Signed: Linda Lovelace

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In bed that night, just the three of us, I gave Jessica and Morgan a quick review of the conversation I had with Vera. I was forthright about all of it. I covered lunch with Ginger and Wyatt as well. I did not mention my morning.

Morgan reached to the bedside table, since she is on the outside tonight, and pulled her phone off the charger. She tapped at it, then showed me. "That explains this." She said of the on-screen message.

On the phone was a message from Angel. "Tell Adrian 'thank you' for me. Signed: Linda Lovelace."

"The funny thing is that, at the office today, Angel told me she is concerned about Vera's second thoughts. That she is getting her heart ready to lose her." Morgan shook her head, puzzled. " I do not understand why she signed it that way. Linda Lovelace? Is this a reference to that time she promised you oral sex and took forever before she engaged with you?"

"Not exactly." I did not laugh but was tempted. "You gave Angel a Linda Lovelace movie to watch so she could feel more confident in that particular situation. She and I discussed it once, and I mentioned all the history of the movie and the actress and her husband, and Angel thanked me for ruining the movie for her. Now it is a sort of running joke. You know how she is: Angel loves feeling other's pleasure, especially that she is the cause of."

"Oh, yes. I did do that. I had forgotten. I thought she might like it because it has funny moments. It is not as 'wham bam thank you ma'am' as a lot of the genre." Morgan put her phone back and snuggled in. "Do you think Vera will ask me about that?"

"Yes. Because I think she wants to ask for that particular wedding present, and I think that conversation precedes the ask."

Jessica ran fingers along me, over to Morgan, and back. "I know it is selfish, but I like it best when it is just us three."

"I like it that you love me enough to say that." Morgan told her.

Jessica leaned across me and kissed her. "You know I do."

Since they appeared to not be interested in stopping the necking anytime soon, I waited, covered in Jessica, and I reveled in her curved skin pressed to mine.

When they stopped, and Jessica leaned back to her snuggle position, she said "You know, your scenarios you used to talk to Vera are quite interesting."

"Oh. How so?" I asked.

"You put me with Danny, which is fine. I like me some Danny, and I would totally make love with him. I thought what was interesting was that you did not put anyone with Lori."

"Not important to the point I was making. Besides, I have no idea who Lori would pick. Helen would be my guess, because they have always looked at each other in a hungry kind of way."

Jessica agreed. "That makes sense. Lori already gets boy from Danny, so she'd want some girl. Seems you don't get you any Lori."

"I would not be averse, should that ever come up. Not the point of that part of the story. She asked me how I would feel about you or Morgan with another man. I put you two with men. The rest sort of fell out from there. It is a very valid question, and one we have asked here, in this bed, before."

"I am curious. In the second stories bedroom lineup you put DeWayne with me, not Jessica." Morgan asked. It was not a complete question, but I understood this gist of it.

"Well, in story one, I had Jessica getting boy-laid so in Story Two, I have you getting boy-laid." I answered. Morgan would not let that stop there.

"Ok. Fair and balanced bullshit answer. OK. Danny and I? You OK with that?"

"Sure. Nothing about who Danny is with changes that scenario, because of who Danny is to me. I know that, should anything like that ever happen, he will love you. Cherish you."

"Fair enough. I agree, by the way. Now: Put DeWayne with Jessica in your head. Different than DeWayne and I?"

"A little, You and he have history, so that combination worries me because I often think if things had been different, you and he would be together, and we three would not have happened. DeWayne and Jessica is harder in another way, because until I saw it. Until I felt it. I would not know how Jessica would be with it. I am being really honest here, so do not kick my ass."

Jessica nodded agreement. "I deserve that."

"No, you don't." I said, sharply.

"Jessica!" Morgan also warned.

"I am not going to get all mopey over what I did with Alexander, or how I hurt you two. At the same time, I understand how Adrian might worry about me with a man that I have no expressed feelings for. We always talk about the balance, but you know what is funny? Not one of us questioned the idea of Helen with either Tobey OR Simi. Helen is more 'free' if you will. Because for her, sex comes in two varieties far more than it does for us. For us, there is mostly love, and casual is not something we want. We want what we have in this bed. Passion. Love. Respect. Helen does too, but she is OK with a quick fuck. It is not a surprise: The older you are as a Vampire, the more you have hunted, the more you have had a diet of 'blood and a screw'."

Maybe I should have mentioned Helen and me this morning.

"Not even counting the people she married and screwed for political gain, back in the day. On the other hand, I think, to defend my blonde love, that she likes Tobey and Simi, after all this working with them, and that this is more than a quick screw for her."

"It's a nine month long treadmill of a screw!" Jessica said.

"Here is a thing I do know. If it started, and you did not like it, Jessica? DeWayne would stop." Morgan said firmly.

"Then it seems to me that it should all be OK. I like DeWayne, but we are not former booty knockers like you and he are, my Morgan. If YOU went first, and I saw you and him together, and you had a good time? I may want to try him."

"You'd have to wait for a while after I was done. He is only human, and I know what he likes already." Morgan told her.

"That, by the way, is a third scenario. Once a lover has been introduced and vetted like that is not the same. Is it?" I asked.

Jessica held up three fingers. "So, the third scenario goes this way, then: Morgan and Dewayne together and she is apparently exhausting him, and Carol and I are together because she promised to set me free. You are with Vera, probably fanging the hell out of her, because she is going to love that. Then, in round two, I am with DeWayne, you, Adrian, are with Carol. Morgan and Vera are screwed."

Morgan said "No: I go get with Helen and Vera is with her wife. Silly."

Jessica nodded, her head rotating on my shoulder. "That works too. All this talk has put me in the mood. I want to be fanged. I want to watch you be fanged, my lovely and loving wife. Then... Linda Lovelace. We take turns. Plan?"

"That is a plan." Morgan agreed.

Erasure and Affirmation (Hypernaturals 11)Where stories live. Discover now