Almost there ✨

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"There's that smile" Zack said amused, "Damn, are you just gonna sit there crying forever Ray?" He questioned. "I mean shouldn't you know where the exit is? This is your floor.."
"Oh he's right!" You agreed.
"I don't remember going any farther up, I never cared too" Rachel stated.
"Why not?" Zack asked. Rachel ignored that question and started walking towards a door.
"Hey where are you going?" You asked.
"There is a front door, Zack you should try pushing on it" Rachel said.
"If you say so" he sighed.
He broke the door open with his scythe.
"Wa- Zack! You didn't have to break it!" You exclaimed.
"There's my was of doing things then there's yours" He said walking down the hall. "What's back there? Something bad?"
"No, there's nothing back there" Rachel replied.
"If there's nothing why bother?" You questioned.
"I've searched every inch of this place when I placed traps, no ones ever came in from above" She said blankly.
"So this is the top floor? this building is weird" You said confused.
"Oh the doctor use to come in and out somehow, I think through the vent" Rachel added.
"What a creep! Wait there's no way he did that! There has to be some other way" Zack yelled.
"Oh yeah.. The exit must be on one of the other floors.. in fact I think below us" Rachel contemplated.
"That makes no sense!" He replied.
"Anytime someone came on this floor, they rode the elevator up" She continued.
"I don't get it, but I wanna get outta here" Zack said scratching his head.
You all headed towards the elevator but when you arrived it seemed the elevator was busted, or more the power was switched off.
"Its okay, I know where the power source is" Rachel stated. You followed her to the room where the music box was.
"I know how to get there" Zack said.
"I'd rather go alone" Rachel replied.
"This is probably the last time i'm gonna see it, I wanna see it alone, it'd be embarrassing if you guys were there" She said blankly.
"Okay if you say so" You said fixing your skirt. Rachel hopped down and it was just you and Zack waiting alone.
"So.. What are you gonna do when we get outta here?" He said scratching his neck.
"Honestly Zack, I haven't thought that far" You said sitting down. "I mean you're gonna kill Rachel and I haven't thought about after that"
"Well it's not like you have anywhere to stay right?" He said changing the subject.
"What are you getting at?" You asked suspiciously.
"Tsk, Nevermind" Zack said rolling his eyes.
"Just say it!" You said now standing up facing him.
"Don't tell me what to do!!" He yelled stepping towards you.
"Well you shouldn't start something you can't finish" You said crossing your arms.
He wrapped his scythe around you, "You know I should've killed you when I first saw you" He said aggressively.
"Well you didn't, not that I would let you" You said sticking your tongue out at him.
"Why do you have to be so damn difficult!" He yelled.
"I'm not!" You replied.
He sighed and lowered his scythe, "I was just saying you could stay with me, I guess" You just stared at him shocked, "What's with the damn look?"
"I'm just shocked, THE Zack Foster has a place?" You teased.
"It's just Zack! and of course! what do I look like living on the streets!" He yelled.
You would look like a serial killer on the run, "Why are you offering me a place to stay?" You questioned.
"I was just saying! Damn!" He grumbled.
I bet he'll kill me if I refuse, "If I do stay with you, You'll probably just kill me later!" You complained.
He came up to you and placed his thumb on your bottom lip, "Maybe I will" He said his eyes flashing red.
"Zac- You started but was cut off by the sound of climbing.
"I cut the elevator on" Rachel said, getting off the floor.
"Tsk, Took you long enough" Zach said giving you a look.
"You didn't run into the priest right? for some reason he didn't do anything when I saw him.." she added.
"What? he's on this floor?" you asked surprised.
"Yea.. oh right the guns in the living room" She said hurrying to the door. When you entered, the doctors body was no longer where it was before.
"Geez, how many times are we gonna have to kill this guy?!" Zack yelled. "I'm starting to think he's the monster here!"
Rachel's gun was gone and the gun you had was out of bullets. You sighed and it immediately caught Zack's attention, he placed his hand on your head, "Well looks like your not a killer after all, huh princess?" He grinned.
"Right.." You replied. Is that some pathetic attempt to make me feel better?
"This is what's left of my parents" Rachel said suddenly. "I feel like I should say something.."
"Just say Bye Bye Mom and Dad, Like normal kids do" Zack said rolling his eyes.
"That's not normal" You said pushing him.
"Bye Bye Mom and Dad"

Hello lovelies ! 💖

Isaac foster (Zack) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now