Secret Admirer 🧡

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"It smells like... dirt"
Rachel looked at me after saying so and I shrugged. The elevator stopped and we walked out.
"Damn I hate this naturey smell" Zack said. Dirt really? He hates everything. We saw a piece of paper on the ground, I read it in my head. "ouuu Rachel looks like we have a secret admirer!" I say sarcastically touched. You gave her the paper.
"Oh.. I see"
"He personally wants to meet us! Maybe he not a lunatic, or what if he's cute!" I nudge Rachel but she's mainly just analyzing the paper.
"Let me see that!" Zack snatches the paper and looks at it. "What does it say?" he says in a serious tone. You and Rachel look at him confused. "Answer the fucking question, I can't read" He says angrily. Wow i was not expecting that... but what did i expect.
"A boy what to meet us, he's been wanting too and that's basically what's important"
"Are you sure? Don't fucking lie I hate liars!"
"Why would I lie!" you exclaimed to him. "Let's keep moving we are wasting time!"
"Wait.. Theres something in the water" Rachel said.
"Well leave it alone, it will probably do no good" Replied Zack
"Do you really know that much about this building to make that assumption?" she questioned.
"All I know is that they said I can kill whoever comes on my floor, I'm sure it goes for all the other sickos in this building" He replied. Other sickos? I'm not a murderer and I sure as hell don't want to die, Why am I here?
"Dang my head" you grab your head again, Why do these headaches keep happening every time i try to remember! They just look at you. "Fine! i'll look in the water!" He throws you his Scythe and you almost fell over from how heavy it was. How does he carry this! He takes his hoodie off showing his toned and muscular body. Dammit i'm watching like an idiot! He looked up at you.

"Like what you see?" He laughed as he threw the hoodie at you and hopped in the water

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"Like what you see?" He laughed as he threw the hoodie at you and hopped in the water. We heard something activate from the hallway. He got out and we all started walking down the hallway. "What the hell.. That's weird" He said and immediately steps in one of the fresh graves. "Dammit! today is not my day.. EW it's clinging to my feet" He looks to Rachel "What? you fantasizing about getting one of these?"
"this whole place is a grave" She says.
"You got some creepy grave fetish, LETS GO!" He yelled at her.
Y'all go down the hallway just to see more graves and gravestones, "tsk" Zack walks to the 2 big ones. You follow him and your heart drops, You gasp catching his attention.
"What the hell you gasping for?... Read it"
"Here lies Y/n L/n, and the other says Rachel Gardener..." Wow "Wow" you accidentally say out loud. Rachel just looks at her grave. "Hey there's an unfinished one"
"Huh, I guess this is mine? They must've thought i could die at anytime I guess i'll just smash the thing" He said raising his Scythe.
"You can't, Your Scythe will break."
"You shut your mouth I know that!" Make me... Wait no what am i thinking?? "Put your hoodie back on!" You say flustered.
"I'm still wet! I need to fucking dry first!"
"There's a draft coming from that hole in the wall" We turn to Rachel. "I think I can fit, Ill check it out"
"Do you want me to come?" You say.
"You can, Zack look for a key or an activator" She says pointing at him.
"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Where am i supposed to look, I don't even know blah blah blah" You basically zone him out.
"Rachel i'll stay, he obviously is gonna be no help"
"Alright i'll go now"
"You better not try and escape! AND if you die let me know!" he yelled at her.
"Really Zack, She can't talk if she's dead" He just looked at you and groaned, "Ugh I know" He kept fidgeting as he sat on a grave, "Dammit im so bored" You saw as he looked around and found a pick axe. He looked at you and grinned like a child that found candy.
"Hey don't break Rachel's" you said sitting on top of yours.
"Tsk, fine"  you watched as he started breaking gravestone, laughing maniacally, Until one caught your eye.
That name looks familiar. You got up and started walking towards it. Keen, Keen Maxwell?? Here lies keen Maxwell a well known friend of-
"ZACK! What the hell! I was reading that asshole!" You pushed him jokingly.
"HahahaHa my bad, i couldn't resist" He was laughing so hard it looked like tears were falling. Then he looked at you with a smirk and started walking toward you... "Zack?" He stopped right infront of you and lifted your head. He's so close! Remember Y/n he's a serial killer! even if he's a fine one!
"Do you want to kiss me?" Your knees almost gave in. Why does he make me so nervous, Maybe because he's a serial killer!!!
"Remember I Hate liars"

And that's it for this chapter, the next chapter will most definitely have a lil lemon in it 🙈⚠️

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