A gun, A knife, and A red string

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"That's because it needs a nameplate" Gray told you. You facepalmed realizing you should've kept the nameplates from the other floor.
"You need the Residents nameplate, You should find them on this floor" Gray continued. Zack growled and grabbed your wrist.. dragging you down the hall. You entered the door at the end of the hall and it led to a child-like room.
"Dang this place is more of a pig sty than mine" Zack said.
"Hey look at this picture" You told him. It was a picture of Rachel with two people standing behind her.
Those are the Two dead people we saw?! "Maybe those are her parents" You continued. Zack looked over to the box beside the photo.
"huh?" Zack grunted, turning the box upside down.
"So it's a music box?" You said interested.
"A what?" He said continuing to wind it. Suddenly the lid popped up and music was playing, there was a nameplate inside. Zack picked it up and it said Rachel Gardener. "Huh? Dang, sure wish I could read" He complained turning it upside down. You laughed at his cluelessness. "Hey princess look! These are the same!" Zack said ecstatically, pointing at Rachel's name on her photo.
"Good job Zack" You giggled.
"Shut up already! let's go" He said looking away.
"Aw i'm sorry.." You nudged him jokingly. You both made your way up the stairs to the room that needed the nameplate.
"So does this mean this is her room?" Zack questioned.
"I suppose so.." You said curious. The door unlocked and you both walked in.
"So this is Rays room huh?" Zack said out loud.
"It's really neat, that must be the blue moon she was talking about" You added.
"Geez, is everything fake in this place?" Zack said throwing the fake flower. The static of the TV came on.. making you jump.
"Local authorities responded to a report of the dead and mutilated bodies of Mr and Mrs gardener, as you can see here, where the bodies were discovered inside.."
Zack dropped his Scythe and moved closer to the TV.
"I hope you know your not supposed to be that close" You said rolling your eyes.
"Their bodies were crudely Sewn together with red string.. the bullet holes and stab wounds indicate this was a vicious murder.."
"Hang on.. They were sewn together?" Zack asked.
"There daughter Rachel gardener was found near their bodies, seemed to show mental signs of being present during the murder.."
Zack started backing away slowly.
"Did she..?" You started when the TV changed suddenly. It was a video of Rachel sitting in a chair and Danny was adjusting the camera.
"That asshole!" Zack yelled. You continued to watch. It was Rachel explaining everything that had happened, her finding the puppy and then trying to ask to keep it. She explained when her parents were arguing, all the way to when her father killed her mother and her later killing her father, afterwards sewing her parents together.
How could she keep such a straight and calm face after witnessing all that? I guess everyone really does think different.
"Oh how I adore those blue peepers, Alive and dead at the same time just like my mothers, They'll forever be-
Zack had smashed the TV with his scythe, glass flew everywhere but you were left unharmed.
"So by showing us this tape does that mean we know everything about Ray? What's the point in showing us this crap?" Zack said kicking open the door and walking out the room, but not before grabbing your arm and dragging you out with him. "I can't wait to get my hands on that eyeball crazy sicko" He grumbled.
"Um.. Zack?" You said as he gripped your arm tighter.
"What? Oh right" He said letting go. You made it to the door. Zack kicked it and yelled, "OPEN UP ALREADY!"
"No need to be so rough, Come in.. It's unlocked already" You heard Danny say. You reached to opened the door but Zacks foot beat you to it as he kicked it open. You seen Rachel and Danny standing across the room.
"Hey Y/n.. Hey Zack.." Rachel said.
"Okay first tell me.. Do you kill everyone who comes on this floor like the rest of these clowns?" Zack asked. She stayed silent.
"Don't just stand there! Well do ya?! ANSWER ME!" He yelled.
"Now.. now show my patient some respect! She's been through a lot" Danny said pointing the gun in the air. Zack pulled out his Scythe ready to swing.
Danny had shot between Zacks feet but He didn't move a muscle. That's when Danny pointed the gun at you, making  Zack flinched.
"I see.." Danny chuckled. Zack lowered his scythe sightly.
"That was some pretty sick shit you made us watch" Zack grumbled.
"I do apologize, counseling can be some upsetting work" Danny smirked.
"I didn't come here so you can complain, I still want Ray to answer my question" Zack replied. "Do you kill everyone who comes to this floor or not? And if so are you gonna kill us?" he continued.
At this point you were getting uncomfortable, You reached in your pocket for the knife Zack gave you, pulling it out slowly.
"No Zack-
"Tsk Tsk, it's not nice to lie Rachel~ , Perhaps I should tell him" Danny said, "Yes Zack, It is exactly what you thi-
"PLEASE STOP IT" Rachel yelled interrupting the doctor.
"To bad, Might as well move on, your god has seen it all, when Rachel got here Reverend Gray made her the angel of this floor but she had a serious mental breakdown and forgot her memories because of that bible over there~" Danny shrugged.
"Wait! Then how did I lose my memories?!" You questioned.
Danny looked at you and chuckled, "Well my dear Y/n~ that's something you should be asking yourself, you left came back, and your memories were gone sadly"
"Tsk, don't play with me!"

Enjoy my lovelies 💅🏽  Vote ! and if any questions ask

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