✨ Take me with you ✨

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I need to find that Scythe!
"Ok so.." You sat down in the bed thinking, "I already opened the window, Zack told me before he was arrested he needed a favor. He said he needed me to get him a new scythe from a guy with a black hood and red shoes..." You sighed. "He could've atleast gave me any other detail like where to find him.. How am I supposed to even give the scythe to him if he's locked up" You shook your head. "I'll worry about it later" You jumped out the window, sneaking out.
Maybe if I walk around a bit, i'll conveniently find this guy.
You laughed at the thought, "Right.. like luck is on my side"
You fell to the ground, "Hey! Watch where you're going!" You said getting off the ground. You looked up and it was a guy in a hood, you couldn't see his face because of the lighting.
No way.. You looked down and he had red shoes. He was starting to walk around you.
"Oh um hey sorry for being rude!" You scramble out trying to stop him. He gave you a thumbs up and continued walking. "No wait! Do you know Zack Foster??"
The hoodied man stopped in his tracks, "What's it to ya?" He said in a deep voice.
"He needs a new scythe, and he sent me to get it" You told him.
"Heh, What are you? A new friend? He doesn't have many of those.. He already broke the scythe I gave him, tsk"
You could tell he was staring at you, although you couldn't see his face. "What a minute, Wasn't he just arrested.. and you were on the tv too! What are ya tryna pull here.." He said suspicious.
"No wait, it's a complete misunderstanding" You said worried.
"I bet, follow me and get this scythe" He said walking in a different direction.
He actually believes me?
"I don't believe what I see on Tv anyway. Me and Zack are close so I believe you if he trusts you" He added. You followed him to this building, "Ladies first" he said opening the door.
"So you're a gentleman huh? Since you and Zack are so close, you would think you would teach him manners too" You complained walking inside. The man laughed and followed you.
"Here's the scythe but the question is, how do you expect to give this to him?" He questioned.
"Um.." Maybe Saki will help? No.. I can't trust him yet.
"Trick question, I can handle the rest" The man laughed.
"What?! How?" You asked.
"You probably already know, doing things illegally is how I roll" he said proudly.
I figured, since all these illegal weapons are in here.
"I'll find a way to get it to Zack easily" He said patting your head. "Now run a long"
"You better not be lying!" You demanded.
"Both me and Zack live by the same code, I hate liars"
You left the building and climbed back though your window. You took a shower and put on the gown they gave you. You layed on the bed thinking. I'm so tired.. I wonder when I'll see Zack again, I'll talk to Rachel tomorrow. Who was that hooded guy and why were him and Zack so close? And why is this Saki guy trying to get close to me.. and where is Keen..?
You groaned and turned over on the bed and fell asleep. You woke up the next day and went to meet Rachel but she didn't speak, you patted her head and smiled. You knew deep down she was glad you were there.
Day by Day time went on, a whole two months had past. Everyday Saki came and visited you, he made you smile and you never understood his kindness. Finally, the day of Zack's execution came.
You were sitting in your room on your bed. It was night and you were looking at the moon. You had gave up hope a long time ago.. all you could feel was despair. You laid down and closed your eyes. You heard a scream.
Your eyes bolted towards the window. It was him.
"Shhh, we don't have time, come with me princess" He held out his hand.

Without hesitation you grabbed it and he jumped down

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Without hesitation you grabbed it and he jumped down. He put you on the ground and said, "Wait here, I'll be back"
"Are you going to kill Rachel?"
"Yea, I'm not a liar you know" He smirked.
"Yea I know.." Your emotions were all over the place, You had so many questions.
"Actually, I think she might want you to be there" He picked you up by the waist and jumped to Rachel's window. He smashed it and she looked up at the both of you.
"I should've known.. after all that, you still have that boring face of yours" He sighed.
"Y/n.. Zack.. Wait how? Aren't you suppose to be in prison?" Rachel asked shocked.
"Yea well obviously I decided to change my plans" He said glancing to you.
"Are you still gonna kill me?" She asked.
"What do you think? When I want something I make damn sure I get it, We don't have a lot of time though, me and Y/n gotta get out of here" He grinned. "You didn't forget your side of the deal right?"
"Of course not! How could I forget, I could never!" She said starting to tear up.
"Hell ya! Well come on Ray!" He grabbed her out the window and peered out watching.

"Hell ya! Well come on Ray!" He grabbed her out the window and peered out watching

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"It's time now.. So please kill me" She said crying.
"Well if that's what you want.. stop crying and smile" He told her. As soon as she did so, Zack took his scythe and swung at her. Blood splattered all over the window and your white gown. Rachel fell to the ground with a smile. You were tearing up too. She looked so happy when she died.. like a genuine smile. You climbed out the window to where Zack and Rachel's body was.
"Now princess.. You know what I said about you crying.. I don't like it" Zack said throwing his scythe over his shoulder. You wiped your eyes.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it" You smiled.
"Better, now let's get out of here!" He yelled. He started to walk towards the woods when you stopped. "The hell?" He said aloud.
"Zack I'm just.. happy to see you" You told him looking down.
"I would be fucking glad to see me too, that looks like one sad hell hole you guys were staying in" He said prideful.
You walked up to him and he looked confused. With one motion you kissed him and his eyes widened. This kiss was different from the other ones. It was strange.. he dropped his Scythe to the side as he kissed you back. "Zack, take me with you" You said breaking the kiss.
"Whatever you say" He grinned before kissing you

A pair of gold eyes were staring at you from a far.. full of searing rage.

Stay tuned for the next chapter! 💖, Im in tears, it has already come to an end 🥺

Isaac foster (Zack) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now