Chapter 31

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Once inside, Eryn found Taron quickly and the grabbed another drink. Mingling with everyone they enjoyed chatting and generally spending time with everyone. Eryn spent some time playing with the girls, chatting about their bridesmaid’s duties and outfits. The girls were so excited, but she tried to temper it knowing that that a child’s idea of time and an adult’s are very different. She and Taron hadn’t set a date yet or discussed how long soon they were both thinking of. With Taron’s schedule Eryn knew that they would need to find a window that suited everyone.
Eryn felt giddy just thinking about it and as the boat moved with the waves, she began to feel sick again. She decided to get some water to sip and more to eat, she hadn’t noticed how much champagne and wine she had already consumed. As the light began to dip, the yacht began to return to the Marina. Once docked family and friends began to say their goodbyes. Soon it was just Eryn and Taron left. He led her to the top deck, and they sat watching the light hitting the water, the pale pink and yellows of the sunset were as stunning as ever. Eryn had forgotten how beautiful it was. It was a perfect romantic scene to end the day. Taron was feeling it too as he lay his arm lazily around Eryn’s waist and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “Man, my cheeks hurt” he turned to Eryn who had had a permanent smile on her face all day too. “Mine too, but I like it” she said “You like pain?” he asked cheekily “Kinky” he laughed “I might have me some hand cuffs” she joined in “So watch it welsh Boi” Taron raised an eyebrow “How do you know I wouldn’t enjoy that” he smirked.
Closing the gap between them, Eryn kissed him firmly. Her hand resting on his chest, her fingers dipped beneath the shirt and stroked the hair on his chest. His hand went into her hair as his pressed his lips into hers. The kiss lasted some time as they explored each other as if it were the first time. Eryn’s hands soon moved to Taron’s neck and he hummed in pleasure. When eventually they separated, Taron looked deeply into Eryn’s eyes. “How did I get this lucky?” he said softly “I was thinking just the same thing” Eryn said, “How did you get this luck?” she laughed.
Taron dropped his shoulders and mock pouted. Eryn landed a peck to his outstretched lips. Making him laugh. “This is heaven Taron” she sighed looking out at the horizon, resting her head on him again, his arms automatically moved around her and pulled her tight to him. “Totally perfect” he hummed.
As the sunset, it grew colder and soon the breeze was too much. Taron helped Eryn onto the Jetty and the walked hand in hand back to the apartment. Eryn wasn’t sure today could be topped. But now she had a wedding to organise. She was going to avoid panicking over that just yet, but she knew this was going to be emotional. Thinking about what Tina had said, meant so much to her and she knew at least she would have some female back up.
Reaching the apartment, Eryn walked to the window to shut the blinds, but found herself staring out at the stars that we now twinkling. Taron moved to her and held her again around the waist, laying a soft kiss on her neck “Penny for them?” he asked. “Just daydreaming” she answered leaning her head back on him as he continued to kiss her neck. Moving her soft curls to the side as he went.
She closed her eyes, taking a heavy breath. As his hands moved the soft over lay of her dress as they began to roam her body. She pulled the chord, closing the blinds and turned to face him. Running her fingers up his cheek, she saw that familiar darkening in his eyes as they ran over her face and body. Kissing him, she held his face in her hands, as he walked them both backward.
Before they knew it, they were falling, landing on the sofa, Eryn on top. They burst into 9laughter. Checking Eryn was ok, without asking Taron didn’t waste time in returning to the kiss. This time is was harder, stronger and with definite desire. It wasn’t long before he found the zip on the back of her dress and lowered it. Giving him more access to her chest, he kissed the soft skin above her breasts as his hands ran over them, letting out a soft groan that excited Eryn. Sitting up she allowed the dress to drop off her shoulders and down to her waist. Reaching behind she undid the bra and pulled it off.
Taron lay back watching Eryn strip for him. She smiled at him seductively. His hands held her hips as took her naked body in. moving forward her took her head in his hand and kissed her hard and strong. Eryn could feel him harden as the kiss deepened.
She fumbled with his buttons, trying to get his shirt of “Jesus” she mumbled making Taron laugh against her lips. Moving back, she scowled “Get it off for me … now” she grumbled as Taron began to struggle with the buttons too. “Damn it” he moaned when he too struggled. Smirking he pulled the shirt hard. Buttons flicked of the fabric and all around as he ripped the shirt off and flung it.
