Chapter 8

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Ok Eryn DS Owen began explaining about the hidden cameras. She was sat in what could be anyones living room. The décor was dated 90s paper and the chairs were clearly donated, but there was a coffee table with tissues and a large vase of fabric flowers. A bottle of water was put in front of Eryn and she opened it sipping the cool water, trying to steady the tremble in her hand. If only Taron could have been here too, holding her hand she thought. But it wasnt allowed. He had to remain in the waiting area.

After a short time, he told the reception worker that he was going for a cigarette. He couldnt just sit there knowing Eryn would be going over her trauma, without his support. It had been explained to him, why he wasnt allowed to be present, but it still pissed him off. Instead he leant against the bonnet of his car and chain smoked while taking calls from his friends, and family. The situation had of course gone viral on the Aber hotline and it was now the stuff of local gossip. He knew that his celeb status hadnt helped and was waiting to hear back from Lyndsay his publicist. It wouldnt take long, for the nationals to pick up the story.

Covid 19 again poking its ugly head into things, making news stories of the celebs all but disappear unless you were on social media. He wanted to know what was going out and when, He knew he had no control over the content, but he would be damned if he wasnt going to at least try and shield Eryn from the worst of it and prepare her for the rest. This he thought, this wasnt fair. Again, he thought about the way his career choice had an impact on the rest of his life and anyone connected to him.

Ok Eryn, how about you start at the beginning of the night and if I need to stop you and clarify I will DS Owen said kindly You are in control of this Eryn, you say when we stop and for how long ok she continued and Eryn nodded. Dont feel like you have to distress yourself, take your time. Before we start, I want to let you know that as of 6pm yesterday Phillip Warrington was bailed, the conditions of his bail are that he is not to come within 100 yards of you, your family and friends, he is entirely banned from the town of Aberystwyth and an officer has confirmed that he signed his bail document this morning in Camden, city of London. He has to sign this daily at the same location

Eryn inhaled sharply hearing that Phil was out and free, so what if he was told to stay away, what was that going to do?? She could feel panic over taking and Mel from victim support was quick to step in. Eryn I know its scary, hearing that hes not in custody, but I can tell you that, we are going to speak after this about how we are going to keep you safe ok Soothed Mel, she ensured she was making direct eye contact and her voice was reassuring. Eryn I have worked on many cases, Ive been with victim support for 23 years and we have a comprehensive and wide variety of ways to keep you safe, he is not going to get any where near you, ok she finished.

Eryn wanted to run, just get out of here, forget all about police and getting Phil locked up. Hadnt she been through enough? Now she had to keep going over it and keep remembering, keep seeing it all over and over. The ladies were kind enough, but she just wanted to curl up and disappear. I need to have some air she said getting up and running out of the room, she nearly cried out when she found the waiting area empty. But thankfully Taron was just coming back into the building and saw her a look of devastation on her face, she ran to him and she to him, burying her head in his neck I thought youd gone she cried. Gripping his t-shirt so tightly her hands were white.

I just went for fag, babe I am so sorry, are you done already? He asked surprised it had been so quick. He looked like Ds Owen and Mel came out of the room and up to them. I cant Taron, please take me home, I want to go She begged Eryn its ok, of course come on we re going home he held her tight. Shaking his head at DS Owen, who nodded. Eryn would it be okay if I called you later on, maybe I could come over and go through what we talked about, to keep you safe? Mel asked Eryn nodded. Ok Eryn said DS Owen.

Taron led Eryn back to the car, he was taken back as Eryn reached into his pocket and took his cigarettes and lighter, lighting one and taking a long drag. She closed her eyes as the smoke drifted out on her exhale. Taron took her hand and pulled her back into hug so when did you smoke? he asked, Sorry, Ill get you another pack she replied as she continued to pull on the cigarette. Taron let her go a little. Are you ok? he said admonishing himself I mean, I know youre not ok, but... what happened in there? he asked You were barely in there for 10 minutes he continued. Hes out, isnt he? She spat finishing the cigarette, she dropped it and used her foot to squash it into the stones. What the fuck? what do you mean out? shouted Taron, before realising and lowering his voice. I mean where? Eryn explained what she had been told inside, including how she felt about their protection. Right, come on lets get back to the flat and Im going to sort this out Taron said firmly, and Eryn got into the passenger seat. Taron felt a lump in his throat, every time Eryn winced when she had to sit. It was a constant reminder of what Phil had done and it infuriated him.

But before they could get to the safety of the flat, Taron got a text from Lyndsay, the subject box said in capital letters. DO NOT GO HOME! Fucking hell, what now He huffed. Pulling the car into a layby Eryn looked at Taron, worried as he took his phone and got out of the car, slamming the door. She watched him shouting and gesticulating at the phone. Eryn shook her head, she needed Taron so much, he was so amazing, and she couldnt imagine anyone else supporting her through what had happened. But it came back to her, that this was a man she met less than a week ago. What right did she have to bring her baggage into his life, he looked so distressed? His face was contorted with rage and he was red with frustration.

Ending the call, she heard him shout and kicked the car wheel. He stopped and composed himself. He didnt want to drive angry; it wouldnt be safe. But even more he didnt want to scare Eryn, hed seen her reaction last time hed been angry, and he knew it triggered memories of Phil. He got back into the car exhaled loudly. Eryn I am so sorry he said dropping his head into his hands, he looked ahead running his hand over his jaw thinking.

Right, that was Lyndsay my publicist. Eryn the national newspapers are camped out at the flat right now, they have been tipped off about what happened and fucking hell he stopped, shaking his head. Eryn leaned as far over as she could and took hold of his cheek, looking into his eyes, he looked like he had the world on his shoulders. Maybe its time I went home she said quietly.

What? Taron shouted Sorry he stuttered I didnt mean to shout, but I dont understand his brow was furrowed the way it had the night of her flashback. If I go back to London, then the press can chase the story as much as they like, but what story is there? Taron, This is crazy, Im dragging you into all my drama and I hate it, you deserve. more than this She struggled get her words out as tears welled in her eyes. The idea of leaving physically hurt now more than anything Phil had done to her.

The press is my fault Eryn, not yours. Thats you being dragged into my crazy Taron returned. Ok yes, its been less than a week since I met you, but it feels like you have always been here, like you are meant to be here, I want you to be here Taron could hear the emotion in his voice and tried to hold it in. As they sat in silence. Taron pulled out his cigarettes and lit one, handing it to Eryn and lit the other for himself. He didnt usually smoke in the car, but he didnt car now. Eryn Sighed So what are we going to do? she said Right now, Lyndsay is going to contact the police and get the paps moved on, shell ring when its all clear, that doesnt mean they will definitely get them all, we could still get pictured he sighed. ok, well so fucking what? she turned to Taron

They know what happened right? Some arseholes given them the details and so whats wrong with you looking out for me? She continued Taron is a fucking photo! Taron couldnt help but laugh. He looked at the cigarette Whats in these? he joked and Eryn hit him on the shoulder Twat he smiled. You dont know what kind of crap they could write though Eryn? Taron began. Taron, you think a bunch of bullshit from the press, is worse than all this shit she looked at Taron, running her hand along his jaw. Fuck em she smiled properly for the first time since Phil appeared at her door.

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