Chapter 19

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Eryn rolled over in bed, surprised to feel she wasnt alone. She glanced at the clock and was amazed it was 9am. Taron wasnt exactly an early bird, but since lockdown he had tried to maintain some sort of regime and Eryn was used to being jostled as he got up to go for his normal morning run. Taron had attempted to get her to join him, but he was never going to drag Eryn out of bed before 10am. She was too used to working freelance and avoiding being subject to others daily routines.

She rolled over, dropping her head under the duvet she stroked her cheek against his stomach, she then kissed the soft skin and draw circles with her index finger around his belly button. Taron murmured, his hand reaching down and running through her hair. Eryn moved up his body, leaving sweet kisses as she went, up his chest. Her hands ran over his body, taking time to explore. She ran her finger tips over his nipples and through the hair on his chest. Her lips continued up his neck and to the smile on his lips.

Good morning to you too he said sleepily. His eyes opening a crack and reacting to the morning light. He hands ran over Eryns curves and he breathed in her aroma. I like this she smiled But what happened? You not running today? Taron exhaled and stretched his arms above his head, showing off his taught bicep muscles. Eryn couldnt resist reaching up and squeezing them, making Taron laugh. Eryn simply mouthed what?? in response. But really, Are you ok? Eryn asked.

The last few days had been increasingly frustrating. The lockdown, now loosing its novelty and opportunity to do all the things that had been impossible, time wise was loosing its sheen. Both Eryn and Taron knew they were spending too much time, in each others pockets. They were becoming narky with each other and those little habits we all have, became more and more irritating. Eryn would take herself to her favourite spot on the roof and Taron to the office. Both would sulk and grumble, communicating on whatsapp despite being in the same place and ultimately by bedtime, they would have forgiven each other and another day would begin.

Taron rolled onto his side, as Eryn moved herself to face him. He stroked her cheek. Im just a bit fed up babe he admitted Im not used to all this free time, I guess I feel a bit well useless right now he sucked in his bottom lip. Eryn nodded I know, me too then a look crossed Eryns face. I know, How about we swap, for a day? she smiled. But Taron looked confused For the next 24 hrs I shall be Taron Egerton, superstar actor she grinned climbing out of bed and opening his wardrobe. Taron turned leaning against the headboard with his hands behind his head, he continued to watch Eryn. She pulled her pyjama shots off and pulled on a pair of his boxers. Twerking a little cheekily, making Taron gaffaw. The sparkle in his eyes returning. She then found a pair of his skinny jeans and pulled them on, along with a vest top and finally wandered over to the wardrobe. At which point Taron climbed out of bed and wandered over. Ok ok lets do this properly he grinned, kissing Eryn on the cheek and pulling a Hawaiian shirt from the hangers.

Eryn grinned Yes!!! she laughed and pulled it on, it was comically baggy on her and she loved it. Right what else? she said looking in the cupboard Oh wheres the old favourite? she asked looking around the room. She darted out of the bedroom and returned with Tarons trademark twenty two baseball cap on. Taron groaned Old favourite?? She took his hand and led him to her drawers. Your turn she chuckled as she pulled a thong from her drawer and spun it.

Really? Taron looked at her biting the inside of his lip he looked in the drawer and pulled out her spanx Think these are more me he laughed. Eryn grabbed them and pushed them under the rest as Taron burst into laughter. She pulled out a red lace bra, she knew Taron would go for. She walked over to him and her put out his arms, so she could put them through the straps. No matter how much she tried though she was unable to close the bra at the back over Tarons broad frame and fell on to the bed laughing.

Taron smiled, he hadnt seen Eryn laugh so much and was loving every minute of the silliness. No bra for you, Ms Riley she laughed as he found a normal pair of knickers and swapped his boxers for them. They were pretty tight and exentuated his bum perfectly. Eryn found this to be a very sexy look and had to shake a few tingles away. This hadnt escaped Tarons notice either. He opened the wardrobe and readjusted himself out of view. dress or jeans? he asked. Dress of course!! Eryn called now sat cross legged on the bed.

Congratulating herself inside, for the idea. She watched as Taron pulled her favourite Maxi dress over his head and pulled on a pair of her ballet pumps. He swirled around, raising an eyebrow So Mr Egerton will I do? he said walking over to the bed, where Eryn was laughing hysterically. He leant forward and kissed her, pushing her back onto the bed. Your so pretty she teased I know he replied Im beautiful he smiled. She giggled as she returned his kiss. I mean Im Eryn Riley right? he grinned. Eryn rolled her eyes, You can be so cheesy, you know that? she asked he nodded and kissed her again.

This was a good idea he admitted, but then again seeing as you are me, that means it was my idea he laughed I always do have the best ideas he said grandly, as Eryn smacked him on the bum hey he admonished How dare you? he feined offense Is that how you treat a lady? Eryn kissed him again, a grin fixed on her lips.

Now all we need to do is your hair and make up Eryn declared No nope Taron said suddenly getting up and running out of the room, no chance he goaded. Eryn burst into tears, she grabbed her make up bag and headed off to try and catch him.

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