Chapter 28

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The next few weeks of therapy were harder and harder. Eryn returned home and went straight to bed. When Taron arrived home, he found her asleep in her clothes, as the weeks passed, his worries increased. Eryn stopped caring about anything, she stopped going out. Unless for the sessions. Stopped getting dressed, refused to eat and hadnt touched her laptop. Let things play out for now. Eryn was so withdrawn, they barely spoke. His schedule did not help as he ended up sleeping when she was awake and vice versa.

Taron comforted himself with the fact that at least she was no longer cutting, wasnt sure why. But hopped it was a good sign. She was also writing in her journal, though it was no longer the pretty iridescent jotter and sparkly pen. The cover had been covered in black sharpie and a normal black biro was used. Tonight, was the last night shoot and tomorrow the end of the whole thing. He was hoping things could begin to change.

He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling off he shoes. Stopping to look at Eryn as she slept. She hated how rough she was looking, as if all her pain were showing. Her hair was tangled, and her vest top stained, but she was as beautiful as the day they met. He moved a strand of hair, taking in all her face. Leaning over her and kissed her cheek. Climbing over her, he pulled back the duvet and climbed in, taking her waist he pulled her to him. Holding her tightly, he lay thinking how much he loved the way her hair usually smelt, and he became suddenly over whelmed.

Eryn? he gently shook her, Eryn wake up please she moaned grumpily and scrunched down under the cover. Taron pushed the cover back and went into the bathroom. He filled the bathtub with Eryns favourite bath oils and laid a couple of bath bombs out, he put her shampoo and conditioner at the top of the tub and began to fill it. While the water filled the bath, Taron found the softest towels he could, along with some clean linen for the bed. He went back into the bedroom, pulling clean a clean pair of pyjamas out and laid them on the dresser. Turning off the taps. He went into the bedroom.

Eryn he shouted loudly Eryn, enough is enough, Eryn wake up! he yelled. Eryn sat up, shocked. Trembling she stared at Taron, but to Eryn, Taron wasnt there. A warped image was sounding like he did, but all she could see was fear, that same fear that paralyses. Tears rolled of her stunned face and she swallowed hard, breathing so hard you could hear her breath catching in her throat. Taron closed his eyes, instantly regretting. He hadnt meant it to come out the way it had, he was just so scared and lost.

Seeing Eryn, he knew he couldnt touch her. He knew he had triggered her, and she wasnt here. She was trapped in her head and he had put her there. Taron she whimpered. Unsure now what to do, Taron moved to the end of the bed and sat. Im here I didnt mean to he croaked. please she pleaded. Holding her hand out. Taron crawled across the bed, burying his head in her stomach, she ran her fingers through his hair. Eryn come back to me, please? Taron croaked. I feel like youre so far away he admitted. Eryn kissed him on the head Im right here Taron. The time she had taken concentrating on massaging Tarons scalp and feeling his hair run through her fingers, had allowed the flashback to fade away. Eryn saw that the light was on in the bathroom and smelling her oils, she knew what Tarons had been doing.

Taking his hand, she got up leading Taron to the bathroom. Eryn shut the door behind them and moving toward the bath, she pulled off her dirty sweats and threw them in the basket, she climbed into the bath and let the water run over her hair and soothe her body, moving slightly as she came back up, Taron sat on the floor next to the bath unsure what Eryn was wanting, she reached her hand out and smoothed his forehead with her hand, it was soapy and she left soap suds on Tarons frown. She smiled softly and gestured him to join her.

Pulling of his jeans and boxers, he too threw them into th basket along with his top. He climbed in behind Eryn, the water splashing over the sides as he got comfortable, her sat in between his legs, he rested his head on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist, he held her tightly, his chest pressing against her back.

Im sorry Taron Eryn whispered, What for? he asked gently. She took the sponge and began to run it down his calves, making him smile lightly. I know Ive been a shit girlfriend, I will do better she answered Baby, you havent at all Taron kissed her shoulder and squeezed her again. But youve not been here Eryn? You dont talk to me and I know your hurting he returned as she moved up his legs circling his knees with the sponge. I know, its not something you can chat about over dinner, T and to be honest, once Im done with the session I just want to curl up and disappear she admitted.

Eryn, what do you mean disappear? Taron was beginning to feel really scared now. Eryns head dropped and she stopped what she was doing. Taron cleared his throat Eryn please trust me, be honest are we talking like suicide here? Taron was amazed the words left his lips, he had been thinking and worrying about it all week, but never imagined he would say the words out loud. He could see that Eryn was struggling to know what to say Squeeze my hand, if Im right he offered and it took all the strength he had not to lose it, when she eventually squeezed.

Closing his eyes tight, to stop himself from crying. He gripped her body tight in his arms. Please Eryn, dont was all he could manage now. He could feel her the tension in her body, the silent cries in her breath, she squeezed his hand again, hoping the signal was still good. The pair sat in silence, neither knowing what to do or say next. Eryn returned to washing Tarons legs and then began on her own. You need to stop going to the sessions Taron blurted out, Eryn turned and looked at him. Well?? he said looking dismayed If they are making you he trailed off. Turning in the water, Taron pulled his knees up to his chest as Eryn knelt. She took his face in her hands, nodding.

The relief hit Taron, and he grabbed Eryn and kissed her, remaining lip to lip and refusing to move. Eryn giggled moving herself, she smiled a small smile at him. Its cold, come on get out so I can wash my hair and shave she said. He smiled back last night tonight and last day tomorrow then I am taking you away he said as he pulled himself up out of the tub and wrapped the towel around his waist. He bent down and kissed her again, Hurry up, I was a cwtch before, I go to sleep he said leaving the room.


The wrap party was as good as they always were, Taron and Eryn arrived home well and truly drunk. They had had a good time; Eryn was initially concerned about Emily. But it turned out that she had another job to go straight to in the states. Eryn thought it was very good timing and not at all suspicious. But whatever the reason, it meant Eryn could enjoy the evening. Now home, Eryn and Taron had landed in a twisted heap on the sofa, Taron had discarded his bow tie and jacket, and they both had kicked their shoes off. They lay together making out on the sofa enjoying the playful kisses and long drawn out smooches.

Eventually, tired Eryn lay her head on Tarons stomach, pulling up his shirt. She ran her fingers throw the small hairs on his belly and undid his flies to get better access. Making sure that Taron didnt get any ideas. Despite looking like he felt otherwise. She closed her eyes and lay her hand flat against his warm skin, feeling his stomach moving gently up and down. She found herself falling asleep. Taron too was dozing off, his hands stroking Eryn long blonde hair gently and twirling it around his fingers. I love you Eryn Taron whispered I love you T she replied barely awake.

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