Chapter 24: The End

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"Oh my god, George, just pick a movie," Dream said, exasperated.

It was eleven at night and they were in the darkened living room, sprawled on the couch and ready to watch a movie. Neither of them could decide on anything, though; they had spent the last thirty minutes arguing about what to watch, both getting gradually more irritated.

"I said I can't!" said George, throwing his hands out in frustration. "I don't know any good movies I haven't watched already."

Dream groaned, laying his head back on the cushioned top of the sofa and closing his eyes. "Every movie I suggest, you veto!"

"That's 'cause your suggestions suck!" George said, his voice a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

"You suck," Dream retorted tiredly. An idea suddenly popped into his head and he grabbed his phone from the coffee table, pulling up his messages app. "Here, I'm asking my brother what we should watch. He loves movies, he'll probably give us a good suggestion."

"Fine," said George. He yawned, stretching his arms back and plopping his feet in Dream's lap.

Luckily, Hunter responded immediately with a movie called "King's Night Out". He told them it was free on Netflix, but refused to give any more details on what it was about, mysteriously saying they'd have to watch it to find out.

Dream stretched out his phone hand to show George the texts. "Should we watch it? It's free, so that's a bonus."

George gave a noncommittal shrug. "Fine, I guess."

"Alright," said Dream. He loaded Netflix on the television and searched it in. The cover image was a picture of a screaming man donning ruby encrusted robes who Dream assumed was the king. He raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering if he shouldn't have listened to his sister. "Seems strange."

"So do you," said George. A teasing grin played on the corners of his lips as he adjusted his position from lying on the length of the couch to sitting next to Dream, propping his legs on the coffee table.

Dream wrapped an arm around George, pulling him even closer. "So does... your face." He pressed play on the remote, and the movie started up.

George absentmindedly rested his head on Dream's shoulder as the slow, eerie introduction music began playing, and a smile edged its way onto Dream's lips. He ran his fingers affectionately through George's short hair, eyes drifting from the movie to the other boy every few moments.

The introduction started with a different man than the one in the cover, but he wore the same ruby rubes. He was portly and had an air of snobbishness, and he was in the middle of eating an entire roasted pig. Dream couldn't help but let out a snort, which caused a gush of small giggles to erupt from George.

Suddenly a scream echoed through the castle in the movie. Dream jolted, his grip on George becoming slightly tighter. A seed of suspicion with his brother was slowly growing in his head, and his eyes switched from the screen to look at the other boy.

George's eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were focused on the screen, a bewildered expression on his face. "What's even happening?" he said, letting out a confused chuckle. "First we have this guy eating an entire pig, and now -".

He was interrupted by another, louder scream, and the man on the screen abruptly stood up, small, wary eyes searching the room.

George looked at Dream with an amused half grin. "Wait, what the hell is happening?"

Dream was about to say he had absolutely no idea, but at that second in the movie, a man wielding a knife suddenly jumped into the king's room. Without thinking, Dream let out a piercing screech and buried his face in George's shoulder.

Angels (DreamNotFound/Gream)Where stories live. Discover now