Interrogation 🔪

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Right.. I have to save them
"Um but I'm hand cuffed to the bed" You say awkwardly.
"Oh I am so sorry about that. When you blacked out and got cleaned up, they found a weapon, so they took precautions" The nurse told you.
"Seems fair" You smiled. I mean.. If they took the weapon why would they need to take precautions??
"I'll send someone with the key right away! They'll escort you to where you need to go!" She smiled before leaving the room.
"Great..." You took the time to analyze your surroundings. The bullet wound by your side was all bandages up, and so were your cuts. You were still in your same bloody and messed up outfit tho. Well.. Maybe I'll get sum new clothes and finally hop in a shower.
After a while the door opened, two men walked in. A man with a gold star on his blazer came and unlocked your cuffs. The other sat at the door in his tux. He was relatively young compared to who you assumed was the sheriff. So was he the detective?
"Follow me please ma'am" The guy in the suit said.
"Ma'am? Ou a gentleman" You giggled following him.
"You know for someone who went through something so bloody and gruesome, you don't act like it" The detective deducted.
Shit.. I'm kinda use to it, "Is that a problem? I try to see the positive in things Mr detective" You tried to fold your arms but had forgotten about the wounds.
"I see.." He said opening a door for you. You sat at a table and the sheriff and detective say right across from you. After a while the detective pulled out two pictures, one of Zack and one of Rachel. "Do you know them?"
"Yep" You replied.
"Now tell me, what were you doing in that building?" He questioned.
"I don't know really.. I just woke up on the floor" That wasn't a lie.
"So you were kidnapped? preferably by him" He said pointing at Zack.
"Huh? I never said that!"
"No need to get so worked up, he can't hurt you.. You can tell us the truth" He reassured.
"I am telling the truth! Zack would never hurt me!"
"Zack? You mean Isaac Foster? Well on account of the sheriffs testimony.. He yelled 'If you cry, I'll kill you' to you before he was arrested" He looked at you intensely. "It's okay, we believe you're innocent Y/n."
"How do you know my name?" You questioned.
The sheriff spoke up, "The little girl, Rachel, mentioned it. She was diagnosed with a mental disorder and sent to a place for help" Him and the detective looked at each other. "The man 'Isaac Foster' Is keeping quiet about what happened, but he did admit to his past killings.. Now either you tell us what happened at that building or we'll be forced to send you to that mental place with that girl" He demanded.
"Was that a threat?" You asked disgusted.
"It's your choice" He said shrugging.
"Tsk, Im not telling you jack shit about anything." You said turning your head.
"Do you not understand people are dead?!" The sheriff yelled.
"Now calm down, Listen Y/n, he can't hurt you if you tell us.. he's locked up for good, no need to be scared" The detective said calmly.
You gritted your teeth, Scared? these people are a joke! "I have nothing else to say" You told them.
"Great! This one won't talk either! This guy really scared these girls up, send her with the blonde one" The sheriff said getting up and leaving the room.
The detective got up and grabbed your hand.
Huh?!?! "Excus-
"Listen just, come on" He brought you to his car and sat you in the passengers seat. You could see him up close now. He had black hair and dark eyes. He wore a black suit and he had a nice jawline, Seemed at though he was in his 20's.
"I'm sorry for what's happened to you.." He said suddenly.
"Thank you.." You replied.
"This might be against the rules but.." He reached in his pocket and pulled out your knife. "I think this belongs to you"
"Oh my god, thank you!" You smiled taking it, "Wait what's the catch?"
"This may sound crazy but, I feel like being there for you, even if I am a insignificant person in your life right now.. it's weird I know but if you ever need anything just remember me, detective Saki!" He smiled handing you a card. You tucked it in your bra.
"Okay weirdo" You smiled looking out the window. You arrived at the building but it was pretty dark outside.
"Wait miss Y/n" You turned towards Detective Saki. He took off his coat and threw it around you.
"Thanks?" You grinned confused.
"If you walk in, they are already expecting you, I'll come back and check on you tomorrow, okay?" He smiled.
"Sure" You thumbs up and walked in the building.
"You must be Y/n L/n. I'll show you to your room and you can even see Rachel if you'd like" The worker said.
"No thanks, please just take me to my room" You told her. She obliged and as you were walking to your room you heard an alarming conversation.
"Have you heard about the two girls they just brought in?"
"Yea.. poor things, that killer really messed with their minds"
"I heard he got death row"
"Really? serves him right"
Death Row?
You made it to your room and their was a big window where the moonlight was shining in.
"There is some clothes on your bed, you can take a shower if you like" The lady said before leaving you alone.
I don't have time to change, or visit Rachel. Zack asked me to do him a favor. You went towards your window and pried it open with the knife.
I need to find that Scythe!

Hello lovelies! Saki will be important, so remember him 💖

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