Face Palmed

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Once my mortification was complete, I got into the shower. Denise followed and went to work on me. She rubs hard. I think I will be exfoliated after this too.

When she arrived at my face and hair she lathered up and calmed down. Switched to a nice scalp massage. I had to bend over to allow her to get to my head.

I said nothing about where she rested my head. Denise is not as tall as Morgan or Jessica. Not as short as Helen either, though. My head placement and view of her is Denise style torture for me being obstinate.

She stood me up to work on my beard. She studied it as she worked. "You like this beard?" She asked.

"I grew it when I was running in Eastern Europe. When I got to Claremont, and Helen put me in the shower, similar to this situation, she said she wanted to make a trade. My beard for her to grow her hair longer. She would maintain my beard. I would maintain her hair. I told her that was not required. I would keep the beard if she liked it. She said 'no': A deal is a deal. She knew I like long hair and wanted to pay in kind. I told her it did not matter, but that has been the deal ever since. When Jessica and Morgan got to France, they voted for keeping the beard. Morgan and Jessica also like my hair longer, like this. In fact, If it were up to only Morgan, it would be longer still. She was never specific about that. Maybe as long as hers."

"I see. I'm outvoted then. I wondered why Helen suddenly grew her hair out a little. She always wore it shorter."

"You don't like the beard?" I asked.

Denise pursed her lips. "Hair is a funny thing. Men almost always like longer hair. When I was running my houses, and we would interview new clients, we would get their preferences. Light or dark hair? Light or dark skin? Long or short hair? Tattoos? Yes or no? Body piercings? Yes or no? Big boobs or little. On and on. The other parameters were mixed in terms of customer preferences, although big boobs were also popular. I only had one girl with short hair, and she covered ALL of that preference."

"Meaning your hair was long?" I asked.

"Yes. When I left the business, I cut my hair off too. Like Carol's. Grew it out a little. Landed on this length for Crew, btu I have varied it even while I have known you. If I needed to be doing an Op of some sort on Crew, where I needed to distract a man? Or a group of them? Longer hair got more attention. I compromised on this. I suppose when I get off Crew, you are going to want it longer."

"No: I told you. I told Helen. Wear it how you want. It's YOUR hair. My preferences do not enter into it."

"That can't be true. Helen told you her preferences, and you do it." Denise pointed out.

"It's easy. She takes care of it." I rubbed my chin. "I wore beards on and off down the years. Shaving is a pain in the ass. Helen keeps it how she likes it, and they like how I use it. May I ask why you do not like beards? Just curious."

Denise absently smiled. A memory it seemed popped in. "In the old country, if you had body lice, you shaved off all your hair. Only way to get rid of them. When I ran my houses, we did not only do dick checks looking for STD's, but looked for all vermin. Clean-shaven men brought in less issues. I suppose I associate short hair and clean shaven to 'clean'. "

"That explains some things." I noted.

Denise did not follow. "What?"

"Why you do not have all your natural body hair except your eyebrows, and your head hair. You associate depilation, by whatever means you use, with 'clean'." I explained.

"True." Denise agreed. "If you think about it, I had to clean up a great deal. Also, if there is a kink common to many men, it's that they like a woman being personally shaved. OK. You made a face."

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