「Episode 6」

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I need something thin enough to stick in the crack of the door. I search for some useful tools around the classroom.

What are you doing?

Yiren looks at me worried.

I can't just sit and wait around...

I squeeze myself into the pile of chairs  and desks. If something were to be hidden somewhere, it has to be in here.

There's gotta be something useful in those drawers. I put my hand in one and go through it. All I catch are balls of dust. I take my hand out and try the next one.


Something solid...and think is caught in my hand. I grab and take it out. It's and L-shaped metal ruler. Perfect!

What you got there?

I wave the metal ruler above my head.

That's just a ruler.

I shake the dust off my hands and walk over to the door. Yiren seems doubtful but decides to watch me try.

I stick the ruler between the door and the door frame. I wiggle the end of the ruler until it hits whatever that's been stopping the door from opening.

Is it working?

I give her a nod and continue shaking the ruler in the door.

There's...something...in there...but I can't...get it...

I try poking, swirling and finally pushing it real hard. WHAM! Something hits the floor on the other side of the door. I quickly pull the ruler out and give the door a push.


WHOOSH! It opens.


Yiren excitedly runs out to the hallway. I follow her taking extra caution. Fortunately, there's nothing dangerous in the hallway.

So this is what was blocking the door?

My eyes follow where Yiren points. I see a wood panel lying on the floor.

How did this even get here?

Ryujin's face crosses my mind. No...she can't have done this...

It was probably just here all along. You think everyone else's still asleep?

...I don't know.


The main classroom---is also used for meetings. This is where I first met everyone. Some of the guys are already here. It doesn't look too distant from our room...how come nobody heard us before?

I try to avoid the terrible thoughts that were going through my mind. I look out the window and see the shadows of zombies over the fences.

Hey, what are you thinking about?

Gowon walks over to me and also notices the shadows outside.

They used to be our neighbours...we probably crossed our paths...

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