Chapter 19: The Talk

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Dream's eyebrows knit together in confusion as his eyes flickered towards his family kneeling by his bedside, and George right next to his head, dulled eyes red and watery.

George's breath caught in his throat, a single tear escaping his eye as he whispered in a strained voice, "Dream."

"How are you feeling?" asked his mother anxiously, stroking his hair back.

"Um -". Dream suddenly became very aware that his body was covered in bandages and casts, tubes were connected to his arms, and a dull pain was throbbing all over his body. "Not the best." His eyes flitted over the room, and he realized with a jolt that he must be in a hospital. "Wh - what happened?"

"You were in a really bad car crash, Clay," said his older sister Flora in a low voice. Her long brown hair, usually sleek and styled, was disheveled and frizzy, and her face was stained with tear tracks.

"Your heart stopped beating," his younger brother Hunter whispered. He adjusted his glasses and stared at Dream, his round face full of worry.

"Your car is completely destroyed," his youngest sister Hope tentatively said, looking at him anxiously to see his reaction.

A foggy memory suddenly floated into Dream's mind, and he screwed his eyes up, trying to remember it more clearly. Hurtling through the air... a blinding pain...

"How long have I been unconscious?" he asked, his voice strained.

"Not for very long," Hope reassured him, looking relieved he didn't shout at them. "About five hours."

"It's almost six," said Flora. "The accident was around one."

Dream nodded slightly. "Okay," was all he could force out. His mind was reeling with the information. He had gotten in a car crash, his car was destroyed, he had been unconscious for five hours, and apparently died... He shook his head to clear his brain, and immediately regretted it as an excruciating pain split his head.

He screwed up his face, forcing himself to not cry out as to not worry his family. He desperately attempted to focus his mind, trying to remember what he was doing that morning. George had come to get his pets... he had tried to convince him he hadn't cheated, but he hadn't believed him - so why was he here? His gaze flickered to George, who was looking at him through red-rimmed eyes, his face tense and worried.

His heart jolted as he suddenly realized that his left hand was intertwined with George's. He immediately pulled it away, though a part of his mind wished he could keep it there. George's features flashed with hurt, and his confusion gathered.

"Can I - can I talk to George alone for a little, please?" he asked tentatively.

His family looked surprised, but after a moment, his mother said, "Of course, dear." She smoothed his hair back one last time, and stood up to leave. Her kids and husband trailed after her, and Hunter quietly shut the door.

"I'm so sorry, Dream," George burst out immediately. His features were pulled into a strained expression, and tear tracks stained his pallid face. "I was such an idiot. I should've known Amanda was lying."

Surprise and disbelief flooded through Dream's mind, and his eyes widened. He had known Amanda had been keeping something from him, but he hadn't wanted to believe she would do that to him. "How did you find out she was lying?" he said eventually.

"I finally pressured her into telling me the truth," George mumbled, staring at the floor. "She said - she said she liked me so she told me you cheated on me so we could date." His eyes flickered toward Dream tentatively, and found a stony face staring back at him. "Dream, I'm so sorry," he repeated despairingly.

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