Chapter 17

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Eryn remained curled in the duvet, for the rest of the day. The Tv on and a hot water bottle, curbing the pain. Taron had managed to organise some sanitary items as well as a few treats, he knew that Eryn would like. He was finishing off what he could in the office, in the hopes that he could have the afternoon free. He had ordered lunch online and wanted to spend the afternoon with Eryn.

He knew periods were not a medical issue, but he was also a modern guy. He wasnt going to be condescending. But he knew it was a shitty time and wanted to show Eryn that he cared. Meanwhile Eryn absentmindedly scrolled the internet when she received an email notification. Signing in she opened it and found cleaned off any of the spam and irrelevant emails that had stacked up. She had avoided her email since she let her boss know that she was going on sabbatical. She opened an email and was shocked to see a photograph from one of the red tops, it was a picture of her. She immediately, dropped the phone.

She got off the bed and ran to find Taron, but her was already coming to her. Seeing her expression, he knew she had seen it already. Lyndsay just called he said looking stressed, Youve seen it he said, and Eryn nodded as Taron pulled her into a hug. Not properly she said into his neck, What the fuck? What ?? she groaned not knowing what to say. Taron lead her to the sofa, and they sat. Ok well as far as I know from Lyndsay, which isnt much as it has only just come to her attention too he said Phil has been talking to the press and a number of photographs were sent to The Sun Lyndsay is on it and she will let us know what is happening he finished Motherfucker! Eryn stamped her foot and her face creased in anger. Taron stroked the back of her neck as she leant on her knees staring at her feet. Did you look at it properly? she said I did Taron admitted. Was it bad? Taron continued to massage her neck. Depends on what you mean by bad, Eryn you might be better off looking at it yourself he said, It will be worse in your head otherwise.

So, hes given them pictures, what else? she huffed, standing up she began to pace. I dont know, we have to wait for Lyndsey he said Fuck it, ok raged Eryn. Come on Taron took her hand and they went into his office. She had yet to see his office and it was very Taron, wood and black metal everywhere and against one wall a posh cabinet with a glass front, containing all the awards her had won, centre of them all his Golden Globe. She sat in his incredibly comfortable black leather chair and Taron pulled up a stool from his studio in the back corner. This was basically a soundproofed cupboard that enclosed a microphone and computer system able to record vocals for music, voice work etc.

Do you want me to load it first? Then tell you when its up or just click straight on it? asked Taron. Yeah load it first Eryn agreed. I can leave you to do this on your own, Eryn if you prefer He offered, but Eryn grabbed his wrist Dont you dare she replied and Taron, stroked her hand. ok its up he said, and Eryn took a deep breath. The picture was bad quality and beaten up. It looked like a picture of an old non digital shot. Its pictured Eryn nude, the private parts and nipples were pixelated but it was still obvious. She was covered in bruises and welts; her eyes were heavy and dull. Her arms covered in slashes in the flesh and blood was clearly dripping down her arm. In her right hand was a large kitchen knife. She looked psychotic, scary.

Eryn stared at the image, she did not remember it being taken, she didnt remember the situation or had any memory of the context around the image. She did remember the feeling, the room it was taken she knew and looking at herself she knew, it was not old. This was very likely taken earlier that same year. Ok, get rid of it Taron she said.

Shame hit her and took over completely as her head fell on the desk and she began to cry. Taron turned the chair towards him and crouched in front of her holding her knees. Babe he began but words failed him. How on earth could he support her with this, it had really hurt seeing the image and that coming from someone who cared for her deeply, to be the subject of it, he couldnt even imagine what she was going through.

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