Chapter 10

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The Interview was hard going, Eryn had to take several breaks. Taron keeping his promise and staying in the waiting area this time, helped. She would emerge from the room, her eyes red and swollen, falling into his arms. For the time she remained there he recharged her enough to return and continue. The interview began with re counting the recent incident, but as DS Owen teased the information from Eryn, it became clear that a longer history of behaviour had been present that needed recording and detailing. In fact, PC Owen was more than sure that other offences had occurred that she would be adding to the charge sheet.

Finally, late in the evening and after a full day of talking. Eryn and Taron got back to the flat. Eryn of course was completely exhausted and dropped on to the sofa, curling into a protective ball. Taron sat beside her on the floor. Todays been rough, but its done he said stroking her cheek. She nodded. Well I am thinking pizza and beer he said tired himself. It was ridiculous how sat doing very little was so knackering. Eryn smiled Telly? he asked as Eryn scrunched up her face Alexa play power ballads? Taron called out to his echo device. Eryn grinned How do you do that? Read my mind Taron got up and grabbed the pizza menu, though he knew what he was ordering. Ham and pineapple and some cookie dough yeah? he asked smiling widely Ok now youre just showing off Eryn laughed, ruffling Tarons gelled up fringe. He batted her hands away playfully He dont mess with the do! he complained, this of course had Eryn simply rub her hands all through his hair pulling leaving him look like a hedgehog. He pouted, Great, ruin my reputation as a heartthrob why dont you trying to flatten it back down Come here, I can sort it out Eryn groaned a little. But enjoyed playing with his hair, Taron too closed his eyes and indulged in the pleasure.

The Pizza now ordered, and beers sat on the coffee table, Taron and Eryn listen and sang along as the music played. Now both laying on the sofa, Taron being the big spoon as Eryn wiggled her bum into him. The knock on the door breaking up their cwtch. Taron stretched, but Eryn was up off the sofa first. She wandered to the door and unlocking the locks, pulled it open. But there was no one at the door, instead an enormous bunch of flowers sat on the floor. Eryn grinned picking them up, they were lilies her favourite. She shut the door, making sure to lock the door. Eryn saw a little card and pulled it out, reading it. Her smile faded and the flowers crashed to the floor along with the card. Eryn ran to her room shutting the door behind her, she sat with her back against it.

Jumping up Taron, ran to where the flowers and card lay on the floor. Picking up the card he read the words White Lilies for death all my love PIP xxx he read. Fuck! What! Taron growled moving to the door, he pulled at the locks, in his haste he struggled and managed to calm enough to get them open. Flinging the door open he ran down the hallway and began looking all around him, he did not wait for the lift instead ran down the fire exit stairs and ended up outside. He continued to run around the building, looking for whoever was the delivery person. He found nothing and in his desperation he suddenly realised he had no idea what Phillip even looked like, he had no way of recognising if it had been him, if he had sent a delivery guy or he thought as he walked back into the build a ruse by the press to get him out of the building and looking pissed off. He Ran his hand over forehead Fuck he repeated as he ran back upstairs.

Shit he thought, in his hurry he had left Eryn alone and the door open. He ran as fast as possible to the flat and was relieved to find nothing different, he checked all the rooms, but it was clear no one had been in as far as he could tell. He locked back up and picked up his phone dialling DS Owen. He explained everything and despite assuring Taron that she had it all noted down and that someone would be coming to collect the flowers and card, she made sure Taron did not move anything. He was irked that more wasnt being done. He fired a quick text to his management requesting additional security and finally he was able to move to Eryns door.

He tried the handle and quickly realised that she was sat blocking the door. Eryn? he tried Its ok, listen let me in please? he heard movement and the door opened. Eryn moved forward and Taron enveloped her in a hug. Its okay, hes not here, and even if he were, which I have checked ok, he wouldnt get within a mile of you he said he hoped reassuringly. It was the shock, you know she said quietly as they sat on the bed. The door knocked again making both Eryn and Taron jump. I will go Taron said firmly. Checking the spy hole, he exhaled when he saw it was just the pizza. Taking it in he quickly tipped the driver and returned the locks.

Eryn was curled up facing the wall when Taron re entered the room. He climbed on the bed behind her. He was aware as soon as he did that, she had gone into a panic attack. Taron took a deep breath, pressing his chest to her back, he tried his best to breathe calmly and regularly, holding her around the waste. He spoke to her gently and using a technique he had read, he began to ask her to visualise the things he was saying, he talked about the view from constitution hill. Describing it in detail, not just the way things looked, he incorporated all her senses, bringing it to life and Eryns mind clicked into action images of their picnic came into her mind, a smile forming on her lips as the sensations ran through her body, her breathing slowed and the trembling and rocking motion she had at the start stopped. She placed her hands-on Tarons still on her waist.

Turning into him, she kissed him. Every bit of her gratitude was in the kiss, as she stroked behind Tarons left ear letting her fingers play with his ear lobe. Taron was calmer too; he was still angry. But having had to use the technique with Eryn, he too felt calmer. He enjoyed the feel of Eryns fingers and though he had not said so, felt that she too had a real instinct for knowing just what to say and do for him. As they ended the kiss. He looked into her eyes, there was still pain in her eyes. Do you know how proud I am of you Eryn? Taron smiled. Slowly Eryn smiled too questioningly Proud?... Of what? You he shook his head You are dealing with all this shit and I dont know Eryn, I just think you should be proud of yourself for getting through it all He was getting emotional now Eryn just from the little you have told me about growing up and your family and everything, is enough to seriously damage a person, and on top of it all this fucking cunt comes along and.. Taron buried his head in the mattress as tears began to escape.

It was Eryns turn to wrap her arms around Taron, He lifted his head Sorry he wiped his eyes. As Eryn laid her head on his shoulder, shaking his head. Never be sorry for showing emotion Taron she said snuggling her head into his neck as he laid his hand on top. who was at the door? Eryn suddenly said making Taron laugh The pizza he chuckled. So, what are we doing here, when ether is pizza and beer waiting in the other room? Eryn declared grabbing Tarons hand and pulling him up off the bed. As they walked out of the bedroom, they came face to face with the flowers. Eryn stepped over them and ignored them and Taron followed her lead Better clear them up Taron she said Not allowed, CSI are coming to get them He explained Eryn was surprised Really?. Wow she said, Welsh Police are good, dont think the Met would have bothered she continued as she bit into her slice of pizza, it was a bit cold, but she wasnt fussed. Everything is better in Wales babe; didnt you know that Taron quipped. She kissed his cheek Certainly is Welsh boi she laughed as she left pizza sauce on his cheek.

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