Eryn burst into laughter but was stopped by Taron’s kiss. She moved a little letting him wriggle the dress off her legs along with her underwear as she untied his shorts reaching below the elastic, she held him in her hand. He groaned as she did so. Wriggling free of his shorts and boxers as she slid her hand up and down his erection, seeing his reactions was so erotic she felt the urgency in her increase. Letting go she straddled him as his hands moved to hold her waist as she lowered herself onto him. As she took him in so soon, it was a little sore but she soon responded and relaxed. He began slow and rocked her back and forth, his hands running up to her breasts.
His fingers lighting squeezing and pinching her nipples as she moaned and whimpered to his touch, he groped at her round, sumptuous breasts, raising his head and running his tongue over the hard peaks. Moving quicker now, Eryn held him by the waist, giving her the grip, she needed to ride him, grinding herself against him. It felt like nothing else. Grabbing his wrists, she held them above his head “Now I need those cuffs” she groaned looking at him, the passion and desire in every inch of her expression.
Find the rhythm they began to move together, her high began to take hold and as he sped up, she found herself quickly Cumming. Screaming out his name, she fell on him. Breathless and still smiling. He too was panting. Leaving her body, she moved down and licked the tip of his cock, aware he hadn’t finished with her she was determined to see him fully satisfied. She used her hand and tongue together to create a combination that sent him wild and it wasn’t long before he was breathing “now baby I’m Cumming” and she felt him release, swallowing she kissed his dick with little pecks. Before moving up to lay on his chest.
“Best day ever” she grinned, closing her eyes as she felt Taron’s chest breathing heavily under her head. “Don’t know how we top this” Taron agreed kissing her head.
The sky was grey back in London, Taron was off shooting his new project and Eryn was back to meetings with her publisher and looking for other work to do. The trip away had been so amazing and just what they both needed. But now reality was well and truly back. Eryn opened her email to find one from Taron’s publicist Lyndsay the subject box read “congrats we need a statement” reading the body of the email she knew what was coming, now they were engaged a statement needed to go out before the press got wind, apparently they had done the impossible and despite the yacht and all the glamour of the day, no one from the press had known and so there were no dodgy pics to answer to. But that was unlikely to remain the case, especially as Taron was a big mouth and had already told anyone and everyone. Not that Eryn minded, she loved that he wanted everyone to know and it made her smile to see him so happy and giddy. She on the other hand had few people to tell, so she hadn’t really got to worry. She of course rang and told Henny, that same night and as official maid of honour she had been emailing reams of pictures and info on weddings to Eryn, even signing her up with subscriptions for all the wedding magazines.
Tina too had been sending all sorts of local information venues, caterers etc. It had been a no brainer that they would marry in Aberystwyth. After all it was where they met and fell in love, not to mention it being his hometown and Eryn now felt her spiritual home. There was a ridiculous amount to think about though and everyone was nagging her and Taron to hurry up and set a date. They hadn’t even discussed it yet, for some reason Eryn found herself avoiding the conversation and whenever Taron or anyone else brought it up, she would find a distraction.
Today, Eryn has another priority. She had been disappointed that the therapy had gone so badly and knew Taron was too. He had blamed himself for her downward spiral and no matter how many times Eryn tried to tell her that it wasn’t his fault and it was all part of the therapy. He was still clearly holding onto some guilt. She had decided a new tack was needed and reading about EDMR she decided to give it a go. This therapy was new and sounded crazy, but survivors of the Manchester Bombing had been raving about how it helped their PTSD and Eryn decided if it helped them it was at least worth looking into.
Without telling Taron, she had booked a consultation with the specialist today. She was getting ready to go when he video called “Hey fiancé” He grinned, Taron had taken to calling Eryn Fiancé as often as possible, another reason to get the statement ready she thought “Hey” she replied checking out the blonde wig he had on “ I like your hair like that” she admitted laughing “What 80’s hair is sexy now?” “Taron you know what give me Eddie over Eggsy any day babe” he laughed “What no pinstripe suit and wink? You prefer skin tight lycra” Eryn nodded furiously making him laugh again “I don’t have long babe, but I wanted to ring to tell you I love and ask if you got Lyndsay’s email” Eryn nodded “I love you too” she replied “Yeah I got it, can we reply together when you get back£ she continued “Of course, I might be late though about 9 or 10pm” he already looked tired and she knew how much shooting tired him out. “Ok well if you’re not too knackered, take it easy it’s the first day” she nagged a little. Taron crossed his heart and blew her a kiss “I have to go babe, sorry” he pouted “Don’t be silly welsh Boi, go get em” she grinned, and he ended that call.
She grabbed her phone and purse, chucking them in her bag and headed off to her consultation.

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