Chapter 16

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Having spoken to both the police and his team, Taron had managed to get Eryn to agree not to return to her flat after all. It was believed to be too much of a risk. Officer Kayman had instead went with a group of professional movers to pack up and put it all in storage. Her clothes and day to day neccessities of course would come to the flat. But As Eryn sat in the enormous bed, over looking the London Skyline. Her head spun. She felt like Dorothy I am definitely not in Aber anymore she said, her inner voice rearing its head again. Taron chuckled over hearing Nope, you are not he said as he put a tray of bagels and orange juice on the bed Cant get this sort of thing delivered in Aber he grinned taking a bite.

Eryn however, leaned back against the headboard and yawned. Not hungry? Taron asked joining her, holding his bagel in his hand and devouring it in three bites. You ok? he mumbled chugging his orange juice. Whats the hurry? Eryn asked grumpily You are going to choke! she turned away taking in the bedroom in day light. You didnt answer me Taron asked again. Im fine Eryn answered, but didnt look at Taron. Ok, well I will be in the office if you need me he told her as he left the room.

Great, well done Eryn she chided herself, she didnt really know what was wrong with her, Taron hadnt done anything to piss her off, she just felt narky. She pushed the duvet off and walked over to the enormous window, feeling the drapes, they were beautiful. Looking out at the view, she became lost in thought. She was broken from it, by a knock on the door. Waiting to see if Taron would go, she padded barefoot into the hall and looked through the spyhole. It was Paul, the security guard. Eryn opened the door and Paul smiled at her Good morning, I brought your post up he said handing her a pile of letters. Thank you she smiled back and shut the door.

She walked back along the hallway, realising that she had no idea, where Tarons office was. The place was huge and clearly someone female had had a hand in the décor, it certainly wasnt a bachelor pad, by any means. She decided to have a wander, after all this was going to be her home now. She found the spare bedroom, it was set up like a nice hotel room with expensive bed linen and more beautiful heavy drapes and light voiles in the window. Flowers were on the window sill, another female touch she thought.

Why did that bother her so much? She didnt know. I mean it wasnt like she didnt know he had exs and anyway it could just as easily be his Mams involvement. As she continued her wander, she found the kitchen. She chuckled at the Neon Troubedour sign, admitting to herself that is was pretty cool. Again the kitchen was filled with high end appliances and gadgets, a proper coffee machine and a beautiful breakfast bar over looking a sitting area and massive tv screen. She ran her hand along the back of the sofa and left the letters on the breakfast bar as she gazed out at yet more stunning views of the capital.

It was then that she saw the frosted glass door of Tarons office, his outline was visible in silhouette and she smiled as she watched his animated body language. She wasnt able to make out any of the conversation and so decided, to make her way back to the bedroom, on her way back she noticed another set of stairs and as she walked up she came out on the roof garden. It was yet another incredible beauty. Complete with hot tub, infinity pool, bar and seating area for 12 maybe she thought. She sighed sitting on the top step.

This was a lot, she thought. Reality was slapping her in the face, thinking about her grotty studio flat, she was glad she hadnt taken Taron there, it couldnt compare, how could it. This place must have cost a fortune and continue to cost a fortune in upkeep alone she thought. This was a whole different lifestyle, not at all like the pretty flat in Aber. That was sweet and homely. Full of the little nick nacks and photos most had. This was something else entirely, she felt as if she was in a film or dream or some kind of fantasy. This could not be real, people didnt really live in these places.

She felt her anxiety rearing its ugly head, Eryn wasnt used to having nice things, she never felt deserving of them, preferring to give away anything of value to those more in need of them. You only had to mention you liked something and Eryn would hand it over. She was kind and giving, but there was something deeper in it, something that left her feeling unworthy. Right now sat on the steps, she felt it stronger than ever. Looking down, she realised she didnt even feel able to sit on the bloody furniture, why was she sitting on the stairs? She asked herself Why are you sitting on the stairs? Taron asked stopping a couple of steps below her.

out loud again? she asked and he nodded She pulled herself up to standing and began walking down, Taron turned and walked down too And he asked I was just getting my bearings, need a compass to find my way around this place she joked, unsmiling. Taron pulled her nearer You want to tell me whats happening up here yet? he asked stroking her forehead. She shrugged Ok he said dropping the subject. He handed her a large white envelope. For you he said. Eryn frowned no one knows Im here she looked at Taron concerned. It says Ceredion Police on the back He showed her. Coffee? he asked walking back to the kitchen as Eryn followed, she sat at the breakfast bar looking at the envelope What do you think it is? she asked still frowning Well, open it and youll find out Taron said pushing the envelope closer to her.

Do you want me to do it? he asked placing a mug of coffee in front of her and sipping his own. Eryn ran her index finger nail under the glued section and pulled a stack of papers from the envelope. Turning them over, she read the trial of Phillip J Warrington would commence on the 3rd December 2021. 21?? But thats not even this December she gasped. Taron took the letter and nodded. What the fuck? So, you are just supposed to what wait around? Taron fumed. He moved around and went to hug Eryn, but she jumped off the stool and ran to the bedroom, slamming the door.

Taron picked up the letter and finished reading it, it apparently took all that time for the police and his lawyers to get their cases together. She had been allocated a solicitor, but Taron had already spoken to some of his contacts and had a more experienced guy already working on things, he didnt want to tell Eryn yet in case , she bit his head off. Clearly, she wasnt in the right mood today. HE wished she would talk to him.

Taron pushed the door open and put Eryns coffee on her side table, his on his own. Eryn? he said softly Eryn you didnt read it all he continued. Eryn was curled in the duvet, her head under the covers. Eryn! Taron said getting annoyed at her I think you want to read this bit he tried again and she raised her head, taking the paper she read We are pleased to inform you that as of the 15th July 2020, Mr Phillip J Warrington has been held at HMS Wakefield and will continue to remain on remand until the commencement of the trial as listed above. She looked at Taron a smile creeping across her face, Hes in prison? she looked disbelieving, reading it again.

Taron grinned In Wakefield, Yorkshire. Eryn threw her arms around Taron neck and burst into tears. Thank Christ for that she cried feeling like a massive weight had lifted off her. She kissed Taron and buried her head in his neck Im sorry she spoke into his neck Its okay he replied softly. She puled back so she could look at him No its not, I was bitch, I dont know whats wrong with me today she admitted. We all have off days, its fine he replied Just talk to me ok, that way I know its not me or if it is, I can maybe do something ok? he kissed her cheek and she nuzzled back into his neck Ok she mumbled. Phew, I had no idea how heavy that was weighing on me she sighed I know, I can see Taron replied, your smiling now, I missed that he chuckled Hey its not been that long. Eryn groaned as she changed position Oh fuck she said. Jumping up from the bed, Fucking white fucking sheets she mumbled as she ran into the bathroom, she began rummaging in the cupboards. What are you looking for? Taron shouted, Eryn poked her head around the door I know why I was a bitch she looked sheepish Dont suppose you have any Sanitary towels or Tampons? she grimaced. Oh! Taron shook his head.

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