The test 🔮

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"You're not even Keen.." You spat.
He froze, "What the hell are you talking about? Of course I am! Now let's go my love~"
You backed away. "What's going? This isn't real.. Keen would never threaten nor try to kill me.. and he would never cuss at me, You are not Keen!" You didn't know whether you were relieved or more frightened by this imposter. "Where are you even trying to take me??" You yelled.
"You always screw things up, of course I am Keen!" He yelled.
I know for a fact that's not him.. All these year he has never once threatened my life, atleast I knew he cared about keeping me alive.
"No you're not! Where is Abraham Gray!" You said gripping your knife. He seemed to had gotten angrier and the Keen you know rarely showed emotion unless it was insanity.
He looked at you intensely and started laughing. "Oh Y/n you're so funny! I told you i'm taking you home, Gray is just fine, now let's go my love~" He had walked infront of you and was now gripping your shoulder. You stood silent thinking. "Come on, Let's go.. we'll be happy~" With no hesitation you stabbed him in his chest. Blood gushed from his mouth as you backed away. "Y-You idiot!" He pulled the knife from his chest and broke it in half, "So your not as dumb as you look huh?" And with those final words he poofed into purple smoke. The room started spinning making you dizzy causing you to fall on your bottom. When you opened your eyes Gray was standing over you in the same place you were before.

 When you opened your eyes Gray was standing over you in the same place you were before

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"You passed" He said seeming as though he was congratulating you.
"What was that?" You said slowly getting off the ground.
"It was a test, you sure have grown since you've been here, the old you would've went with Keen with no hesitation" He stated. So me and Abraham knew each other on a personal level? "Your cheek is bleeding" Gray added. You touched your right cheek and he was right. Keen.. I mean that thing must've cut me when I wasn't paying attention.
"So that was a fake Keen? Is the real one alive?" You questioned.
"To be brief, Yes but I have no idea where he is, you are the last one to know of his whereabouts" Gray continued, "I will tell you what you want to know since you passed the test.. Follow me" You followed him to a chapel. "Please take a seat" You sat in a long church chair.
"Now then.. When I first found you, you were running in the woods tattered clothing.. You told me you needed help and I decided to help you although you never called me by Gray but Abraham" He chuckled and then continued. "I brought you to meet Danny but you seem to know something was off.. I told you about my plan with Angels and sacrifices and you got upset, surprisingly you left the room and building but when you came back you remembered nothing.. Which worked perfect for my plan with god." You cringed. So Abraham brought me to this place and was gonna sacrifice me? That asshole.. but why was I running in the woods?? "Might I add, That was 3 months ago, almost four"
Four months what was I doing all this time?? "Abraham I mean Gray, What would've happened if I didn't pass the test and I went with the fake Keen?" You questioned.
"You would have inevitably been lead to your death." He said tapping his bible. Frankly you didn't care anymore, you just wanted to leave and find Zack and Rachel.
"Can you tell me which way to find Rach and Zack?" you asked.
Gray smirked, "Indeed, that way" he pointed down a hallway and you took no hesitation to bolt in that direction.
I'm tired mentally and physically, I just wanna leave.
You kept running until you reached Zack and Rachel resting in the same spot. It looked like Zach had stopped bleeding and was better, Rachel looked unscratched as usual. You put your hand over your face and sighed. You started giggling, So all that for some more trama huh? You must've woke Zack up because as soon as you removed your hand from your eyes, he was staring at you. He looked pissed as usual.

"What happened to your face?" He questioned

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"What happened to your face?" He questioned.
"Just a scratch.." you replied.
"Where did you go? Who did that?" He gritted his teeth. Is he concerned or just nosey? Either way I'm to tired to argue. You plopped on the ground and sighed. "Answer me" He demanded.
"I went to get help and.." You trailed off. What am I supposed to do tell him a ghost did it? "And Keen did it" Zack was alarmed by the response.
"What?! Where is your knife? You didn't fend him off?!" he said.
"He broke it, And technically it wasn't Keen but an imposter." You told him. He looked at you confused. You smiled, "Imposter means fake"
"I knew that!" He yelled. Zack looked at you for a few moments before he threw a knife directly at you. You caught it just in time.
"Hey! What the hell Zack!" you said angrily.
"Keep it, you're gonna need it" He said looking away.
"Are you concerned about me Zack Foster?" You raised an eyebrow.
"What?! NO! Just take it and shut up!" He yelled.
You laughed, "Aw I think it's cute you secretly care." Zach was getting flustered and jumbling his words.
"S-Shut up!"

Enjoy my lovelies 💅🏽

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