Chapter 42

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Eryn looked out of the window as the make up artist got to work, the butterflies were already going nuts and her chest was tight. She already had two fans blowing to reduce sweating. But it wasnt simply the premiere and crowds ahead that was affecting Eryn. She glanced occasionally at the door, thinking about the previous nights events and inwardly she sighed. She had so much she needed to say, but this damn premiere was going to have to come first. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror as the artist showed her the finished product. She took it in, genuinely feeling amazed at the person looking back at her, she might feel inferior and an imposter. But she had an excellent mask that was for sure. Her Hair was fixed in an up do with a number of small curled sections at the bask that swung a little as she moved. She had the most ridiculously expensive jewellery on that sparkled and twinkled in the light.

Stella entered grinning, So Tarons all ready, how about we get you done now beautiful lady, love that hair and make-up she sauntered over to Eryn and assisted her to step into her gown, zipping it up. Eryn felt the part, her heels raised her a little but not enough to have her towering over Taron. Ok Eryn Stella said closing the door quietly. Are you guys going to be good tonight? she said softly placing a hand on Eryns shoulder. Eryn looked at her surprised I know we havent known each other a great deal of time, but I have worked with Taron for years and you could cut the atmosphere between the two of you right now with a knife Eryn looked at Stella I cant I dont want to wreck my make up, but yeah last night we had a talk about something and lets say, I thought we were on the same page, turns out not she said uncomfortably I see stella replied.

I can see that right now you two are trying to power through, thats brilliant. But Eryn, come find me if you need a break today ok she was genuine, and Eryn fluttered her eyelashes nodding Dont I will start she smiled as Stella nodded. Girl, you are strong and you guys will get it sorted, whatever it is Stella was firm and winked, Eryn was glad to have a female support here, she had called and cried down the phone to Henny, when Taron had stormed off to the bar last night. But it wasnt the same as having someone with you to talk to and to take you away from it all.

The door opened and Taron came in seeing the two women in conversation, he said quietly The car is here clearing his throat, he smiled looking at Eryn. Stella made her excuses and left the couple alone. Taron took Eryn by the hands You look incredible he said looking into her eyes Eryn played with the lapel on his jacket, You look pretty hot yourself she smiled shyly. A call came from the other room chasing them up. We will talk later baby ok? he said, and Eryn nodded as they made their way to the car.

Eryn thought she had seen the madness but pulling up outside the movie theatre she was gobsmacked. Reams and reams of people pressed against metal barriers with the red carpet laid out between them. She had imagined the carpet to be empty but for them, instead there were lots of people having successfully passed security they were wandering in to the venue as if were a normal day, yes they were dressed up to the nines but otherwise it was bizarre. She saw the door open and once Taron climbed out the crowds sound level went up by a good 100 decibels and the driver held out her hand for her. Eryn emerged from the car and felt like a goddess in her gown.

Something clicked and she managed to shake her anxieties away, Taron smiled and took her hand as they began to walk. It wasnt long before Lyndsey was by Tarons side and greeting Eryn, she whispered to her I will bring him right back, stay here ok Eryn nodded taking in the scene. She watched Taron and Lyndsey as she guided him to the barriers and he began signing and chatting with the crowd, taking selfies. He looked like a pro and knew exactly what to do. Lyndsay returned to Eryn, Its a bit daunting first time Eryn, but youll get used to it, so we do this until the press section thats when you will stand and let Taron lead you, he knows what to do, just do your best to follow his direction and you will ensure they get all the angles they want. I will then take him to specific people he needs to speak with and if you want to make your way into the foyer we will meet you there ok? she finished as she headed off to move Taron on.

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