "So fine, I know, he's different, so go ahead, go with him when he arrives, but don't come crying to me when he breaks up with you because he's just like the rest." Suyin bumped Saeyoon's shoulder as she walked into the school, leaving the brown, curly haired girl out on the sidewalk.

She couldn't help but admit Suyin had a point, but she didn't want to accept it with Yoongi. He had been nothing but kind to her...what makes this any different? She knew Suyin was mad about her past abusive relationship with a man, but Suyin never openly spoke about these things.

Saeyoon looked back at the entrance to the school, then at her phone. Still no text. Still no call. And no sight of Yoongi, nor his car.

She bottled up her emotion of pity, just like the rest of her emotions, and ran back home.

Storming through the front door, she ignored her mother's voice from the living room as she stomped upstairs, down the hall, into her room, slamming the door, and locking it before falling the side of her bed.

Was Yoongi really like the rest? An ordinary guy? Someone with pretend emotions? He was a hit man...what if all this was just an act?

Leaning onto her bed, she pulled out her phone. Still, no text, no call.

She wiped her eyes of tears. He lied. It really was just an act.

Digging her head into the comforter, she slowly became to sob. Here she poured her heart out into one man, and he took it and left? He stabbed her in the heart! He abandoned her with no goodbye when just yesterday he told her he'd take her everywhere!

Curling up, her legs pressed against the board of the bed, she sniffled and buried her face into the sheets. Slowly suffocating herself.

Suddenly, her phone dinged.

Looking up at it, she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath before picking up her phone and looking at the notification. A text message. From Yoongi.

Opening it up, she could've broken her finger with how hard she tapped onto the message, her heart sighing with relief, but also laughing at his stupidity.

Yoonie💜: hey bubba, sorry if I'm late. I don't know what time your school starts, where are you?

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