Good girl~ 🧪

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"What a pity~" Cathy said disappointingly.
You looked at rachel and she had the same astonished look as you.
You were shocked.. in tears almost. (😭)
"Oh well, It's of no use to me now anyway~" She said shrugging. You let out a much needed sigh. You heard Zach mumbling, "I'm not a tool" over and over.
"Go ahead and move along to the next area~" As she said those words the gate in the middle of the room slammed shut, leaving Rachel by herself on the other side.
"Zack wait" She started but he ignored her and walked out the room. Rachel turned to you and said, "He seems mad"
"Yea, no kidding" You said scratching your neck. "I'll meet you on the other side" you smiled.
You went through the door Zach did, to see him banging on the door infront of you. "You know that's not gonna work, don't waste your energy" You said leaning against the wall. He didn't stop hitting the door, While Rachel silently came in the room, opposite of the fence. He should listen for once, You thought shaking your head. All of a sudden music came on and you could see Cathy face to face.
"Hey it's the bitch herself! What do you want now?!" Zack said annoyed.
"I greet you with a beautiful smile and this is how you treat me~" She said fake offended.
"Excuse me.. What do we do now?" Rachel said blankly.
"Just inject yourself with those two needles and the door will open for you~" She said blowing a kiss.
"You expect us to just inject something in our body?! Thats a suicide mission!" You said agitated.
"Now Now Y/n~ One syringe is filled with vitamins while the other a very dangerous drug! Once the syringe is empty i'll gladly open the doors for you! I wish you filthy sinners the best of luck~" She laughed.
She walked out the room and you picked up the green syringe from your side and asked Rachel to give you the yellow syringe from her side.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Zack asked you.
"Trying to see if i can tell the difference" You replied. You held the syringes to your eyes, looking at them closely while you heard Zack and Rachel arguing about who's taking the injections. Maybe they taste different? They weigh the same, I think I might be able to figure out which is which if I think about it...Would Cathy put the drugs in Rachel's side or Me and Zack's side?
"Just this once i'm gonna let you use me as you see fit" Before you could comprehend what Zack said he took the two needles from you and injected them into his arm.
"Are you crazy!! Why did you do that?!" You pushed him and he didn't budge. The door swung open.
"You coming? let's go" He said nonchalantly as he walked through the door.
"This is bad" Rachel said. You sighed and followed behind him. So stubborn..
He was breathing heavily and stopped against the wall.
"Damn that shits got my head spinning like crazy" He said holding his forehead.
"Zack you dumbass! Keep it together" You said to him.
"Why does.. this stuff keep flashing through my mind?" He growled.
"What stuff?" You questioned. Rachel came sprinting around the corner before you got an answer.
"There you guys are. Is he okay?" She Asked. Just as you were about to reply you felt a gust of wind around you, It was Zacks scythe.
"Zack?" You said confused.
"Ughhh, I wanna kill you! I wanna cover the walls with your guts right now!! I want to so bad it's driving me insane!" He said aggressively. Okay stay calm, he hates dolls, just keep a blank expression like Rachel.
"Okay do it then." You said struggling to keep a straight face. He grabbed your throat roughly.
"Are you sure about that princess?! You tryna be a doll like Rachel now?! That pisses me off!" He growled.
"Yes im sure, Just know you won't get out so easily, w-without me" You mangaged to get out almost choking on the last part.
"Cmon Zack thinking about it are you really gonna get outta here without me?" Even tho Rachel did all the work.. "What about you huh?" When you said that it seemed to have relaxed him. He let go of your throat and you gasped for air, all while Rachel is behind you.
"You Know, Even though you make sense princess, it's taking everything in me not to kill ya~" He started laughing mantically. "HaHAha if I knew how to stop murdering people i wouldn't have been brought to this place in the first place now would I?" He was beginning to sound more deranged than usual. Those damn drugs.. I'm not tryna die here. He pulled your head to his shoulder, his scythe still wrapped around you. "You know I hate liars, And you do know what I mean by that don't ya~" You nodded. "That's a good girl, If i'm gonna be honest I don't wanna kill you princess.. I don't know why~" He pushed you back into Rachel. "DONT LET ME KILL YOU JUST YET! EITHER OF YOU I BEG~" He yelled.
You could hear his growling and groaning in pain. You looked to Rachel, you both nodded and started running as fast as you could.
All of a sudden you heard his deranged laughing and scythe dragging the ground. You and Rachel dipped the corner and she tripped. You turned around to help her up and you caught a glance of the serial killer. His eyes were Red, full of blood lust.
Those drugs made him lose his mind.

Enjoy Saweeties 💞!

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