Chapter 9

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Taron was impressed by Eryns attitude to the press, he was getting to know just how strong and forthright Eryn could be. Despite all that had happened in such a short space of time, but Eryn seemed so fired up as she spoke, he knew her spark had returned. And he was right, when Mel Kayman visited that afternoon, Eryn was adamant that she was not going to hide away or stop doing what she normally did. She was accepting of a panic button being installed in the flat, but only after Taron tried to convince her that he would find it useful himself for rogue paparazzi made her laugh. She took a personal alarm and was given a direct direct dial number for emergencies. She was given a form to log any and all incidents that may or may not be related and after some long discussion, agreed to try again with the interview. She knew that Phil needed stopping, and was convinced when Mel spoke about the statistics on re offence.

They talked at length about how bail worked and she felt more comfortable about the chance of Phil getting near to her. She was extra impressed that if he entered Wales, he would be flagged by the toll. Good old Wales Eryn smiled at Taron who winked Dont take any bullshit from the English us he grinned. Eryn was so glad to have Taron sat next to her, he gave her the strength she needed, with his quick wit, he broke any tension and his small physical intimacies she had felt able to do anything the world threw at her.

After she had gone, she sat on the sofa and exhaled. Her face was sore, as the wounds healed her face felt tight and itchy. She got up and headed off to her room to change into her nightwear, Taron knocked gently as she began to brush her hair, Yeah he came in with tow steaming mugs Thought you might need this he said as he handed her a coffee. Sitting on the bed, he picked up the bear that now seemed to be keeping Eryn company. I see Charlie has charmed you too, hes actually mine Taron reddened a little. Oh really Said Eryn taking the bear from him, Hes worn well, you must have taken very good care of him She held Charlie to her chest and hugged him. Well he isnt that old he admitted He was a gift from my Mam he chuckled She bought him when she found out she was pregnant with Rosie he looked a little embarrassed. Eryn sat next to Taron as he continued You know, so I didnt feel jealous he smiled Taron, thats so thoughtful Eryn could see how much his mam meant to him, she wished that she had such a good relationship with her own and she handed the bear to Taron. He shook his head Hes good company He said. So are you Taron, I dont think I have even said thank you she dropped her head and he took her hand in his as she laid her head on his shoulder. Nothing to thank me for Eryn he sighed. Eryn moved over and laid on the bed, Taron moved too and joined her opening his arm our for her, she curled into him. God knows what would have happened if you hadnt been around when she trailed off.

well, I am. So, no need to even go there he said, and she smiled weakly. They lay in silence for a while. Taron stroking Eryns arm and humming under his breath. louder Eryn complained playfully. Taron didnt need to be asked twice and increased the volume mixing show tunes, classic sixties tunes and a couple of welsh hymns. I could listen to you forever she smiled, you can join in your know he laughed I dont know the welsh she grinned. She drew circles on his chest and slowly, quietly she began to sing. As she got into it, her confidence grew and she was able to sing at the same volume as Taron, enjoying herself more than she expected.

You can sing Taron told her, causing her face to redden. Come on, has no one ever told you that he asked To be honest, Taron i seem to fill my life with people who are bad on the compliments front she sighed. Growing up, it was insult and one put down after another, it was almost like a family thing, meant to be our comedy and if you complained then you either didnt get their humour or you were over sensitive she shook her head. Taron lifted her head and stared at her Well, you are beautiful Eryn and intelligent he said placing a kiss on her lips Funny he said kissing her again. Eryn felt herself melting into him, becoming lost in her eyes. brave he smiled as she leant in, her lips meeting his.

She felt safe in his arms as his pulled her close. Taron she breathed as they parted. Mmm he answered opening his eyes. I feel like She stumbled over her words as he looked at her intently, he always paid incredible attention to her face, when she spoke. Right now, she wished he wouldnt. You make me feel so I ... god she stuttered. Taron smiled Eryn, it ok She shook her head No, Im a bloody writer, for gods sakes, words are my thing She sat up. Thing is Taron, when I am around you, the world spins and everything just goes crazy in my head she asserted. Taron opened his mouth to speak. Eryn put her fingers on his mouth.

Taron if I dont say this now, I dont think I will be able to again.. she said as he nodded, Taron that first night, in the bar feels so long ago, I feel like Ive known you all my life, and I dont ever want you to ever not be in my life she smiled at him Oh for fucks sake she cried, running her hand through her hair Taron.. I love you she declared her heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst from her chest. Taron placed his hand on her cheek, I love you too Eryn... I agree its crazy and quick, but Ive been thinking the same thing he said grinning I fully intend on getting to know you properly now I have you to myself, I realised I dont know any of the normal stuff about you he smiled, he looked into her eyes and they sparkled as she beamed at him Well, kiss me then Eryn said, making him laugh And I will tell you whatever you want to know He took the back of her head in his had and planted a firm kiss on her lips, his fingers massaging her scalp.

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