Chapter 23

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Eryn couldnt stop her foot tapping the floor, Henny and Taron sat quietly either side of her as she tried to focus her breathing. Tarons hand resting on her knee. The Doctor called her name and she held her breath as she stood. She had decided to go in on her own. It was a routine check on the injuries she sustained during the attack, nothing more. But she hated anything medical and this was no different. Taron squeezed her hand as she walked in the door.

She lay back on the bed, as the female doctor examined her. She checked the facial wounds and had Eryn move in different ways to check that all her movements were back to normal. She confirmed that her bruising had now gone, and she was left with just silvery white lines, were the cuts had been. The doctor asked about the non-physical injuries and was pleased to hear that she had an appointment with the psychotherapist Taron had found.

Then the doctors expression changed. Eryn she said, Do you remember the scans and tests you had? she continued as Eryn nodded. Well, I am afraid that I have so difficult news Eryn gulped, taking a deep breath she prepared herself. But as the doctor began, she found her words blurred. Words began to stick out, but whole sentences were lost. She nodded anyway as her brain tried to process. Too much damage she repeated in her head. only option left all flickered around her head. She heard herself say Thank you, I understand looking at the sympathetic face of the doctor, she stood and walked through the door.

In her daze she walked straight passed Henny and Taron. Almost at a run she left the building, panting and hyperventilating. She arrived at the car and unlocked it, having been the one to drive them to the clinic. Taron and Henny soon appeared, having run after her. She sat in the drivers seat as tears ran down her cheeks. Taron quickly grabbed her hand to prevent her starting the car Babe, give me the key, let me drive Taron said. Henny, who had climbed into the back seat and sat behind her, massaged Eryns shoulders Come on Babs, come get in the back with me she said softly.

Eryn robotically got out of the driver seat and walked to the back-seat door; Henny scooted over. But not before Taron and Henny shot each other concerned looks. Taron climbed across the gear stick and pulled the front doors shut, starting the car as Henny pulled the passenger door shut and helped Eryn put on her seat belt. Henny spoke softly to Eryn the entire journey home. Taron concentrating on driving, all manner of possible fears ran through his mind. He had seen Eryn mid flashback and in hysterical tears, but never like this.

Once they pulled up at the apartment, Eryn allowed Henny to hold her arm as the headed into the penthouse. Taron went to the kitchen and began making tea, not knowing what else to do. Henny took Eryn into the bedroom, where Eryn climbed fully clothed into the bed. Eryn Babs Henny urged What happened in there? Eryn looked at her friend as tears escaped her eyes. But couldnt put the words together. Taron came in and placed the hot, sweet tea on the side. Looking to Henny to see if he should stay or go. Henny got up and walked with Taron out to the landing. Shes not talking to me said Henny sadly. Maybe shell open to you she said. I will go order us some food she said. Taron was grateful for someone else to be there, to share the worry. He smiled sadly at Henny Ok, sounds like a good idea. He sighed and walked over to the bed, He crawled in behind Eryn. His arms moving into their usual place around her waist.

He rested his head on her shoulder and kissed her cheek gently. After a while Eryn sat up and sipped the tea. Taron looked at her, his brow furrowed, he wanted to feel her hands smoothing it as she usually did. But instead she simply stared at the liquid in her mug. He rested his head on her shoulder and sighed. How bad is it? he said softly. She looked at him Bad enough she replied Ok, so what do we do about it? he asked. Eryn knew Taron too well and realising her mistake, stroked his fringe. Im not dying or anything she said. Taron relaxed a little. Ok he exhaled.

I cant she continued Taron, I need some time, with this I think she mumbled. Taron nodded and pulled her to him. Ok, babe its okay he continued to stroke her head as he shot a concerned look at Henny. Who had hovered in the doorway? She now shut the door leaving the two alone.

Sometime later, the three sat eating pizza and chatting while music played. Eryn lay on Tarons lap as they laughed and joked. Sharing embarrassing stories of Eryn, making her cringe. It was a great atmosphere, but the elephant was there in the room with them. The conversation came to a natural stop as Henny got up to get another beer. Eryn not knowing if it was the beer or the safety of the group blurted it out I wont be able to have children she heard herself saying. Shaking her head internally at herself.

Taron and Henny froze, looking to each other. Eryn buried her head in Tarons lap. Henny moved straight to her friend, dropping to her knee next to her, she stroked her hair. Taron sat in shock too, blinking hard, his heart raced with panic. Not knowing how to react. He swallowed hard and rested his hand on her back, stroking it. Sorry she mumbled into Tarons knees Shit, sorry I dont know why I she began. Screw that said Henny breaking the tension.

Sit up Babs she demanded, and Eryn followed her friends instructions. She sat up next to Taron, who grabbed her hand and squeezed it hard. Tears in his eyes. Right, now start at the beginning Henny continued. Eryn explained the doctors words, the fact that Phil hadnt used the knife just to cut her face, he had used it to rape her too. It had done too much damage and her only option was a full hysterectomy to deal with the damage. She went on explaining the effect of the operation on her body and the obvious outcome of having your womb removed.

Unable to hear anymore, Taron got up suddenly and headed to his office, shutting the door behind him. Henny and Eryn could see through the frosted glass as he dropped into his chair and heard the desperate sobbing cries. Henny Stood Eryn up and walked her up to the garden. Eryn yearned to be with Taron, to hold him. But Henny was adamant, He needs time, like you did to get his head around what you said she told her friend kindly. I mean fuck Eryn, I need some... you threw that shit right out there she laughed. Eryn smiled sadly Yeah I kinda did fuck sorry she dropped her head into her hands. I just Eryn its cool. Its how you do things, you just dont bother with a preamble, I think I ought to know by now Henny reassured her Not sure Tarons used to it just yet thats all

Eryn felt better having told them, but she felt guilty having dropped it on them, the way she had. She was still desperate to check on Taron, but knew Henny was right. Eryn Henny said That fucking cunt, I tell you if I see that fucker ever again... I swear I am doing fucking time she stormed. I know Hen, I know Eryn groaned. Tears beginning to well in her eyes and drew lines in her foundation. Shit Sorry Eryn Henny cried seeing her friend, she wrapped her arms around her.

Well thats two of us Came a voice from the top of the stairs. Taron had appeared and walked over to the girls. He rubbed Eryns shoulder and sat next to her. Eryn pulled him into a tight hug, whispering I am SO sorry into his ear. He shook his head. I shouldnt have run off he said meekly. I think I will leave you two to talk Henny smiled and headed inside I have to pack anyway.

Eryn laid her head on Tarons shoulder as they sat in silence for a while, Just do me one favour Eryn Taron asked. She nodded Anything Dont ever tell me to leave ok? she looked at him. I know its what youre thinking he replied looking into her eyes. Youre going to tell me to find someone who can have kids, right? he said That cliché, yeah you want to tell me I deserve someone who can give me what I need, want, tell me thats not been what you have been thinking, since that doctor told you he said sounding irritated and sad. Its a cliché, I guess because its true Taron. But if you dont want me to say it she trailed off. Or think it, feel it, believe it Taron was crying now, his voice desperate I dont fucking care, Eryn he managed, as Eryn held him, tight.

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