Chapter 23: The Move

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"You're what?" George said, hands thrown out to the side in disbelief as he stared at Dream incredulously.

Something that was between a laugh and a groan left Dream's lips, and he inwardly cursed. With the whole being accused of cheating thing and the accident, he had completely forgotten he was scheduled to move. "I'm moving," he said, more to himself than George, slapping his head. "I forgot, I'm so stupid."

A flush of embarrassment warmed his cheeks as he looked at the moving men, who were standing in the doorway, looks of amusement on their faces. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. He reached off the couch for his crutches and swung to his feet with some effort. "You can take my stuff now, I guess."

The taller one chuckled at him, eyes sparkling with mirth. "No problem."

George's mouth was hung open as he looked indignantly at Dream. "Where are you moving to? Am I coming?"

"It's in Kissimmee, not far from here, but it's an actual house instead of this crappy apartment, and yes, you're coming, idiot." He rolled his eyes at George, but guilt creeped into his mind, because how stupid could he be to forget he was moving? "Sorry," he added, looking down.

George shook his head. "No, it's fine," he reassured quickly. "You had a lot to deal with."

Dream chuckled despite himself. "Damn right I did." George opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Dream covered George's lips with his hand, raising his eyebrows warningly. "You better not apologize again."

George sighed. "Fine," he said, his voice muffled by Dream's hand. He moved it from his mouth, pulling a disgusted face. "Go wash your hands, they stink."

Dream stuck his tongue out teasingly and grinned. "You stink," he retorted.


"It's a green house? Ew!"

It was nearing midnight, and Dream and George were laying side by side in sleeping bags on the living room floor. The moving men had taken all of their furniture so they were left in an empty, echoey apartment for their one last night spent there. It was strange spending the night in such a devoid place, but they were having more fun than they had had in a long time, without Dream being confined to a hospital bed and nurses checking in on them every half an hour.

"It's not like, neon green," Dream clarified, rolling his eyes, though George couldn't see it. It was almost pitch black, with the only light being the dim light from the buildings and street lights outside streaming through the windows. "It's a dark green."

"I can't see green!" George objected. "Your house will be, like, piss yellow to me."

The sudden realization brought an uncontrollable wheeze from Dream's throat, and he slammed the floor with his hand in laughter. "I didn't even... think of that," he gasped out between choking laughs.

"You're laughing at my pain," George complained, but a giggle slipped out.

Dream finally managed to control himself after a minute of raucous wheezing, and he took a deep breath, biting back the laughter that was still bubbling up. "Alright, I'm good now."

"You're a bully," said George, trying to sound irritated but failing; his voice was laced with amusement.

Dream grinned widely into the dark, stretching his hands out to recline behind his head. "But you love me."

George groaned. "Whatever."

Dream raised his eyebrows in surprise, turning on his side to face George. He could just faintly make out the close outline of the other boy's face through the blackness. "You didn't deny it."

Angels (DreamNotFound/Gream)Where stories live. Discover now