Chapter 3

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She was pacing, back and forth. The dialogue was fast and full of anger, fear and anxiety. Playing it in slow motion and arguing all the angles. Eryn couldnt stop the tears pouring down her face. She slumped finally, exhausted onto the floor next to the bed. Mute, numb and lost in a daze.

She ducked; arms raised in defence automatic. She felt pain from his fist expand and stretch across her face. The sting humming. Her eyes are screwed up tight. Her body moves with instinct, her knees tuck under her body. As a blow hits, the side of her thigh. Head bows into her shoulders as her hands move behind it protecting the skull. As it shakes from blow after blow. Eyes closed release tears in a stream and her lips remain frozen parted slightly, a short scream caught in the air. Bang the world shakes around her, movement in slow motion, like a dream. Again Bang' and shaking Bang'

The banging becomes louder, quicker. Its now the flash back breaks and the sound of someone knocking on her door comes into focus. Fear overtakes her at this sound, she sits and scoots into a corner, like a rabbit in the head lights, she freezes.

But there is a voice now, Eryn??? it asks, hypervigilent still, Eryn is able to stand and carefully, tentatively she approaches the door to her hotel room, looking through the spy hole, quickly in case shes seen. She inhales sharply and turns the handle. Leaving a sliver of open space between the door and its frame. Eryn?" the voice repeats, the tone is more confused now. Taron pushed the door open; he was becoming increasingly concerned by the way this was progressing but pressed on. Rounding the door, he saw her.

Eryn seeing him too, panicked, ashamed and embarrassed. She dove under the bed covers and returned to her curled position.Taron quietly shut the door and sat on the very edge of the bed. Eryn?" he tried I needed to check on you, see you were ok" he continued, though he received no response from Eryn. I can go, I am sorry Eryn" he sighed heavily running a hand through his hair. Eryn unfurled her head still bowed, she moved to a place she was now visible at least from the neck up. I dont know what to say, Kat was... he trailed off, shaking his head. He pushed himself up off the bed and began to head for the door.

Stay" was all Eryn could manage, she said it so quietly, she was pleased that Taron heard her and stopped. Moving back to sit on the bed. Eryn rubbed her eyes; they were sore from crying and she knew she must look a mess. But her embarrassment was focussed upon what Taron had or hadnt seen of her behaviour mid flashback.

Neither spoke for a while, no one knowing what to say next. Eryn Taron began softly I know you and I dont know each other that well , but I can see youre in pain" he was looking at her with such sincerity, that Eryn again dropped her head, I would really like to give you a hug and talk if you want to? Eryn looked up, a mixture of confusion, surprise and even relief flashed across her face, Taron thought. Wondering if hed overstepped. But when she gave a small nod, he smiled. He moved over to where she sat at the top of the bed and ensuring he was not leaning, but against her leg, he wrapped his arms around and over hers, pulling her into the most welcome hug, Eryn ever experienced.

It was all she could do not to burst into tears again, Im going to stay like this until you say to stop Eryn" Taron told her, Eryns head was spinning. So much had happened, her emotions seemed to switch so quickly her brain couldnt keep up. At first, she tensed as Taron held her, still filled with all the emotions raging around, but the kindness in him telling her she could continue to be held as long as she needed meant finally, she gave in to the hug.

It was as if she had waited her whole life for this one moment, held in Tarons embrace, she finally felt everything that she had ever wanted to feel, everything she yearned for, needed and searched for. She couldnt tell him the truth, that she never wanted him to let go. Knowing his arms must ache by now, she whispered Its okay, you can let go" it was impossible to say it louder and not want to scream liar" at herself.

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