My love ❤️🔪

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"This Can't be real" Cathy let out.
"YOU BET YOUR ASS ITS REAL!" Zack Yelled, Swinging his Scythe a second time. "You believe it now don't ya~?" He laughed slicing her stomach open. She fell to the ground, her blood covering the floor as she crawled towards her remote.
"How did you..?" You started.
"Y-you have t-to be judged.." Cathy groaned and pressed the remote in her now severed hand. Gunshots went off but missed completely. She laughed one more time before dying.
What a pity, A terrible way to go really. You giggled to yourself. You and Rachel both walked over to Zack.
"Finally~ Some peace and quiet." He said calmly.
"I thought you were hurt?!" You asked him.
"I am, My guts freaking killing me what do you think?" He replied. When he said this you felt terrible. This could've been avoided but it worked out well I guess, You sighed. "Hey what's with the frown? Lets get outta here" He said to you. You smiled to yourself. "Speaking of faces did you see hers? I got such a kick of that~" He laughed but immediately winced grabbing his stomach. You all walk toward the door to see it's locked.
"Dammit of course it locked!" Zack says.
"Maybe if we do something with these devices." Rachel Adds.
"Or maybe it's a button on her Remote?" They both look at you surprised. "I thought that was obvious?" You walk over to the remote with the hand wrapped around it. You pry the fingers off and press a button which immediately opens the door.
"Good job princess~" Zack smiled. I guess he's in a good mood. As y'all are walking down the corridor Zack's blood is leaving a trail and his Scythe is dragging the ground. You see words on the wall but it was really nonsense to you, but Rachel seemed really into it.
"Does that wall say something interesting or what?" He asked.
"Not really" You replied. Y'all continue walking, it seemed to have gone on forever until you get to a familiar place.
"Doesn't this place look familiar?" You asked.
"It's the first area we were at." Rachel replied.
"So she had the nerve to clown around like that beside us? How do we get out of here?" Zack rolled his eyes. At that moment a door clicked signaling it was unlocked.
"I guess we could start there" You said opening the door. It was the same place you took your mugshot but the door to the elevator was now visible.
"How are we suppose to get through it?" Zack asked confused.
"I don't think i saw an elevator button before.." Rachel said thinking. You looked at the wall beside the elevator doors.
"That looks important." You pointed out. "The writing on the walls said give your name to god.." You said looking at the box on the table, you took out the 3 name plates for the mugshots. Okay we put a nameplate in the slot, but which name? "But god does not need this sinner..." You put the nameplate that said Isaac foster in the slot and the elevator opened.
"Sweet, but what are we suppose to do with the other ones?" You shrugged and threw them on the ground. All 3 of you sat down in the moving elevator.
"So how did you two even get in a messed up place like this?" Zack asked.
"I witnessed a terrible murder and had to see counseling, then I was in a room with a blue moon outside the window."  Rachel said. You were twirling your knife in your fingers when you accidentally cut your pointer finger. "Ouch" You said putting your finger in your mouth.
"What about you princess? How did you get in this building?" He asked you.
"Let me try and remember" You said. How did I get here? Think Y/n Think! You zoned out for a few seconds.

*Abrupt Flashback*
"Keen you said you wouldn't do this anymore!" You screamed tears running down your face.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't shake the feeling.. It makes me feel so good seeing trash like them wiped out~" He said kicking 1 of the 3 dead bodies.
"I-I can't do this anymore! You're a monster!" You yelled at him.
"Me a monster? Y/n I'm doing the world a favor.. YOU inspired me! I'm just doing what other people see as bad~" He grinned. You turned to bolt out of there but he grabbed your wrist.
"Tsk Tsk Tsk~ I thought you would be proud of me? Your my accomplice Y/n, You're in this with me forever!! but Accomplice doesn't sound right.. My love? yes I like that.. The next few years are going to be Wonderful My love~" You couldn't help but blame yourself, Years? I can't do this, I can't....
*Abrupt Flashback over*
You gasped, Although it had only been a few seconds it felt like minutes had gone by.
"What?!, You didn't answer the question" Zack told you.
"Oh um, I don't remember" You laughed off.
"Oh well, I can't tell if you guys are really smart or really stupid" He smiled.
"Huh so you're smiling?, You must be really happy" You told him.
"Well kinda, aren't you in a good mood too?" He grinned.

You smiled, "Yea, I guess I am" Even though i'm really not, After remembering that I'm angry but after seeing Zack smile it kinda cheered me up

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You smiled, "Yea, I guess I am" Even though i'm really not, After remembering that I'm angry but after seeing Zack smile it kinda cheered me up. Ugh why is my type murders?! 
(same girl 🤦🏽‍♀️)
"Oh and you should smile more often"

Enjoy! I kinda switched up the scene a bit 💅🏽

Isaac foster (Zack) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now