Chapter 29

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had been a long journey and by the time you pulled into the campsite, it was dark and pouring with rain. Taron quickly got the camper set up, as Eryn changed into her pyjama's. Soaking wet, Taron finally climbed back in. "Let's go to Wales, you said, better staying in the UK, noooo let's not go somewhere hot and comfortable" Eryn teased looking at Taron's drowned face. "Ah shut up" he moaned shaking his wet hair at her. "Urgh" she groaned so Taron grabbed her in a hug "Nooo" she squealed, and he dropped her on the bed.

She wriggled off the end, "Move or no cookies for you" she grinned. "Cookies?" he looked concerned "you baked?" he smiled, "No, they are you're Mam's she sent them over , when she felt bad they weren't able to join us" Eryn scowled, knowing that Taron was teasing her about her dreadful cooking skills "Oh good" he smiled " I mean, I love your baking too babe" he smiled cheekily. "You are on your 2nd strike Welsh Boi" she warned. Handing him his mug and putting the biscuits on the end of the double bed. Wriggling in, she snuggled into the duvet, "I need to pee, before I get settled" Taron said opening the door and heading back out into the rain.

Once settled in the bed, the drinks and biscuits done. Eryn snuggled into Taron as he read. Enjoying the soft music playing and time together. She smiled watching him, she loved watching him read and her plot to encourage him to wear his glasses more was working. The rain was still lashing it down and the rhythm as it hit the window, made Eryn feel sleepy. Taron had begun a new book and was excited, every now and then he would read a section to Eryn. Finally, Eryn took the book from him and began to read it out loud. "how about we do this together, one chapter a night, me tonight and you are tomorrow and so on" she offered. Taron kissed the top of her head " I like that idea, but come lay on my lap so I can see " he said "You get this a grow up book T, there aren't pictures" she teased. She moved to lay her head on his lap "If you play with my hair though, you know I will fall asleep" she said. "Ok, I won't play with your hair, until after you've read" he agreed. "You don't want to fall asleep and miss anything good" he said. Something about the comment seemed loaded.

Eryn looked at Taron, but he was giving nothing away. Eryn decided to ignore it, reading the chapter. It was such a small change in the dynamic between them. But reading the book this way somehow made them feel closer. It was so desperately needed after the last few months. Once Eryn finished reading and they turned off the lights, Eryn found her favourite spot in Taron's neck and closed her eyes. "Babe?" Taron spoke gently Eryn murmured a yes. "Will you talk to me?" he asked, Eryn moved back a little "Ok, what about?" she replied. "I just need to understand baby, to know, if you're still feeling like you want to... erm disappear" he asked worried to hear the answer.

Eryn looked at Taron, "Has this been on your mind since I said that?" She asked and he nodded. "Do you remember on the pier, you told me that I told you all about the EUPD thing" she began, "You feel things more than everyone else, you said something about it being like the volume was stuck on full" she chuckled. "Yeah, that's it completely, so some of the stuff that was being brought out, was stuff I had taken 20 years to stop triggering me and so when it was coming back out, it was as if it was all happening again" Eryn sat up now. "Ok, Taron I need you to understand how hard it is to talk about, especially to you" Taron scowled "Why especially me? I thought you trusted me?"

Eryn couldn't help smiling a little," It has nothing to do with trust, it's a vanity thing I guess "she cringed "I don't want you to think badly of me and all this makes me feel so ashamed" she bit her finger nails, while Taron thought about it. " It makes sense that you would want me to only see the positive parts of you, but I don't love you less because you have flaws" he began " Baby, That's not me saying I think you should feel the way you do about this stuff, but telling you not to feel how you do, isn't right" he sighed and stroked her hand "What if sharing it, helped rid you of that shame?" he offered

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