Chapter 35

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Tina was pleased to see the young couple, on better terms when she got up the next morning. Taron had set Eryn up in the bedroom with everything she would need within reach. Henny booked a couple of weeks off work and took turns with Tina and Taron to ensure Eryn was looked after 24 hours. At least for the first two weeks. They followed the instructions they were given for her recovery, she wasnt allowed to lift a thing heavier than a cup and was only allowed out of bed to wash and use the bathroom. Tina and Henny kept her busy making wedding plans and creating a folder to keep all the information in. Mari and Rosie came to visit for a weekend with Guy and the weeks seemed to pass quickly. Eryn began to feel herself returning and surrounded by her family, she felt warm and safe.

It was late, when Taron came in. It was time for Tina to return to Wales and get on with being Mum to her youngest ones. Henny too was due to fly home and Taron thankfully was now done with his long days. He had a few weeks of press in the UK before international trips where in the schedule. But he was pleased to find Eryn wrapped in her favourite blanket on the roof, her laptop open in front of her and her fingers tapping furiously on the keys. A smile crept across her face as she occasionally looked into the distance, her imagination creating the words to type.

For a time, Taron stood and watched. He was so proud of Eryns resilience and bounce back ability. He watched her face change and a mouth make varied and comical shapes as she considered her thoughts and the right composition of the vocabulary. Oi Welsh boi she shouted Take a picture itll last longer she said not taking her eyes away from the screen. Good idea he replied taking out his phone he took a snapshot. Eryn laughed Youre such a twat she said as he wandered over, looking tired.

Itd a bit fresh up here he said rubbing his arms, he sat behind Eryn his legs either side and arms around her middle. He rested his head on her shoulder Did you have a good day? he asked pulling the fluffy pink blanket around them both. He kissed her cheek and began to sneakily read her work. Looks like it, youre writing he smiled, his chin on her shoulder. Usually Eryn would have snapped the laptop shut, too shy to share her work. But this time she was happy for Taron to read it, she was proud of it. It was a piece for a womans health magazine. I talked about recovery from rape, abuse and how to move forward.

Taron looked at Eryn, he hadnt really read the piece properly. Respectful of her usual modesty with her work. Do I get to read this one? he asked proud of her already. She nodded and bit her lip in anticipation of his views. Taron had only over read Eryns poetry when he had her laptop. He knew his fiancé was intelligent and articulate. They had that in common and he adored being on the same intellectual level as her, but he was blown away by her writing. It was honest and powerful but written in such a way that took you into her world without feeling voyeuristic. He knew it was a piece that would touch the lives of others in a very real way.

His eyelashes beat a fast pattern as his eyes moved across the screen. Eryn watching for the reactions. When he finished he turned to Eryn Well someones been hiding a super power he grinned Eryn, that is a seriously good piece he looked at her as if he had learnt another new aspect of her that he loved. Taron dont tease she grimaced He pressed his lips into her cheek, Im deadly serious, no wonder youre getting published babe he said.

She leant forward and kissed him, smiling still. Resting her forehead against his. It was warm in the blanket and enclosed in his body, she felt the cool breeze in her hair and revelled in the moment. What about you? How did your day go? she said finally seeing Taron yawn for the third time in quick succession. Lets go to bed she said before he could answer. She shut the laptop down as Taron unwrapped himself from the blanket and stood. He took the laptop from Eryn and put the blanket around her shoulders.

Once settled into the bed, Eryn asked again You didnt answer, how did today go? she asked as Taron came in from brushing his teeth. He climbed into bed and snuggled up to her. It was ok, a lot of hanging about he admitted. A bit repetitive too he yawned again. tying up all the little bits, its harder to keep character, yknow he continued. Eryn loved listening to Taron talk, his voice was such a silky tone and unlike anyone elses. The little welsh intonations and sudden deep tones were like music and as if it werent enough that he sang so beautifully, his voice often intoned with little musical interludes.

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