Chapter 2: The Realization

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Sunlight streamed through the windows, bathing them in streaks of golden light, and George slowly fluttered open his eyes, yawning. Excitement swirled through his head and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, trying to figure out why.

Suddenly the memories of the last day came back to him and he let out an audible gasp. His gaze immediately switched to Dream, who was sprawled out on the bed, still asleep, and an uncontrollable smile tugged on his lips. He looked so innocent, with disheveled waves of muddied golden hair all astray, smooth, soft lips, and long eyelashes. He seemed the embodiment of a real life angel.

His stare flickered to Dream's slightly parted lips, and a sudden wild urge to kiss him rushed over him. He let his hand gently rest on Dream's warm cheek, and started to lean in...

Then George's sleep fog abruptly went away and he realized what he was doing. He pulled his hand away instantly like Dream's skin was fire, shaking his head in a violent side to side motion to clear it. Why was he being so weird with Dream? Why did everything Dream do result in shivers, flushed cheeks, and butterflies? That couldn't be a normal thing people felt with their best friends. Normally, people didn't want to kiss their best friend senseless. And George wasn't into guys.


George admitted to himself that he had found himself thinking that some boys were cute before. He passed it off as regular straight boy thoughts, having never really contemplated his sexuality, but maybe it could have been more than that. And with Dream, it was definitely more than just thinking he was cute. It was nervous fidgets and sweaty palms and heart racing. It was bubbling affection and flustered blushes and intrusive thoughts.

And above all, confusion. Why was he thinking about Dream like that? What was going on with his brain? He couldn't like Dream. He just couldn't.

Why not? asked a small, nudging voice at the back of his head.

Because... well, because it could mess up their friendship. And because George was straight. Maybe. Probably not, at this point.

George groaned, and Dream shifted in his sleep. He whipped his head around, making sure he hadn't woken the other boy up, then quietly slid out of bed. I need to talk to someone about this, he thought wildly.

He grabbed his phone and headed to the living room, where he collapsed onto the couch. He propped his head up on the arm, logged onto Discord and suddenly found he didn't know who to call. He meshed his lips together in thought, and he went through the choices.

Bad was definitely the go to person of their little group for any problems they might have because he didn't judge, and he offered amazing advice on top of that, but he had been the biggest shipper of them for months. George knew he would say "I told you so" in smug tones a million times, and he really didn't feel like dealing with that. And Sapnap definitely was a caring person and all, and he definitely trusted him, as he was one of his best friends, but George doubted they had ever had a serious conversation together.

After a minute deliberating his choices, he clicked on Sapnap. He started a voice call and desperately hoped he would answer, crossing his fingers tightly.

Thankfully he did. "George?" He could hear the other boy's surprised voice. "What's up, dude? It's early for you, isn't it?"

George checked the time. His eyebrows shot up; it was eight in the morning. "Oh. Yeah, I guess it is." He cleared his throat. "I just needed to... to talk to you about something."

"Oh, um, okay. What's up?"

"Um..". Voicing his problem was proving to be a lot harder than he had thought. "So... you know Dream?"

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