A cold blooded killer ❤️

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"Come on, you know that's not loaded" You told Rachel, She was aiming at Zack.
"Oh, I loaded it earlier" Danny laughed.

*Bang*Rachel shot the gun grazing Zack's shoulder

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Rachel shot the gun grazing Zack's shoulder. You were to shocked to say anything.
"What?!" Zack exclaimed.
"Just when I thought those blue peepers couldn't get any more beautiful" Danny said excitingly, "Sorry Zack but the deals off, I can't let you and Y/n go, I'll fulfill all of Rachel's desires" He continued.
"Are you sure you wanna kill me?!" Zack yelled at Rachel, Ignoring the Doctor.
Rachel ran out the room, ignoring Zack's question.
"Hold up!" Zack yelled chasing after her.
You looked to the insane doctor.
"It's over, I'm a slave to those immaculate blue eyes, Ill make sure she gets what she wants" Danny said licking his gun.
"Tsk, you're disgusting" You spat.
"Maybe , but atleast i'm not an obedient accomplice" He replied.
"Give me that gun" You demanded.
"Oh, I always thought you were more of a knife person~" he chuckled.
"I'll ask one more time, and once only, Give me the gun" You said.
"No, I need it to fulfill Rachel's desire" he stated.
"So be it" You Charged at him, not giving him time to think, you pushed him to the ground.
"Argh" He groaned as you grabbed his wrist, attempting to snatch the gun. You were almost successful until he head butted you with his own, making you fall backwards, knocking his glasses off in the process.
"You're stronger than you look you know" He said picking them up. He ran out the room and you chased after him before grabbing him from behind and pulling him to the ground. You were just below the stairs and you could hear movement above, I assume Rachel and Zack are upstairs?
You wince as the bullet grazes your right arm, you hear glass breaking upstairs.
"Looks like I missed" Danny chuckled.
"Argh, You damn bastard!" You attempted to grab the gun again, and to your surprise you were successful.
"Well looky here, the doctor has butter fingers" You laughed.
"What are you gonna do, kill me? You don't have the guts~" Danny laughed. Just as he said those words Rachel came running down the stairs into the main room, distracting you, letting Danny get a chance to run after her.
"Dammit!" You yelled chasing him. Soon after Zack came in the room. His eyes widened, landing on your wounded arm, but he didn't say anything. Rachel was holding her gun directly at Zack.
"Good Rachel, If you shoot him from here, in the head, there's no hope for survival" Danny chuckled.
"You're a frickin nutcase" Zack spat
No.. No.. I can't let this happen what do I do..
"He is a monster after all, we don't wanna be sloppy" He continued.
Almost in an instance, right after he said those words, you shot him. It was almost instinct.
"Wh- You d-damn.. How d-dare you" He said coughing up blood and falling to the ground.
You looked at Zack, his face was full of shock and Rachel seemed unfazed.
"Looks like you beat me to it" She said to you. "But i'll be the one to kill Zack" She said pointing the gun now at you.
"Hey! What the hell has gotten into you!" Zack yelled stepping infront of you.
"Just kill me.. there's no hope for me, but first I need to own you, you're mine, and mine only" Rachel said cocking back the gun.
(Um no honey he's mine)
"So you wanna die, and you want me to die? IS THAT SUPPOSE TO FIX THIS!" He yelled raising his scythe, making you stumble back.
"That makes no sense!" You yelled.
"I know that, all right!" she yelled.
"I'm not, i'm being serious!" Rachel replied.
"Are you now?" Zack said lowering his scythe and walking towards her. You grabbed the back of his jacket lightly. You didn't know why.. but you just did. He paused right infront of her gun.
You saw as Rachel was about to pull the trigger, you gripped his jacket tighter, suddenly Zack trips Rachel and kicks the gun out her hand, stepping on her wrist.
"Come on Ray did you really think a wuss like you could kill me? SAY IT AND I'LL END IT" He said raising him scythe.
"No Zack please don't, not while i'm in this condition, you're not my god anymore, my new god is dead.. gone forever" Rachel pleaded.
I.. I'm so confused.. I thought she wanted to die??
"Yeah, that's right.. I KILLED YOUR GOD!" Zack laughed, "But obviously i'm alive and well, you get it now? I promised to kill you.. Not be your god" He continued.
"Yea but I still think-
"NO!" Zack yelled swinging his scythe, causing you to jump back in surprise. "I'm more than happy to keep my word Ray" He grinned manically.
"But i'm unclean, a sinner.." She replied.
"You think I care about any of that? I'm not frickin Mr. Perfect, I'm a cold blooded serial killer whose killed more people than they can count because it's fun! But unlike you and four-eyes I don't waste my time thinking about shit like that! I don't give a rats ass about parents or god! Nobody controls me, if anybody tried to I'd kill them! I decide what I want to do and I Frickin do it, end of story! I have my way of living and you have yours! Why is that so complicated?!" Zack yelled.
You felt something change inside of you after hearing that.. Who knew Zack would have such an impact on me..
"I have my own way of living?" Rachel replied.
"Yes! Make your own decisions, what do you see infront of you right now?" He said.
"Exactly you see a god anywhere?" He grinned.
"No.. Your just you, no more no less" She replied.
"Now tell me who's gonna kill you?! And swear to yourself!!"
"I swear you're gonna kill me!!" She said bawling her eyes out.
"Good, you know for a psychotic person you're way to serious, be like princess over there" Zack turned to you, "Why are you crying too?"
He was right, you didn't notice it before but tears were falling down your face, "I made my own decision Zack, I killed someone.. now i'm a murderer.. I don't know if it was right, so how can I make my own decisions if they're not even good?" You said wiping your face.
He sighed, "Geez, is this how all women are?" He placed his hand on your head, "It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, you decided"
"Zack I-
"So you're a little killer huh?" He said with a smirk. "Don't worry tho, you're still a little angelic princess to me~" He continued.
"Shut up!" you laughed.
"There's that smile"

Did you enjoy? 💖 I could honestly relate to this chapter..

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