Useful to you 💥

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"I hope I was useful to you" Rachel said as you helped her up. You smiled at her.
"Yea! if it wasn't for that quick thinking of yours we'd still be up to our eyeballs in poisonous gas!!" Zach smiled. Rachel's really smart and mature for her age, my dumb self wouldn't even have thought of it.
"Ohahaha, Your all still alive after all of that? Well color me surprised, I've opened the next area out of courtesy." Cathy said through the intercom. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. I can't wait to get away from these crazy people.
"Come on guys.. let's get moving." Rachel said quietly. Shes really worn out from the poison compared to me and Zack, must be because we were almost electrocuted to death.
You were all walking down the hall but Rachel was way behind the both of you.
"Jesus, can't you walk any faster?" Zack said to her, but she wasn't even fazed and kept the same pace. You kept walking beside him all of a sudden he turned around.
"Hurry your ass up or i'm gonna kill myself!" He yelled at Rachel.
"Just leave me.. i'll catch up" she said nonchalantly.
"I would but you see I need you to get out of this place, Princess over there is no help.." Zack complained.
"Excuse Me! I do help, I climbed in the vent! I-
"yea yea, we get it your not totally useless." Zack said rolling his eyes.
"Well.. maybe if I take a break.. i'll be more useful!" Rachel said.
"You think so?" he looked around, "over here there's no cameras." Zack led you both to one of the broken jail cells. Rachel immediately fell asleep against the wall.
"Ugh, she even looks like a doll when she sleeps." Zack cringed. "I'm even more agitated than usual" he said looking at his hands then closing his eyes. You smiled and sat against the wall. I wonder what i'm doing here, Will I even get out? Can I even trust Zack? What am I to Zack.. just his prey? You were in deep thought and eventually fell asleep.

It had been a few months since Keen and Tylin had moved to the neighborhood.. Me and Keen were really close, Who knew that night everything would change.

You were getting ready for bed when you heard a knock on the window. huh? You tipped toed cautiously and lifted the blinds to see all your friends including Tylin and Keen.
"Guy what are you doing here so late at night?!" You whispered screamed.
"Let's sneak out! it'll be fun!" Tylin urged you. Frankly you were kinda intrigued, but still hesitant.
"Come on, Y/n!" One of your female friends said.
"Fine!" You smiled and climbed out the window. "Where are we even going?" You rolled your eyes.
"Me and Tylin found this lake in the woods, it has a rope swing and everything." Said the red head friend smiling.
You had a lot of questions, Why are we going at night? Is it safe? mosquitos?!?! You arrived and everyone started jumping in with their clothes on. You didn't wanna get wet and you saw Keen didn't get in either. You and him talked and laughed about stuff. It's something about Keen, Idk really but he's really cute.
After about an hour everyone had started to go home but frankly you had fun just hanging out and talking to Keen.
You, Keen and Tylin were the only ones left and you decided to head back. You waved goodbye and were walking through the woods back home when you heard a branch snap behind you. You turned and no one was there. Oh hell no. Just as you were about to book it out of there, Tylin came out of no where and stopped you.
"Hey?" He said laughing.
"Don't do that!" You pushed him,"Where Keen?"
"I don't know, I left before him, he's probably swimming or something." He smirked.
"Ok i'm gonna head back." You told him, but he wouldn't let you past.
"What the rush? We didn't get to hang out you were talking with Keen~ the whole time." He smirked at you. "You didn't even get in the water." At this point the atmosphere had became tense and Tylin was beginning to freak you out.
"Well i didn't want to get wet." You said trying to go past him but failing.
"That's too bad, I really wanted to hang out with you, but you just talked to my brother~" He started to get closer and closer. You caught the red flags and pushed him and ran. He grabbed your hair pushing you to the ground.
"Get off me Tylin!!" You said trying your best to get up.
"Your really pretty Y/n~" He said forcing a kiss on you. Tear were falling down you cheeks, He's stronger than me, You thought as you closed your eyes ready to give up.
Your eyes shot open as Keen had hit Tylin in the back of the head with a rock.
"Dammit! Keen you had to interrupt us?" Tylin had gained back his stance, full of rage, holding his now bleeding head.
"You bastard!" Keen yelled and pulled out a knife. Your eyes went wide and so did Tylins, before you knew it Keen was on top of Tylin stabbing him... blood went everywhere and you just watched... Do I even wanna try and save him after what he tried to do?
After Keen had snapped out of it, he looked to you, blood dripping down his face and clothes. You backed away shaking, tears falling down your face.
"Are you okay, I won't hurt you?" He said calmly. You shook your head.
"What am I gonna do? I killed my brother dammit, im a bad person" He said scratching his head.
You were confused, Isn't he my savior? but he didn't have to plain murder him!!
"K-Keen.." you managed to get out. He looked to you. "You.. didn't have to kill him... that was your brother!" You almost threw up looking at Tylins mangled body.
"Yea he was, that bastard belongs in the dirt,let's get out of here and get cleaned up." He stood up and held out a hand. Blood was running all down his arm, but you were in no position to refuse his help. You grabbed it and he helped you up.
"Hey Y/n"

Isaac foster (Zack) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now