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~five years later~

"George. George. George. George."

George looked up from his position laying on the couch, reading a book with his head propped on the arm. He rolled his eyes at Dream. "What?"

"Are you ready to go?" Dream rocked back and forth nervously, his heels making a thumping noise on the wooden floor. He fingered his pants pocket, thumb slightly brushing over the ring hidden inside.

"Okay," said George, getting up off the couch and stretching his arms out, yawning. He played with his tie, an annoyed frown crossing his features. "I don't get why you're making me go to a fancy restaurant, I hate suits."

Dream grinned. "You'll see." His words hung in the air with an aura of mystery as he winked at George.

A confused chuckle escaped from the other boy as he raised his eyebrows. "Stop being so ominous."

Dream laughed. "You look good in suits, anyways. Come on." He went over to George and took his hand, pulling him to the door.

"Why are you so excited to go to dinner?" asked George, his tone a mixture of irritation and amusement as Dream tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the shorter boy to finish putting his shoes on.

Dream felt his cheeks pink slightly, realizing he was being very obvious. "I like this restaurant," he said. It wasn't completely a lie; he did like the restaurant a lot, but that wasn't the reason for his excitement.

George raised an eyebrow, but didn't press him for more information. He stood up and Dream opened the door, extending an arm and bowing him out into the warm night. "My lady."

"Stop calling me that!" said George, but he couldn't help joining in Dream's laughter as he closed the door behind them. They walked out to the car parked on the side of the road and Dream immediately claimed the driver's seat.

George climbed into the passenger's side, playfully sulking as Dream started the car. The engine rumbled to a start, and they drove off.

Dream gave George a side glance as they came to a stop at a red light. "Oh come on, stop sulking. You don't even like driving that much."

"Whatever," said George, a small involuntary grin twitching at the corners of his lips as he leaned back in his seat. "Will you tell me where we're going now, at least?"

"Nope," said Dream. "You'll just have to wait and find out."

George groaned. "This is a trick, isn't it?" he said, looking at Dream. A joking expression of horror morphed onto the teasingly sullen expression that had been displayed on his features before. "You're kidnapping me. I should call the police."

Dream snorted. "You're such an idiot, you literally live with me."

"That's embarrassing," said George, grinning. "Who would want to live with a slob like you?"

"Oh, I'm the slob?" Dream retorted, raising his eyebrows so high they disappeared into his messy bronze waves. "You're one to talk." He changed his voice as he continued to a high squeak with an extremely bad interpretation of a British accent. "'Oh, I'm George, I literally never do the dishes or the laundry or make the bed and I make Dream, who I love very much, do it all.'"

"I've done the dishes before!" objected George.

"Yeah, one time!"

George rolled his eyes, but apparently found no argument as he didn't respond. They spent the rest of the car ride in a comfortable silence, watching the road absentmindedly.

Angels (DreamNotFound/Gream)Where stories live. Discover now