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Yoongi put down the shot glass, pouring himself another as he leaned against the bar counter. He had dropped Saeyoon off back at her house, which he had gone to drink after doing so to forget his past.

He also tried numerous times to get himself drunk enough to forget about Saeyoon. The cute brown curly haired girl with pouty cheeks and those undeniably adorable milk chocolate brown eyes. And lips he constantly wanted to kiss yet always held himself back from. Her soft hands would touch his and his whole world would disappear, feeling as though it was only them left. The way she had such an intimidating appearance yet on the inside was a sweet softie, and goddamn that punch straight to his enemies face.

Yoongi took another shot.

Slamming it down a little to hard, Namjoon leaned against the bar counter on the other side. "You're gonna get yourself butt fucked drunk if you keep up like this." The younger male said as he examined Yoongi's sulking face, "what's on your mind?"

"She's always there...always in the back of my mind...I can't get her out even though I have to." Yoongi looked at Namjoon with cold eyes, twirling the shot glass on the counter. "True love is keeping her there, you know she won't go away." Namjoon smirked, Yoongi ran his hand through his hair, pulling it back. "But I have noticed how much healthier you've looked." Namjoon pointed out.

Yoongi gave him a weird look, which Namjoon took as to carry on. "You stopped smoking, haven't seen you light one in weeks, can't say the same amount drinking."

"Yeah well, lighting a joint doesn't make me forget about the people I've taken." Yoongi muttered, pouring himself another shot. "I like you, Yoongi, but there were other well paying jobs, you didn't have to do it." Namjoon looked at the bottle that was near empty, Yoongi snorted. "You think I had a choice? Got a gun to my head and beaten till I was almost dead. Not that I should've clinged onto my life, couple dozen bodies later and I was still forced to kill my sister. Fucking shit, a boy came up to me later that day of killing her and asked if I was okay, hadn't realized I had her blood on me, I almost got myself imprisoned. But I wasn't worried about the feds killing me, more about my boss, trust me Namjoon, if I could go back and erase what I did, I would. Maybe then I wouldn't be so alone." Yoongi muttered, taking the shot and cringing his face from the sizzling pain down his throat.

Namjoon sighed, staring at Yoongi with squinted eyes as he poured the rest of the bottle into the glass and shoved it down his throat.

A hand slapped Yoongi's back and a person sat next to him. Yoongi got ready to pick a fight but paused upon seeing their face. "Hoseok?"

The black-haired boy smiled. "Ayo! Haven't seen you around in a while! How you been?" The cheery boy smiled, Yoongi smirked. "Absolutely fucking horse shit, you?"

"Aish, I know you haven't been doing that bad, saw you earlier with a girl, your smile, goddamn haven't seen you smile before ever." Hoseok laughed, nodding at Namjoon who slid him a beer. Yoongi looked up at the rack of drinks, hiding a small smile at the thought of Saeyoon.

"So how's your business doing?" Yoongi looked at him, Hoseok shrugged, "it's alright, Jimin and Taehyung went back to school and Seokjin's applying for this bar job." Hoseok looked at Namjoon and leaned into Yoongi. "For a very specific reason." Hoseok muttered to Yoongi, their eyes going to the bartender who stood at the other end flipping a drink into his hand and sliding it to a few men and a woman, grabbing a handful of shot glasses off the back counter and sliding it to them as well.

Yoongi and Hoseok broke into a slight chuckle, Hoseok sitting back up straight and facing him. "Everybody else is staying, which is good, anyway, how about yourself? Who's the lady you're hanging with?" Hoseok asked as he leaned his elbow on the table, propping his head up with his hand. "She's a girl I met while walking home from the bar, she was in her school uniform and it was pouring rain, watched as a car splashed water all over her. She was gonna get sick so I handed her my umbrella, she turned around, looked at me, she was pretty, I'll admit that. Saw her at the cafe, the way the light cafe through the window and lit up her face, goddamn won't forget that ever," Yoongi chortled, "she started getting teary eyed, so I went to go see if she was okay, and then it just kinda...escalated from there I guess."

Hoseok smiled, patting his buddy on the shoulder before his face got serious. "She hasn't had any...run ins...has she?"

Yoongi's smile disappeared. "She ran away from me once, cause of some other bully girl, found her with Youngju. He threatened me if he saw her alone he'd kill her, so I told her she can't go anywhere herself."

"Aish Yoongi..." Hoseok started but Yoongi cut him off, "I know, I'm gonna get herself killed on accident...I've been trying so hard to get rid of her without hurting her...but I can't do it, she's to important. Every time I see her name in my contacts, I can't ignore her. It's like some curse..."

"Why don't you go home? I mean home home. Go back to Daegu, may even take the girl with you." Hoseok offered, Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him. "She's a student, I can't take her to a whole other city forever."

"Then take her for awhile, doesn't have to be forever, just get out of Seoul, your old boss is gonna be looking for you, and now that you've got a girl? It'll be like some cliché thing where the boss kidnaps the girl as a bribe, and you know him, he'll do anything to her." Hoseok alluded, Yoongi sighed with a nod. "Yeah...I know...alright..."

"Well," Hoseok slapped his hand on the counter, grabbing his drink and sliding money onto the counter, "I'm gonna head out, see ya around." Hoseok smiled, walking into the club and out the front door. Yoongi watching him go before sighing, looking at the empty bottle, he put money down and slid it forward.

Namjoon walked over and grabbed the money. "Only one drink? Damn, told you she changes you." Namjoon commented, Yoongi chuckled. "Good day." Yoongi nodded at him, walking out of the bar.

But not before somebody decided to push him out onto the street.

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