Chapter One

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Oh dear, she thought, Yep, yep that was her stop, damn it. As she watched the station disappear. Great! She would have to grab a taxi from the next stop. Peeling her face off the cold glass of the window had left a red mark on her cheek and as she checked her face in her compact, she groaned. She needed this holiday, so badly. It was a shame it wasnt somewhere exotic, but good old Covid – 19 had put pay to that. The train was packed now, children were squealing and running up and down the aisle, families and friends chatting away. She could hear a couple of overly loud phone conversations and excused herself from her window seat. Pulling her duffle from overhead she bumped passed the last few rows and collected her wheelie case, moving it into place by the door, she leant on the wall and watched the scene rush past the open window.

The train pulled up and she managed to struggle off among the throngs of holiday makers, who were heading to The Mumbles the best-known tourist area in that part of Wales. Making her way over to the taxi rank, she was met with a wide smile and a proper gentleman. Taking her bags and putting them in the back for her. The driver was surprised by her destination, but Eryn explained about missing her stop and wanting to just get to her hotel and settle down. She chatted with Evan, the driver all the way, he was such a sweet chap, he asked her all the usual questions, covered the obligatory covid 19 questions and complaints and before it seemed any time had passed, they pulled up into from of the prettiest hotel shed ever seen. It overlooked the bay and Eryn could finally think about relaxing, she thought as she took it all in.

Evan took her bags all the way to reception, which was extremely sweet, and she made sure to give him a decent tip, despite it not being the custom. Eryn believed in credit where it was due. Eryn was shown to a beautiful modern double room, with the most stunning sea views. One she had thanked the young lady who had brought her up and shut the door. She dropped onto the bed. A huge sigh escaped her tired and frankly burnt out mind and body. This break was going to do her a great deal of good.

Soon a growling tummy, made her think of moving and she pulled her wheelie case over to the wardrobe, hanging everything up and putting all the clothes in the draws, she unloaded her toiletries in the luxurious bathroom and kicked the suitcase under the bed. She pulled her laptop out of her duffle and set it up on the bedside to charge. Pulling off her work clothes and shoving them in the bottom corner of the wardrobe, she quickly showered and threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a light blue blouse, she slipped her feet into a pair of comfy pumps. She was too tired to bother with much else, opting for a dash of mascara and a bit of pink lippy. She brushed out her long blonde hair and spritzed it with hairspray, having been in a ponytail most of the day it sat slightly kinked, but she wasnt planning on a night out, just dinner.

It was then, as she looked in the mirror and swallowed hard. She had never thought she would be doing this alone. This trip had been booked a year ago when she and Phil were still together. She had considered cancelling, not wanting to be Billy no – mates and a total saddo, by going on holiday alone. But somehow, she had convinced herself, it would be good for her, to do things on her own, be more comfortable with herself and anyway she could always lie and say it was a business trip.

Coming out of the lift, she wandered over to reception to ask for directions to the main town centre, a dark-haired guy was working reception now. Shift change, she thought. She asked the guy at the desk, taking note of his name badge Sonny he was not bad looking, she thought as his dark eyes twinkled at her as she spoke. She adored the welsh accent and almost forgot to listen to what he said it sounded so dreamy.

David had offered to call a taxi, but it was a warm, summer evening, not even dark yet, so she opted to walk. That way she could take things in and maybe work out a few things to do during the week. It was an incredibly beautiful place and Eryn was never more at home than when she was by the sea. As child she had been obsessed with mermaids, having fallen in love with Tom Hanks and Madison in the film Splash then soon after Disneys little mermaid sealed that love.

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