Chapter 12

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Having had a super chilled day and enjoying the couples massage together. You really didnt want to spoil things. But throughout the day, you found yourself so physically drawn to Taron, you knew it was going to burn a hole in your if you didnt get it out soon. First though you had to get passed another hurdle.

Tina greeted you both with that same smile, you knew so well. In fact, Taron had a lot of similarities with his mam you noticed. Like how she pulled her into a hug straight away and made you feel immensely welcome. Taron took your hand and led you into the main room. Two pretty, young girls jumped on Taron before he could get through the doorway. Tina shouting for them to calm down, from behind Eryn, she shook her head, smiling. Taron lifted the smallest onto his hip and carried her into the room, holding the others hand, having let go of Eryns Tea Eryn? Tina asked Yes please she replied Shall I help? Eryn offered Yeah go on then Tina replied sensing Eryn could do with a womanly chat, while the three Children played roughly in the lounge.

Tina got three mugs from the cupboard and a teapot from the side throwing 6 tea bags into the pot. So how are feeling Eryn? Tarons filled me in on what happened she asked kindly I hope you dont mind she continued. Eryn shook her head and sat on the edge of the little booth that the family ate at. No, of course he told you, youre his mam, I wouldnt expect anything else Eryn said though she reddened a little. Tina sat opposite her while she waited on the kettle.

Sounds like you have been dealing with a lot all in all Eryn, You must be very strong Tina took one of Eryns hands that had begun to tremble and squeezed it. Its okay to not be ok Eryn, as long as you know that Tina looked at Eryn in the same way Taron always did when she was struggling. I see where Taron gets his kindness from Tina, thank you. I do try to be strong. I dont like to burden others, but Taron has been amazing, he just seems to break through my barriers, in a way no one else has, which can be a little scary Eryn was surprised at herself, again it seemed so easy to talk. Well Eryn, if you need another support, please come talk to me, you know sometimes men dont always understand everything she smiled and Eryn found all her concerns and nerves about meeting the family fell away. The kettle clicked and Tina got up and poured the boiling water into the teapot. She asked Eryn to take the milk from the fridge and together they made up a tray, with a little sugar bowl, a jug of milk and a plate of biscuits. Tina added two plastic mugs and sent Eryn ahead of her into the front room.

She found Taron laid on his stomach on the floor, a Kristoff doll in his hand was singing something from Frozen as the girls, played with their own dolls. Eryn smiled as he watched them playing together. The girls shared his looks too and Mari the youngest certainly had his spirit, Rosie was a little shyer. But Taron ensured that she didnt get left out and he would move around her to engage with her character at a quieter vocal level.

Tina coughed loudly as she set the tray on the coffee table. The three Kids looked up excitedly at the chocolate biscuits and came straight over. Taron got up off the floor and sat on the edge of the sofa Shall I be mother? he asked and Tina nodded. The expression was standard but something about the way Taron said it made Eryn laugh loudly. Everyone look around, Sorry she said reddening, but Mari giggled Taron is a girl she sang at him Oi he complained Taron is a mummy Mari continued and was joined by Rosie and then Eryn laughing Mam, their picking on me? Taron whined to his Mam.

Ok girls, thats enough she said lightly Taron cant help being a girl she continued chuckling Ugh Taron huffed playfully There are too many women in here he complained Well you ought to fit in then said Tina as she left the room, for more milk. Taron dropped onto the sofa and crossed his arms, pretending to throw a tantrum. Eryn whispered to Mari and Rosie, then the three of them descended on Taron tickling everywhere and anywhere they could. This of course had Taron react in kind, tickling the girls and Eryn as best he could.

As Tina returned to the chaos, she had to shout OK Seriously now, come on lets calm down she said in perfect mam voice. The girls sat down on the other side of the table and grabbed a biscuit each as Taron went back to pouring tea into all the mugs. Tina placed the milk jug back down and sat in the armchair. Taron passed Eryn a mug having added the sugar he knew she liked. Soon everyone was nibbling biscuits and enjoying their tea. Rosie had moved to sit next to Taron and Eryn had Mari sitting on her knee as they chatted. Eryn asked about school and lockdown, she learned a lot about the girls interests and loved how excited they got when they talked about dancing.

It was a warm and comfortable afternoon and Eryn wondered why she had got so worried. She watched the family interact and felt pangs of jealousy. Feelings of sadness and that familiar yearning in her heart. She was so glad Taron had all of this, but it hurt that she never had and knew never would. She shook the feelings away as best she could.

Soon it was time to head off and let the family have their evening meal. After lots of hugs and kisses. Taron and Eryn began the walk back to his apartment. It was dark now and Eryn found the lack of light increased her anxiety. She hooked her arm into Tarons and walked close to him, keeping her eyes open for anything strange or worrying. Taron was aware of the change in Eryn and tried to keep the pace up, so it would be a quick walk back.

Once they arrived back at the block, Eryn sighed heavily, not realising how tense she had been. Are you ok? Taron asked as the stepped out of the lift. Eryn nodded As long as you are here, yes I am she said smiling and leaning up to Taron, she kissed him on the lips I had an amazing day she said as they stopped on the landing. He smiled Mission accomplished? he asked Absolutely Eryn replied and Taron kissed her again. Breaking apart they wandered toward the door. But straightway Taron knew something was wrong.

There was a stream of light coming from where the front door should be and as the pair reached the entrance to the flat they saw the door was in splinters on the ground. Eryn gasped and looked at Taron grabbing his arm. Taron pulled his phone out and dialled 999.

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