hosptial room

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"Saeyoon?" A nurse called out, Saeyoon rocketing time her feet, following the nurse through the hallways of the hospital. "He's okay, he's awake now, so there's nothing to worry about. He should be discharged by tomorrow." She informed the worried girl as they walked into a room, Yoongi's open eyes staring at the ceiling, his heart monitor going off at a steady pace, an IV glued into his arm, bruises all over his neck and exposed arms.

Saeyoon put her hand over her mouth, walking over to him, she gently placed her fingertips into his hand. They were still the same, warm feeling.

Yoongi looked at her, his eyes lighting up. "Sae?" He weakly inquired, Saeyoon nodded as tears watered her eyes. "What happened to you?" She questioned, unable to breathe at the sight of his once beautiful face now with a cut under his jaw that reached up close to his ear.

"Nothing...what are you doing here?" He asked, slowly squeezing his hand around her fingers. "I got a call, they said you were mumbling my name so they found me and called me." Saeyoon whispered loud enough for him to hear. Yoongi slightly chuckling. "Guess even when I'm near death I can't get you off my mind."

Saeyoon hid her red cheeks behind her hair, leaning further against the bed. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I wasn't thinking."

"You have every right to walk away, I can't hold you prisoner." He closed his eyes, waiting for the moment she'd pull her hand away from his and walk out the door, he just didn't want to see it happen. Only feel.

But yet, Saeyoon didn't move, instead, she snaked her small hand into his, squeezing it. He opened his eyes to look at her. "Why haven't you left yet?" His voice sounded like a child. Saeyoon's heart breaking. He's been broken like this before...she figured. "Because I love you." She mumbled, Yoongi smiling a little.

"I'm sorry bubba," He whispered, "I can't be there for you."

"You don't have to be." She gulped nervously, he lightly laughed. "And how does that work?"

"Just don't let go of my hand." She pressed the back of his hand against her cheek. The silence finally carving around them, but it was peaceful. A calming silence, letting Saeyoon know she always had him, and letting Yoongi know she wasn't going to let go.

"Ma'am, we have to run a few tests." The nurse came in behind them, Yoongi's grip tightening even more on Saeyoon's hand. "Wait but I don't want her to leave..." he begged, the nurse sighing. "I'm sorry but it's how it works."

Saeyoon undid his grip from her hand. "I'll be waiting outside, okay?"

"No...Sae...wait don't leave me!" Tears began to fall down his face as the nurse led Saeyoon out to the chairs in front of the room. "He's on medication right now, he's going to be more pouty and more likely to break down, don't worry." The nurse gave an assuring smile, Saeyoon nodded and bowing to her with a quick thanks and sitting down into the chair. The nurse walking back into the room, Saeyoon couldn't help but think about his puppy-dog whimpers as she left the room.

Her phone rang, which she didn't want to answer, but she didn't want to worry her friends, since they were the only people who called her, and dear god, when they get worried they get hella scary.

Pulling out her phone, she looked at the number but nearly dropped her phone.

Slowly answering it, she raised the phone to her ear. "Hey Sae, where are you? You haven't been home in a while and Daeho won't say anything." Her mother asked, Saeyoon gulped unsurely. "I uh...I'm just checking on a friend..."

"Who? It's not that Hoseok kid is it?"

"What? No? Who the hell is Hoseok?"

"Alright then, watch your language dear, I'm making dinner, come home."

With that, she hung up the phone. Saeyoon sighed, pressing her head against the wall. Hoseok? Who in the name of two worlds was Hoseok? Where did she even get that name? And why did she think Saeyoon was hanging out with them?

Shaking off the thought, she scrolled through her phone, landing on Junsu's name again.

Listen to it. Now. Listen to that voicemail. Let it burn inside you what foolishness you are.

Saeyoon put her phone away.

It'd been the first time she passed by her friends name, but she couldn't stand hearing her voice anymore. Mainly because it pained her to much.

Chungmin lied to me...I didn't listen to Yoongi...

Two things clicked at once.

Chungmin lied to Junsu, she didn't listen to Jimin.

Saeyoon nearly broke off the zipper of the jacket she wore. She was about to stand when the door opened and a nurse walked out next to her. "His rooms open now."

"Thank you." Saeyoon stood up, letting the nurse pass by her before walking into the room to Yoongi.

"Saeyooniee." Yoongi slurred. "My god what did they do to you?" Saeyoon put her hand on Yoongi's. "Anesthesia." A Doctor said from the corner, throwing away gloves, he said nothing more as he walked out of the room, leaving them in the room alone.

"Hi." Yoongi got shy suddenly, Saeyoon tilted her head. "What? Why are you so shy?"

"You're pretty." He smiled his cute gummy smile that got Saeyoon every time. "Jesus they really did drug you up." She smiled, Yoongi transforming entirely from this mean person to a soft cuddly...


Yoongi was a cat.

He raised his finger, touching her cheek. "I feel sleepy." He yawned, Saeyoon chuckled, grabbing his hand away from her face. "Then go to sleep, I'll be here all night if I have to be."

"Sleep next to me." He wrapped his fingers around her hand. "What?" Saeyoon gaped at him.

"Sleep next to me." He repeated, shuffling in the bed to scoot over and he tried to pull Saeyoon into the bed. "Yoongi I can't-"


Their eyes locked, she could see the hopeful space inside them, the love in his eyes for her made her heart flutter, she wasn't the type to do this, but only cause Yoongi was heavily drugged and in pain, she decided to anyway.

Getting into the hospital bed and laying down next to him, Yoongi smiled, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close, Saeyoon getting the strong scent of his sweet cologne. Neither of them said a word, but she realized how fast he was knocked out.

She wanted to move to get out of his grip, yet, it seemed as though the warmth radiating off of him that kept her so cozy, his arms wrapped around her like he'd never hug somebody in so long and that was all he wanted to do, she felt her eyes get heavy.

It wasn't long until they both were knocked out.

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