A Matter of Mutual Affection

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As the evening progressed, Morgan took Danny aside and told him in a low voice: "I apologize if my examination of your genitals made you uncomfortable. That was not my intent. I only wished to aid Jessica in your diagnosis, and in the effort of yourself and Lori in being able to have a child. My Vampire senses were useful in the diagnosis. I thought that a quick and confirmed examination would help put your mind at ease regarding the difficulties you two have faced."

Enough time has passed since he and I talked that Danny had mentally processed the entire thing. He gave Morgan a smile. "Dudette. No thing, man. No thing. Adrian explained some things to me about, well, a lot of shit. I just hope you did not mind having my hard-on in your face. I mean, right in your face! I was not trying to be rude. I have never been in a situation like that. I may have had more dates than Adrian when we were growing up, but he has always been the one that tried more things. I have never been exposed like that with three different ladies all of whom I love and respect looking at me close up and personal. I lost it. Sorry."

Morgan smiled back. "Well, as you now are aware because Adrian told you, you are a man that I would be happy to have a sexual relationship with..." Morgan paused for emphasis."... at some point and only when you are Lori feel open to such a thing. Moreover: you in particular are a man that my husband would be comfortable with you and I having such a relationship. After seeing what it is like to be in that situation with a man I was not comfortable with, I would only ever engage in sex with someone my spouses would encourage me to be with. I am a married woman, even if that is Vampire style. However much they, Adrian and Lori in this case, would encourage you and I, the procedure on the back porch was professional. The setting was unfortunately improvised. The clinic would have been better in retrospect. Danny: I would do nothing to cause you to not trust me in that kind of circumstance. I could tell you were uncomfortable, and that is not a reference to you also being sexually stimulated and wanting release. Someday perhaps we shall have a different scenario that is appropriate for a better and more enjoyable use of your male attributes, but it will be clear, openly discussed between my spouses and yours. There shall be no secrets, or undue pressures. It shall be a matter of mutual affection."

"Should that day really arrive, Morgan, I will be honored." Danny said gallantly.

"That day shall arrive. I have no doubt of it. When it does you and I shall have an enjoyable time, I am sure. I plan to, in any case, and being who I am, for me to enjoy myself, you must be also enjoying yourself." Morgan agreed.

"Morgan: When that time comes, I will be enjoying myself. I think I was clear about that earlier. I was not being subtle, however unintentional that was."

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