Chapter 11

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That night when Taron got up t use the bathroom, he noticed the light was on Eryns room. Once he had finished, doing what he needed to do, he knocked gently on the door and pushed it open. Eryn was stood at the window and turned quickly hearing him enter. Its late Eryn, you ok? he asked walking over and putting his arms around her waist What are you looking at? Eryn pulled the curtain. Nothing, I had a nightmare she replied. She walked over to the bed, pulling free of Taron arms and climbed back in. He followed and sat next to her. You want to talk about it Taron tried, yawning. Not really, I was being silly she said looking at the window, Taron followed her eye line to the blue patterned curtain and thought for a few minutes.

Taking hold of Charlie and tucking him under his arm, he took Eryns hand and gently got up, leading her into his room. He dropped the teddy bear onto his bed. Seems like you need more company than Charlie can give you he smiled his expression still sleepy. He got into bed and gently tugged Eryns arm. It wasnt as if they hadnt shared a bed before. But this was different, last time was an accident. It wasnt that Eryn wasnt craving constantly to be touching, holding or being held by Taron. It was what else he might expect that worried her, not that she worried he wouldnt respect her, it was a muddle in her head. She allowed him to pull her into the bed and into a hug, though she made a note to herself, to have a difficult conversation with Taron come the morning. Anyway, he was right, she would sleep better knowing he was right next to her. She kept dreaming Phil was climbing in the window and Taron automatically took the window side of the bed, without knowing.

When she woke next morning, Taron was hugging Charlie bear and she smiled as she took time to watch him sleep. Taking in all the features that made her smile and tingle. Stop watching me he muttered making her laugh. She moved so that she laid across his back, her head on his shoulder. I like watching you sleep she smiled. Your so cute! Taron turned suddenly rolling eryn off him onto the mattress as he hovered over her I am NOT cute he scowled softly at her Do not start that shit with me he grinned. Eryn was shaken a little by the sudden movement and managed to shake off a flashback as it tried to invade the moment. Reminding her of the need to talk to Taron about the sexual side of things. He was a man after all, and she too wasnt a eunuch.

Taron had a day planned, he climbed out of bed and disappeared for a shower. Leaving Eryn to collect her thoughts and plan her strategy. Once the bathroom was free, she took over and allowed the water to run over her body. She was feeling better, still sore between her legs and her face still looked terrible, the bruising turning yellow green. She was concerned about the wounds though, hoping it wouldnt scar to badly. For the first time, since the incident, Eryn looked in the mirror and did her make-up, as best she could. She brushed her waist length blonde hair and twisted it into a fishtail plait. Back in her room she chose a floaty maxi dress and white converse. Grabbing her cardi, she walked into the lounge.

Taron had a sport bag that looked badly over filled, he smiled and walked over to kiss her. Well wow look at you he inhales and swallowed hard You look beautiful he breathed into her ear as he kissed her neck. Taron was wearing blue shorts and a long sleeve tee, with his usual converse. Twins smiled Eryn tapping her foot against his. Great minds Taron replied. Right, ready? he said cheerily. I think so, but where are we going? Eryn asked. But Taron simply tapped the side of his nose.

When they left the building Eryn, holding Tarons hand was pulled away from the direction of the car. We are walking he said, its not far, is that ok? Eryns stomach turned, feeling immediately exposed and nervous. At least in the car she could get away quick, should Phil appear. Taron suddenly understood, You arent going to let him change what you do, remember? he said looking into her eyes, she smiled and nodded, squeezing his hand, she skipped a little ahead Come on then, which way she smiled.

They walked along the marina, chatting about nothing and enjoying the morning sun. Soon they passed Tarons aunties Tea Room. He waved through the window and explained to Eryn about his family. He let her into the fact that he intended on taking her round to his Mams once todays activity was done. This made Eryn a little nervous, she knew his mam was going to be a lovely as he was, but felt awkward that she knew all her dramas, plus meeting the parents of a new partner was always a bit of a worry. They chatted briefly with Tarons Auntie, but Taron was keen to make it quick saying they had an appointment to keep.

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