Chapter 27

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Eryn paced up and down, the picture glaring at her. She couldnt process it and didnt know how to handle it. Her emotions flared like crazy and all manner of outlandish ideas ran through her mind. After a while she slammed the lid down. She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Why cant you fucking cry? she shouted at herself. She hated that she had no control over her own tears. Unable to cry when she felt like she needed to and then unable to stop them when they did. She stared at herself in the mirror.

The words cascading through her mind, the floodgates were open and every evil, hateful comment she had ever heard or created in her own mind hit her like a punch in the guts. She knew she shouldnt and knew she was meant to be fighting. But she gave in. Cutting her arms, felt like heaven, the clam and the euphoria was everything she needed. As she sat on the bathroom floor, she watched the red liquid dripping onto the white bath mat. The gashes looked scary and she began to fill with the familiar shame that always followed the release. You fucking idiot she cursed herself.

Reaching under the sink, she pulled a plastic bag that was pushed to the back and hidden behind the sanitary wear. She removed the anti-septic wipes, the steri strips and bandage. She wrapped the exacto knife in a face cloth and pushed it into the bag. Replacing the bag to its hiding place. She got to work, wiping the wounds clean and fixing the steri strips in place. She wrapped the bandage around. Getting up she avoided the mirror, not wanting to see her shame.

In the bedroom, she found a tubi grip and pulled it over the bandage. Wincing at the pain, that was beginning to start and got into bed. She stared at the picture of her and Taron on the side table. Placing it face down, she pulled some tablets from her draw and swallowed the two sleeping pills. Looking at the pack, she thought about how easy it would be to swallow them all, make it all go away. Throwing the pack into the draw she buried her head in the pillow and soon drifted off to sleep.


Taron sat looking at the grainy picture. The printer hummed and Taron got up, collecting the items it spat out. He sat at the table and worked. His mind was berating him, and his head hurt from the thoughts that battered him. He had already heard back from Lyndsay. But he was well aware of the routine, the way this worked. Once on the net it was a free for all, no way to get it back or stopped. Not realistically anyway. He had also texted Emily, he had kept it short and simple. Just telling her of the images existence. He didnt like it, but he wasnt entirely sure it hadnt been her to have sent it out. He hadnt even bothered trying to chase its source down. It was irrelevant. What, he knew only too well, was the women currently sleeping next door. It really wasnt what he expected. He was expecting yelling and shouting, accusations and hurtful comments. This was just worse; he could handle the first scenario. Been there, done that. But this, this was not. He sighed as he finished his project and walking into the bedroom, he placed it on Eryns side table.

He wasnt sure whether he ought to sleep in the spare room but decided finally to be nearby when Eryn woke up. He climbed into bed and watched as she scrunched hr face up in her sleep. What was she dreaming about? he thought. As he began to doze off, he automatically reached over to stroke her arm. He froze when he reached her elbow. Suddenly very awake, he swallowed hard as his fingers touched the fabric of the tubi grip.

Looking at Eryn, he couldnt help the tears welling in his eyes. Shit, Eryn he mumbled. Covering his eyes, he hurt so badly for her and could have kicked himself. She was sleeping so gently, why did he think she wouldnt fall back on that old habit. He sat up, frustrated at himself. Eryn stirred, turning over to face away from him, he looked at her. Shaking his head, he wanted to scream or punch something.

Eryn opened her eyes, groggy from the sleeping pills. She reached out for her glasses and put them on. Taron turned seeing her, but he froze. Waiting for her to begin the en slaught. As her eyes came into focus, she saw it. A new picture frame sat on the side table, the picture was taken at the recent event, it wasnt on the red carpet or one of the press shots. It was taken while she and Taron werent aware. She was able to see the look on his face and her own. It was two people who were completely enthralled in each other. The world around them non-existent.

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