Chapter 14

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Taron had tried so hard to be stoic while Eryn told him what had happened. He managed it to begin with, anger taking hold in him as he heard her describe the way that she had been practically frogmarched from the hotel and even when the receptionist knew something was wrong, did nothing he exhaled heavily, trying to hold in his emotion. But as she described what happened in the wood, he couldnt bare it any longer and tears ran down his cheeks.

Now he and Eryn sat in an endless embrace, holding tight to each other as everything that had been said, filtered through and Taron began to process it all. He understood why Eryn had been worried about sharing and knew he loved her that little bit more for not wanting him to feel what he did right now. But he was also glad that she wasnt carrying this alone anymore, he knew at her trial she would have to go over it all again and he wanted to be able to support her properly. He couldnt do that if he was only just learning the truth then.

He buried his head in her neck, inhaling her scent and kissing is gently as he pulled back. She looked at him and he her. You are safe now Eryn he said And Im going to make sure that that cunt goes down for a fucking long time he was shaking with anger and hurt. Eryn ran her fingers down his arm, nodding. Im ok he said quietly, seeing her worried frown It just hurts, that he did that to you and I couldnt be there to stop it he finished. I know She replied missing him on the lips.

They fell asleep in each others arms that night. Thought both had nightmares that broke up their slumber, they settled again with the comfort of each other.

Next day and Eryn was already downstairs, dressed and chatting with Tina and the girls, when a scraggy headed Taron appeared in the kitchen. He kissed each of those present before sliding into the booth and pouring himself a glass of orange juice, Tina passed him a full English breakfast and he grinned. Eryn slid in next to him, with her toast. Giving him a peck on the cheek. He rubbed her leg under the table. Smiling at each other. Tina chased the girls out of the kitchen to give them some space. How are you feeling this morning? Eryn asked. Taron kissed her on the cheek and answered her still with a mouthful of food Im good, promise he smiled lightly. any news on the flat? he asked looking for his phone that was charging on the kitchen counter. Eryn got up and grabbed it from the charger, Sliding it across to him, she grabbed hers.

Taron wiped his mouth with the napkin, great We have a guy coming this afternoon he smiled putting the phone down. What like a bodyguard? Eryn answered and Taron nodded. Really? she looked nervous and Taron patted the seat next to him, so she sat. You wont know he is even around, he will be very discreet he said. Eryn sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. I know its just all the fuss Taron poked her lips with his fork full of food. Eat he said and she took a bite Listen, if Phil isnt going to play by the rules, then we need to step things up he said At least until the police have evidence it was him behind the break in and can get him back in jail he continued to feed Eryn. Who laughed evenly Ive had mine she kissed Taron again Ok, if you think it will keep us safe she mused.

Oh, the police messaged, Flats clear to return minus objects of interest, whatever that means? she said Does it say if anything was taken? Taron asked and Eryn Shook her head. I suppose they wouldnt know would they we would have to tell them she added. Taron heaved a sigh God I hope nothing important has gone he scowled. Eryn looked at Taron Dont he said Dont even try and say sorry, you are not to blame for him, remember Eryn rolled her eyes. Ok she said simply.

Arriving at the flat, the police tape was draped across the floor. The front door had been replaced and a new alarm fitted. As the couple walked into the apartment, they did a mental inventory. Eryn going into her room, she sat on the bed Taron? She called and he ran in, what? Taron asked panicked. He took it all... she muttered looking at the bare room. Her bags were gone, her clothes, her laptop, new phone. The window was boarded up and glass littered the floor below. He smashed the window she said confused. Taron took her shoulders and gently pulled her to standing, he slid his hand into hers. Staring at the window. OK lets do this together he said leading her out of the room.

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