Chapter 5

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Having barely slept, Eryn and Taron soon fell asleep missing breakfast entirely, it was early afternoon when Taron finally opened his eyes. He was laid on his side, Eryn curled into him, her blonde hair spread over his arm and covering little of her face, he found her soft, sleeping breaths comforting and as he took her in, he felt those familiar butterflies run amok inside him. Taron lightly moved the hair from the sleeping womans face and as it fell down her back, his eyes followed it. Down her bare shoulders and onto her pale skin. It was only now in the full day light, that he realised that in all the drama of the night before, neither had got dressed and he felt it voyeuristic to continue to look. Scouting the room, he found his t shirt and did his best not to wake her as he tucked it round, covering any exposed areas, she might be embarrassed he was seeing now. The last thing he wanted was to trigger her into another horrible episode.

When Eryn woke, she was alone in bed, but as she moved to stretch, she realised she was wrapped in something, whatever it was smelt like Taron and she closed her eyes, breathing in the aroma. She unwrapped herself and realised it was his t-shirt. Her brow furrowed as she tried to work out how or why she had ended up wrapped in his t-shirt. She lifted the shirt and buried her face in the fabric. Falling back onto the mattress. She groaned and let out a sigh as she thought about the night before. Allowing her mind to indulge itself in the images of kissing Tarons lips, the feel of his touch, everything had been just so amazing, until that bloody flashback.

Fucking Arsehole she shouted into the room. Not talking about me? Taron said as he emerged from the bathroom, his hair was wet and dripped down his bare chest. Eryn started at the sight of him, her butterflies spinning in her stomach, as she took in the fact that he had only a towel, to cover his modesty. She felt herself blush and buried her head in his shirt again. I thought youd gone came her muffled response. Lifting her head, she grinned Oh and no I wasnt talking about you she said. You talk to yourself a lot? he asked running a comb through his hair and searching the room for his discarded clothing. He found his underwear and shorts, scrunching up the boxers, he tucked them into his pocket.

Eryn watched intently, she couldnt escape the fact that this man was ridiculously attractive and not only that, somehow, he had done the impossible. She felt lighter, whether it was talking to Taron or just being around him and in his energy, she was not sure and didnt care. Feeling braver than usual, she held tight to the t-shirt Erm Taron, I hope you are okay leaving here topless she threw him her best coy expression. As he looked at her. Remembering how she had ended up with the tee. Raising an eyebrow, he stretched across the bed toward her, Ill have you know, I put that round you to protect your modesty, I was being a gentleman, but I need it back now he crooked his finger at her, she shook her head, you will have to come get it she giggled holding the t-shirt flat against her chest. Taron swallowed, knowing that Eryn would be nude, if he went for the shirt.

Taron enjoyed the flirtatious game, but he was hesitant. Eryn saw the anxiety in his eyes, and she pulled the duvet up behind the top. Taron coughed and began to crawl nearer. Grateful, that Eryn had understood his concern, without him speaking it. Taking the sleeve, he tugged at it as Eryn shook her head again grinning, You think youre stronger than me do you welsh boi? Eryn said throwing on her best welsh accent. Taron laughed Oh, Oh attacking my Welshness, never a good idea he returned in his best South London accent. Wrestling with Eryn for the shirt, until he had her pinned down.

He stopped, momentarily. Youre scared arent you? Eryn asked Its ok she said, letting go of the t-shirt and rolling over, getting off the bed. Taron did not know what to say, she was right. Not knowing what could cause another episode, frankly, had him on edge, but he didnt want Eryn to think he didnt enjoy her company, Enjoy being with her, kissing her, touching her. He struggled to know how best to communicate it to her in this moment. He left it too long and Eryn, shut the bathroom door behind her, sitting on the toilet seat. She put her head in her hands.

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